
Raegis [6]


Raegis woke up with a twitch of her nose. Something smelt nice, but she knew better than to simply rely on her senses fully. Perhaps it was something like poison, or one of those creepy ap-ha-ro-di-siac things her torturers gave her to force her inner wolf out.

She didn't like it that much when her inner wolf came out. She had a name for the wolf. Fluffy. Fluffy didn't like the name very much but what could she do? They were basically one and the same after all. To kill one meant suicide for the other.

She immediately put the blankets to her nose, as a makeshift mask and was up, aware and about, scanning her surroundings to check for any potential harm. This was a habit forced upon her in the underground, where everything was black and painful for her. It didn't do much but at least it helped her avoid the worst of the tortures this way.

There was nothing different about the room. It was the same room she slept in last night, on the same bed she slept with the beautiful lady. Fluffy howled inside her. Fluffy really liked that beautiful lady, but Raegis knew that lady was more than just beautiful.

Now, she didn't remember much of what happened yesterday, but she did remember being absolutely paralyzed in front of the full force of that lady's might. She couldn't see it well, but she remembered that feeling of being swallowed by sheer power.

Another shiver up her spine. She didn't want to face that again. Now that she thought about it, why was there such a blank space after that moment? It was like she had done something she shouldn't forget.

Oh well. Raegis didn't like thinking very much, but it was necessary to survive in the underground, before that person took away her will to fight and live.

Raegis calmed down. Just remembering how that person had absolutely humiliated her, made her wonder why she was on edge right now, why she was still trying to fight just to live another day in her poopy life. Her mami didn't really like it when she used that word very much, but she hated her poopy mami and papi for selling her.

She sniffed the air once more. Again, that sweet smell of maples, and security wafted into her nose, this time, sweet enough to make her relax in an instant.

"Ah, you're awake?"

Raegis looked up at the most beautiful sight in the world. Her eyes dilated, a haze shrouding her mind as the beautiful lady had appeared once more, this time, dressed in a small white robe that did nothing to hide her curves.

The beautiful lady who had rescued her, looked absolutely munch-worthy right now. Even her Fluffy agreed, a little too enthusiastically. She'd never heard Fluffy howl so loud before.

The beautiful lady had long black hair that ran all the ways to her small waist, flaring outwards just before her child-bearing bottom. Oh, Fluffy really wanted to come out and play with that bottom. Eyes searching down, Raegis unconsciously gulped when she saw how thick and juicy those thighs were. None of those females in the underground could compare to the beautiful lady before her.

Raegis didn't understand the feelings sprouting inside her heart, but she did understand how much Fluffy wanted to mate with her. To Raegis, she didn't understand mating very well, since it was mostly Fluffy who did the mating in the underground, so she couldn't figure out why, the more she looked, the more she wanted to rip apart the lady's towel and breed her fat bottom from the back.

Oh, it filled Fluffy with such joy, just imagining the cute litter they would have.

"How many times have I told you not to look at someone like that?" The beautiful lady sighed, and Raegis wanted to do anything to make her happy. "Seriously."

The beautiful lady sat next to Raegis and oh by the gods, all of her smell just wafted right into her nose.

". . .Are you listening to me?"

"Wh-Whash?" Oh, how Raegis hated her lisp. She couldn't care less during her time in the Underground but now that she was out, she really, really hated it. It didn't help that she was a beastkin either, since the racism only got worse.

The beautiful lady frowned, and Raegis's heart broke. Why was she frowning? Did she hate Raegis's lisps too? What could she do to make the beautiful lady smile again? She loved it when the beautiful lady smiled.

And, like the gods had heard her pleas, they made the beautiful smile, and it was like all the dark clouds above her head had cleared.

What was this fluttery feeling inside her heart?

". . .You really remind me of my little sister," The beautiful lady said, petting Raegis on the head. Raegis loved it when the lady petted her on the head but of course, she couldn't show it. She literally couldn't.

The lady shook her head, and looked over Raegis which made her feel the need to puff her chest out and show off her penis. Why did she suddenly feel that way?

"You both look alike, now that I'm looking at you more carefully," She said. "Of course, she had black hair and eyes, but for some reason, when I look at you, I think of her."

What was this sudden muddy feeling in her chest? She didn't like it when the beautiful lady talked about anyone other than her? How confusing.

"Your eyes," The beautiful lady started. "They're hiding a shimmer. A silver shimmer of light and steel. How befitting for someone like you."

Raegis's heart throbbed. Ever since the day she picked the beautiful lady to be the person she followed behind, she'd been wondering why she actually chose her. There was nothing out of the ordinary for her, if one looked at her at first glance but Raegis's guts, the same one that had helped her survive in the Underground, told her to follow this person at all cost. One look at the beautiful lady's eyes, and Raegis felt like she held knowledge not even the many gods knew.

More than the strong smell of life-force and purity around the beautiful lady, Raegis was much more attracted to the aura of mysteriousness around her. Fluffy barked that the beautiful lady having such a breedable body helped in making her decision but Raegis didn't really understand what a breedable body meant.

Raegis had a blush on her cheeks. Maybe she had inhaled too much of the beautiful lady's scent and perhaps she noticed it, since the beautiful lady got up and walked over to the counter by the window, opening it, and the wind blew gently into her nostrils.

Raegis took a deep breath, and calmed down.

By the window, basking in the golden hour, the beautiful lady looked so much like a fairy from one of those old bedside tales her mother used to tell her, well that was, before her mother went crazy.

Raegis then asked a question. "Whash ahre yhou ghoing to dho with mhe?"

Obligatory Patreon Request, Please consider being a patron, and read up chapters ahead of the current schedule.

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