
March of Shadows: A Symphony of Menace           

"Hey Ren, aren't you going to eat dinner first?" Leonel called from the kitchen.




Leonel rubbed his temples, eyeing Ren's closed door. The stubborn determination in Ren's pursuit of COVENANT made any attempt to drag him for dinner seem futile. 


Perhaps, Leonel mused, Ren was eagerly anticipating the reunion with Evie.


Worry crept into Leonel's thoughts as he considered Ren neglecting to eat again. The image of Ren falling unconscious due to hunger crossed his mind. 


A deep breath and a sigh later, he decided to let it go. Ren was a grown man, fully capable of making his own choices and capable of taking care of himself . . . he hoped.


Dismissing the concern, Leonel refocused on the impending task that Ren had handed him — a dungeon crawl with Isolde again. 


"Isolde . . . ," he murmured absentmindedly. "I wonder what she's up to right now."


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