
To the next generation

Twenty years have passed since Aino's birth. In terms of human growth, she is now like a ten year old child. During these twenty years, as it has been peaceful in Kogane valley and in Hokori in general, Shade and Mira decided to have more kids. Aino's name was chosen by Shade.

The second and third children were twins, a boy and a girl, who were born six years after Aino. The boy's name was Rakasha and the girl's was Rikasha. Those twin's names were chosen by Mira. According to her, those names were names used by honorable demons from way back. Shade would just call the two simply as Raka and Rika.

Then nine years later, a fourth child was born. Mira named her Shiro, but Shade decided to call her Lumi. Both names come from the color of her hair and pale skin. Neither of them knew why she was so white, to the point where Shade questioned if the child was his for a moment, until he felt that all of his children's energy had a hint of him in them. After that, he didn't question if he was her father and then held her proudly in his arms.

Koya and Fon also had a kid around the same time when Shiro was born. The boy's name was Roku and the name was chosen by Rei, with the parent's approval of course.

Yui had begun her work at the Kogane palace and helped Aisha quite a bit. According to Aisha, she had some room to still grow, but she knew that Yui would meet her expectations.

Yun is now helping his family shop quite a bit and rarely is staying home. He is diligently making sales and traveling from place to place to make deals. The fact that his sister is an assistant's assistant in Kogane palace somewhat helps his dealings with others.

Kai had become a soldier serving the Kogane family. He is quite talented according to his peers and some higher ups have also acknowledged his skill. Kai had to train hard to gain this however, so he didn't have the time to do what he initially planned by becoming a soldier. It had become apparent that he had become a soldier not only to protect the ones he cares about, but also to gain the attention of the one he has fallen in love with, meaning Yui. Yui however has been oblivious to his advances so far, but the boy wont stop trying.

Norman had been oddly absent for the last ten years and it made Shade worry a bit that something had happened. Mira wasn't worried at all. In fact, she hoped that he would never return. But Norman had planned to visit soon, so her wishes won't stay true. As for what he was doing? Well he was busy observing other places for a while. Even if he could split his consciousness to many others, he didn't see the need to observe now peaceful Hokori and its inhabitants.

As for the personalities of the four children of the Kogane family. Aino wanted to follow her mother's footsteps and barely listened to what her father said. She didn't disregard her father's words, but she just thought that her mother's words bore more weight. Other than that, she was quite skilled with the blade, just like Mira had hoped. She had also a bit more girlier side than Mira had, which when pointed out to her, she would become a bit embarrassed. Shade didn't mind that though.

Raka and Rika constantly fought over who was better at each thing. Raka was quite stubborn and Rika was more free spirited. Though she was free spirited, she had her stubborn side when Raka annoyed her enough.

Over all, Rika was more skilled in moving her body, and such, she was more skilled in combat. She had a natural talent to do many things the other kids could not. She did not bear the will to follow her parent's footsteps and focused on lazing around most of the time. Of course when tested which twin was better at something, she would go all out.

Raka, with the exception of Shiro, was the weakest of the kids. This irritated him and made him train almost constantly. Inside, Raka wanted to be the strangest of the kids, so that he could protect his sisters from harm, but you would be lucky to hear him say that out loud.

Shiro was still a toddler who could barely speak out loud, so she didn't have that much of a personality yet. She enjoyed watching as her siblings trained when she was in her parent's lap. She had a problem that made her quite sick more times than normal. Shade and Mira didn't know what was wrong with her and no healer could figure it out.

Then came the day when Norman decided to visit the Kogane palace once more. Last time he was there, Raka and Rika were both still toddlers who could barely speak. When he entered the palace, he realized that something was wrong in the air, but he could not point out what just yet. He, of course, entered the palace without anyone noticing him and when he said hello to Shade, Shade was quite surprised.

- Hello.

- What!? Aah, it's just you Norman. You need to stop doing that.

- Sorry. Force of habit.

- It's fine. Ummm, do you want something?

- I'd like to chat a bit.

- Then come with me. I'll get us some tea.

Shade showed him to a room and left to get the tea. While Norman was waiting, Mira noticed him as she was walking along with Shiro in her arms. When Mira saw Norman again, she was incredibly disappointed. She said.

- Didn't wish to see you today.

- You don't ever wish to see me, do you?

- No. No I don't.

Then Mira saw Shade bringing three cups of tea and she knew that she would have to go and talk with Norman with Shade. Shade asked.

- Care to join us?

- You already brought a third cup, so might as well.

The two entered, but when Mira came closer to Norman, he noticed that the child was the source of the oddity in the air. He rose up and asked Mira.

- Can I touch her for a sec?

- *Sigh* Fine.

Norman touched Shiro and noticed what was off. Shiro seemed to like Norman for some reason, so she was happy when he touched her. She managed to say the words that resembled.

- "Hewwo miwter."

Then he let go and asked Mira.

- Can she understand speech yet?

- Well yes. She talked to you, didn't she?

- Then can we talk while she is not here?

- Sure, but what's the issue?

- I'll explain shortly.

Mira calls for a servant and Aisha manages to hear her, so she comes. Mira gives Shiro to her and says to her.

- "Norman doesn't want Shiro to hear something, so take care of her for a while."

- "Understood."

As Aisha is leaving, Shiro says.

- "Bye miwter."

Then when Aisha and Shiro had left, Mira asked Norman.

- So what's so important that you can't let Shiro hear?

Norman sips some tea and then says.

- How should I explain this. … Well, to put it simply, I recommend killing the child.

As Norman said that, Mira was about to drink some tea herself. But when she heard that, she flinched, put the cup back down, smiled and said.

- You know you aren't making me like you any more with what you are saying. In fact, I think you are trying to make me pissed off.

Shade then asks, though shooked, but still calmly.

- Care to explain why you would recommend that?

Norman takes another sip of the tea and then says.

- I sense the essence of a false god in her.

Mira asks.

- What?

Norman takes another sip and then says.

- Yes. I have to say that the child is, in fact, a false good in the making. Or as you would probably want to call her, a kindled.

- I hear that they were a menace back in the day, but why do we need to kill her because of that?

- The kindled have the power of origin, or as you call it, the power of void inside them. That power is something that corrupts a mortal mind over time in most cases and it leads them to do horrible things in the future.

- In most cases. Then what if she is an exception?

- That's your risk to take. I simply recommend that you won't let an innocent soul be corrupted by the power within. I think that showing mercy would be the best option.

- You are talking about killing a child that can barely talk.

- If you can't do it yourself, I can do it for you if you so wish.

- No. We won't kill her.

- Suit yourself.

Norman then takes another sip of tea and puts the cup down.

- Well, I don't know if it makes a difference in people that are born with it, so perhaps she might just make it. Though I don't see it likely. Have you noticed anything odd in her so far?

Shade answers.

- She is a bit more sickly than the other three.

- Perhaps the body is reacting poorly to the power of ori- I mean void.

- Is there any way to stop that?

- I have an idea, but I don't recommend doing it so soon. Call me if her life is in danger and depending on the situation, I might do what I can to help her.

Mira says.

- We keep that in mind. But didn't you think that we should kill her before?

- I do still think that that would be the best option for you, but you have already made up your mind, so it's pointless to argue. Now then. Let's discuss the happenings in Hokori.

Then they talk about what had happened in Hokori during Norman's absence, but nothing interesting happened so Norman would take note of it. Well, mostly nothing. When they were done talking, Norman wanted to go and see the other kids. He talked to them and gave them some tips and tricks along the way. Only Aino recognized him so talking to the other two was a bit hard at first.

Ten years later, Shiro was bedridden for almost two weeks and there was no end in sight. Then one day Norman came to check on things in Kogane valley and he asked Shade to duel with him. Aino, Raka and Rika came to watch the duel in anticipation. It doesn't need mentioning, but Norman came on top quite easily. While it didn't ever take all of his effort to win against Shade, Norman noticed that it was much too easy this time. This time Shade seemed out of touch while fighting, so Norman asked him.

- What's troubling you now boy?

- Calling me a boy huh. Well, whatever. It's Lumi. She has been bedridden for almost two weeks now and it doesn't seem like it is stopping.

- I see. Wonder if it's some disease or is it because of the power of the void.

- We have asked multiple people to inspect her, but nothing has come out of it. Even with my powers, all I can say is that she has a bad energy surrounding her.

- Hmmm… Perhaps I should look into this.

- What?

- I'm the master of material, remember? I can inspect her body for all abnormalities and even a little bit of her soul.

- Would you do that to us?

- Well… I suppose I have an investment to look after. So why not. Show me the way.

- Right.

Then they go back inside the palace and check on Shiro. Mira came with them, as she had free time to spend and because she was worried about Shiro.

When they entered the room, Shiro looked at who came to visit her. Once she saw Norman, she said as cheerfully as she could in her state.

- Oh, lord Norman. You came to visit me?

- I heard you are having some trouble, so I came to check on you. How are you?

- I have been better. I barely can get out of bed before I collapse. I feel so weak in every part of my body.

- Then let me check your situation.

Norman put his hand on top of Shiro and started doing something. The other kids came to watch and see what was happening, since they were worried about their sister. After a while, Norman was done and then Shiro asked him.

- So did you find something?

- I did.

- What is it?

- Your body is decaying thanks to the power of the void that you are constantly receiving.

- I don't know what void is, but the situation sounds bad.

- It is lethal if not done something soon.

- I see. Can you do something about it?

- In theory I can, but I have to consult your parents a bit first.

- Whatever it is, I trust you lord Norman.

- Stop calling me lord.

- I refuse.

- Shade, Amirasha, let's go to a room with just the three of us.

The three go to a room and Shade starts by asking.

- What do you need our consent for? If you can save her, then just do it.

Mira also says.

- I agree. I don't care what you do, if it means saving my daughter, I will welcome it.

Norman then gives a sigh and says.

- Look, do you care for the blood connection between you and Shiro?

Mira answers.

- Of course.

Norman answers.

- Then one of the options is out of the window.

Shade asks.

- What was the option?

- It was to give her a body that is similar to the gods who materialize to this world. This would have meant that she would no longer be your child by blood. Instead she would be your daughter only in name only. Though there is a chance that she won't survive the procedure.

- You said it was one of the options. Is there others?

- There is two. One is similar to what I just said, but it would let her stay as your daughter in blood. The catch is that the torment that she would have to go through would be immeasurable. So painful that it tops the worst pains you can possibly have in a living body. I doubt that she would stay sane after the process, so I took that one off the option table as well. And now there is only one more option.

Mira says.

- Don't say that there are some caveats in this as well.

- There unfortunately is, but it is the most manageable. And, well, it is more of an experiment with something even I don't fully comprehend.

- And what are you going to do in this one?

- I'm going to call someone to infuse her with the power of the abyss and force Shiro's body to have an evolution that usually comes from it. Though I will make sure she won't turn into a blob of flesh in the end, so I will be using my control over material.

- What is the power of the abyss exactly?

- To put it simply, it is a counterforce to the power of the void. It has an equally high chance of causing the mind to become corrupted, but since it seems Shiro's void power's backslash is centering on her body and not her mind or soul, I think there is a safe chance to use it. Though there is still a risk of the abyss corrupting her mind and soul.

- So those are our options. How long do you think we have?

- Three weeks at best.

- So we have no time to waste. The option three then.

- You sure?

- I am. What about you Shade?

Shade answers.

- As long as Lumi will make it, I will be happy.

- Then, I suppose I need to figure out what to pay my little friend so he will come. Give me three days.

- We'll be waiting.

Norman then leaves and a couple of days later, in the middle of the night, he comes with a huge dragon that reeks of greed. The dragon lands on the palace grounds and soldiers start to panic. When they see that the dragon is there with Norman, most of them calm down just enough to not ring the bell to wake everyone up. Norman goes to get all those who wish to witness this together with the patient. The kids also decide to come along, since they want to make sure that their sister will make it out for sure. Then when all those who wanted to be present had gathered, Norman said to all of them.

- This might be the last chance to see Shiro, so in case of the worst, say your goodbyes now just in case.

All do so with many tears being shed. Then when the goodbyes had been said, Norman said to remove Shiro's clothes. To that Mira said.

- You want Shiro to be naked?

- Yes.

- Is it truly necessary?

- Neither me nor the dragon will care for her being naked, so just do it.

The dragon then said quite angrily.

- You made me come all this way to do such a menial task. Let's just do this and I can get back home. Clothes be damned.

- You know that if we do it with her clothes on, the clothes might become part of her body.

- I don't care! Just get this over with. To call the great dragon lord Fafnir so far away is insulting even for the voidborn. Be sure to pay me more for the inconvenience.

- Yes yes. I'll be sure to pay you if you do your work right.

- Hmph.

Mira takes Shiro's clothes off and now she is laying outside in the night with nothing but her birth suit. Then Norman says to Fafnir.

- Let us begin.

Fafnir puts his claw hovering on top of Shiro's body and Norman puts his hand in the middle. Then Norman says to Shiro.

- Remember, when you look at the abyss, the abyss will look right back at you.

Then Fafnir starts to pour the power of the abyss towards Shiro's body and you could see that she is suffering. She even gives a few screams here and there as she squirms. Norman is doing his best to make sure that what the abyss does to her, doesn't change her human form. Others just watch there with a worried look on their face as Shiro is tormented by the powers of the abyss and void.

The most painful fifteen minutes of Shiro's life finally end as Norman tells Fafnir to stop pouring more abyssal energy on her. Shiro has a few moments before she passes out from exhaustion and asks.

- Is it done, lord Norman?

- Yes it is.

Then she passes out and Norman gives a mark to let the others see her. Mira instantly asks Norman.

- Is she safe? Is she better?

- Yes. Her body has adjusted to the power of the void and has been infused with abyssal energy as well. Overall, she is alright.

- Thank you.

Then Norman leaves and goes to talk with the dragon. Fafnir starts.

- So the payment?

- Yes. Here.

Norman creates a giant block of gold with his powers and then lets Fafnir fly away with it. The dragon seemed satisfied, so Norman didn't question it. He looks at the family who are worried for their member and then looks at the moon and says.

- Perhaps I should have a proper family some day.

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