
Chapter 272 Altercation

The stadium erupted into a mix of gasps and groans as Johnston collapsed, his face contorted in pain. The referee hurried over to check on the injured player, and the game came to an abrupt halt. Robson stood frozen, his face flushed with embarrassment and concern.

All his teammates rushed to his side, while the rest of the Celtic bench scrambled to get a medic onto the pitch. The Celtic medical team arrived swiftly, and Johnston was carefully helped off the pitch, still wincing with pain. The game paused as the referee ensured that Johnston was in safe hands. Robson, meanwhile, could only stand with his head bowed, visibly shaken by the unfortunate incident.

Callum McDonald and Roy Townsley, while narrating the scene, echoed the concern of the fans. "This is a tough blow for Celtic," Callum said, his voice laden with sympathy. "Johnston looked like he took a serious hit. We hope he's okay."

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