
The Skagossi fleet

IB, The Ibben Isles, 7th moon of 275 AC

It's been a day since Ragnar talked to Durin, he requested an audience with the Shadow Council, he was then informed that his audience would take place in 10 days, Ragnar didn't want to wait so he bribed the Council's scheduler, who gladly accepted the gold and rectified his "mistake", scheduling his audience for the same day. Ragnar then entered the Council's keep and waited for a few hours until they called him.

Before he could go in he was asked about his titles and place of origin. Ragnar answered those questions truthfully and waited for the man to announce him.

"Entering the Council's chamber: Ragnar Dovahkiin of House Dovahkiin, High Lord of Skagos."

Ragnar then entered the room, he was wearing a black doublet with a runic pattern embroidered on its sleeves, a black leather vest with the Dovahkiin's Coat of arms stamped on the chest, black trousers and boots, and a fur-trimmed brown cloak. His hair black hair was braided in Mohawk style, his beard was trimmed and well kept.

The room was luxurious, it's architecture reminded Ragnar of the Blue Palace of Solitude, there were paintings decorating the walls, the floor seemed to be made of white marble and the walls of some dark shaded granite. At the end of the room were 7 marble thrones, all symmetrically aligned, and on these thrones sat 7 ibbanese men.

"Greetings Lords of the Shadow council, I have requested an audience with you for I have an offer to make. Should this offer be accepted, both of our Lands shall profit." Ragnar said his voice emanated power, his eyes showed determination and strength, and his body language showed he wasn't afraid to be there. He had the presence of a dragon and the Ibbanese lords knew that.

" And What kind of offer do you bring to us, Lord Dovahkiin of Skagos?" One of the lords asked. He was, like all Ibbanese, shot, he had blond hair and beard and wore snobbish clothes.

"A very profitable one my lord. I want to buy 400 whalers ships from you, and I also want to recruit some of your shipwrights." Ragnar said plainly.

"Do you also want to fuck our wives and raise our children?" Joked one of the Lords. If someone ever asked Ragnar to describe this lord in two words these two words would be "Mike Wazowski" the man was short, fat like a ball and coincidentally wore green.

"Our fleet is composed of 3000 ships and you want us to sell you 400 of them? That is unreasonable! Whaling is our main source of income selling you those ships would make our economy crumble!! And you also want to take our shipwrights? I fail to see where IB would profit from this whole deal!" Said anther lord.

"Well, I understand why you fail to see the part where IB makes profit… I only explained what I want for you and not how I would pay you for it… I know gold cannot buy those ships or the shipwrights so in exchange for that I will give you a formula to make glass. A glass way more resistant and cleaner than Myrish glass, and a LOT cheaper to make as well…" Ragnar dropped his bomb. While in Skagos Ragnar had studied the Ibbanese history and discovered their HATE towards Myr and it's people so make his offer undeniable he would give them what they wanted for centuries: a way to destroy Myr's economy.

"But I have two some conditions. They are:

One you will not trade glass with westeros, and two will cease your whaling trade with westeros in 3 years… what say you…?" Ragnar asked and before he could say anything else Mike Wazolski replied.

"We accept!! We have a deal!!" He said.

The other lords although not dissatisfied with Ragnar's offer seemed bewildered at their fellow lord.

"We would also like to establish diplomatic relations with Skagos." One of them said

"Of course…" Ragnar replied… he had a handsome smile on his face. He and the Shadow council spent the rest of the day talking detail about the relationship Ib/Skagos. Ragnar couldn't be happier, like his friend Paarthurnax, he had a weakness to conversation.


Ragnar spent two more weeks on IB, he had to work with the members of the shadow council on the "glass venture" he wanted nothing more than just go back to Skagos, but he needed to go to Mereen first.

" So are you ready to begin your new life my friend?" asked Ragnar, his voice did not hide how joyful his mood was.

"Yes, m'lord. I have managed to convince 170 shipwrights... I also took the liberty of taking to the poor people of the city... If you would take them they have the desire to go and try a new life in Skagos" Durin replied, his voice was uncertain and he was cleared nervous...

" That's magnificent! How many of them?" asked Ragnar

"3000 m'lord" Reblied Durin.

"Man and woman?" asked Ragnar

"Yes m'lord... More woman than men actually. Most of them used to be whores, they wanted to change their lives for the better, but doing that under the stigma was really hard for them..." replied Durin.

"I see, well I'll take them all, tell them to get ready to depart for skagos by the first day of next week..." Commanded Ragnar

And as Ragnar said it happened, on the first day of the week they were all assembled by the docks, waiting for instructions...

" Can you these ships on the docks?" Ragnar shouted as he pointed to his 400 ships, they were all whalers ships and bore House Dovahkiin's coat of arms on their sails.

"They are all mine! Get into them... Have it in your mind that you will begin a new life in my lands and as such you will follow my lands customs, you will not be allowed to preach in Skagos, you can pray to you gods if you do it alone.. you will not be allowed to talk about people's past in Skagos to do so will be a crime, you are all clean slates I hope you find what you are looking for in my lands… there's work for everyone, you will see.. that said… does anyone want to leave?" Ragnar replied, no one left and they all got to the ships…

The amount of people going back to Skagos was actually more than 5000, as the a gift to Ragnar, the council had call in the debt of more than 3000 sailors, few of them were able pay their debts so the council exiled them from Ib… Ragnar being the magnanimous Lord he was, offered them protection and work…they ALL accepted. A "natural 20" in Ragnar's opinion

"Durin, I'm putting you in command, once you get to Skagos give this to my steward… i" Ragnar said as he handed Durin a letter..

"Yes, m'lord" Durin replied

"Have a good trip my friend. I will see you soon." Ragnar said as he shook hands with Durin.

Two days later Ragnar departed to Mereen.


A/N: Thats it for today my friends… thank you for the reviews and see you tomorrow… Thank you 🙏

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