


"R . . . en . . ."

"Re . . . n."


Ren groaned.

Upon opening his eyes, a glaring light flashed through his eyes, causing him to close his eyes shut. Intense pain pulsed through his head, shooting into his body with clenching agony.

Ren bit back a groan.

He then became sharply aware of the hot, rising soreness that radiated in all parts of his body. Waves of pain pulsated in his spine, momentarily blurring his thoughts.

Why was his body so hot? He felt like he was melting inside — his muscles felt like they were tearing apart, and his bones seemed to be breaking and reconstructing.

"AarRgH!" Ren thrashed but found that he couldn't move. Something was restricting his movement.


"Doctor! Doctor!"

Ren heard that familiar voice calling for help.

The sharp pain tore at him like claws of madness ripping away his sanity.

This was something that he had never felt before.

He couldn't see amidst the blur, and he wanted nothing but to make the pain stop.

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