
It is okay!

"Stop looking at it." An Qinyan said. An Xiulan was still reading that newspaper interview again and again for almost the entire time. She would not deny that seeing An Xiulan being happy for Han Zixin was not cute. But it was only for the first few minutes and after that she could not help but roll her eyes. 


Even they were happy for Han Zixin. He was a talented boy but he was very humble. He would never brag about his success and this was the reason why he did not tell anyone about the interview as he thought he was bragging about his success when it did not even mean that much. 

She was sad that such a talented boy was measuring his success in comparison with others around him. When he should not as all of them were in different feilds. If there was something they would want was to see him shining in his feild. 

And now that he was shining, nobody could be more happier than them. 

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