
Chapter 269 Vs Dundee

The next few days after his post had been a whirlwind for Rakim as everyone seemed to go crazy. Since no one other than the people handling the TitanFit deal and those involved in the planning knew about it everyone else made up their own conclusions. From debating which club he had signed for to the more realistic endorsement deal he might have signed everyone seemed to want to know.

Lis had to reassure the people at Ace Academy that he hadn't signed for a team as they had gotten quite worried that they had been cut out of the deal. She reassured them that it was for an endorsement deal and that it had to be kept silent for now. However, this also served as a wake-up call for them, encouraging them to start talks with teams who wanted to sign him. Their wait-and-see approach till the end of the season was no longer acceptable given that if Rakims team facilitated the move on their own they would lose a chunk of their benefits.

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