
Negotiations (part 1)

After giving some miscellaneous announcements, Stella finished the meeting and dismissed the students, not without stealing a gaze at Daimon.

She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, at the sight of Aisha sitting on his lap while Liz and Elaine were each hugging one of his arms with happy expressions.

"All men are the same", she thought as she softly snorted before returning to her only safeguard in this planet, the library of the academy.

Aliya didn't say anything before because the weekly meeting was about to start, but now that it was time for the class, she glared at Haylee which didn't escape Daimon's eyes.

"She is Michael's fiancé, originally she wasn't going to join the academy, but given the current circumstances, that changed".

Haylee stood up from her seat and took the opportunity created by Daimon, to introduce herself, she slightly rose the sides of her dress as she spoke.

"My name is Haylee Blitz; I'll be in your care".

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