
The Panic betrayal

Maria stood at a distance, watching her brother kiss her best friend. She did not know precisely the emotions she was feeling and thought it best for all parties involved. 

There was nothing that infuriated Maria as much as a betrayal. She would instead not be promised a thing than be, only to end up betrayed. She began to wish she had not come out to search for Ursula when the insistent princess said she needed to take a walk. 

When it was dark already, and she wasn't back. Naturally, Maria became worried. Mainly because of how much she drank the previous day. It was the reason Maria stepped out to look for her best friend. Now, as she stared at her friend in her brother's arms, she couldn't help but wonder exactly how long this had been going on. She asked who knew.

The further Maria thought, she began to feel the hair on her skin rise. A chilly sensation ran through her spine, but it wasn't caused by cold. The weather was reasonably average, afterall. 

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