
Cathulhu Makes Solomon Stronger?

Chapter 424 – Cathulhu Makes Solomon Stronger?

Next to a river, the elderly fisherman sat on a boulder, holding his fishing rod. However, the fishing line and bait weren't in the river but inside a dimensional crack.

A catopus kitten sat on his lap, dozing off as he was bored. The elder secretly injected his Qi and nourished Mu-Nyang as usual.

It had been six months since Mu-Nyang had been living with him. This catopus became a quasi-sage, and he created so many catopuses like him in his dantian universe. His future was promising.

Still, Mu-Nyang lacked worldly experience. Even though he managed to survive all ordeals, his common sense was warped. The elder sighed as he was concerned about the future struggle.

"Should I capture a mortal somewhere from someone's dantian universe and give it to him?"

While pondering, the fishing line shook. The elder lightly yanked the rod and pulled a massive kraken squid from the other dimension.


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