
Olivia Greg

What's wrong with this game? How is the ranker with had screen name Blood always completing a quest that no one did it before?

Blood! Show yourself and explain everything!




Graveyard's Queen? We didn't know that there was a kind of monster that existed on that farming site. We only was the pumpkin head monster owned the area.

After the system spread another 10 seconds video clip on all social media platforms. All the rankers were alarmed, couldn't believe what were their eyes seeing right now.

In their minds, ranker Blood completed two consecutive special quests that no one have done before. So they thought that ranker was working inside the company of Ranker's World Online. Why? Because if he not, why he was the only one who knew about that? Plus, what was the reason he was doing the special quest alone?

At this point, everyone would like to expose who was really the ranker that hiding behind the screen name Blood.


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