
Continue the Royal blood?

" Andhaka was it you who killed the general of Varuna? " Shukra asked his disciple while rubbing his forehead.

" Yes teacher, what happened? why do you ask that? " Andhaka didn't dare to lie at all and told the truth normally.

He had thought that his teachers have called him in some important manner but it looks like it is just for this.

" Do you know how much of a scene your actions have created? Varuna nearly got mad from rage and all the Devas are looking for the killer and naturally, the first finger is pointed toward us. " Shukra spoke with a sigh.

" Then tell them that we didn't do it. It's their will if they wanna believe it or not, and what can they do as long as they don't have any conclusive evidence? I don't think they dare to attack us here in Rasatala. " Andhaka spoke with any kind of Tension.

He killed the crocodile and he doesn't even feel an inch of guilt despite that being his first kill since coming to this world as he just did what the crocodile told him he used to do with Asuras so he just switched positions this time and secretly in his heart, he was quite proud that his first kill was a God-class being associated with his arch enemies, The Devas.

" Andhaka the devas are very adept at playing underhanded tricks. You do remember how Indra nearly killed you right? " Shukra spoke in a worried tone.

" Teacher it won't be the same now. I assure you " Andhaka spoke with a smile but his facial muscles were twitching violently upon remembering the time when he was sneak attacked by Indra and that, which was also the start of the downfall of his family and his race.

" Andhaka remember to be careful in the future and think of the consequences you will have to face later before doing something like this again. " Andhaka nodded politely after hearing his teacher's words.

" And I heard that you were making a special squad? "

" Yes. "

" The other higher rank Asuras were a little dissatisfied with this as you didn't pick up any of them or somebody from their relations, like their son or their daughter. "

" Teacher let them be dissatisfied, it's their own free will so if they want to be dissatisfied, then they can be but I don't care. And as for why I didn't pick any of their sons or daughters? Because they were not talented enough. That is why. " Andhaka spoke calmly.

He doesn't want any kind of strong presence in his squad and he naturally hopes to keep away these high-ranking members away from the squad.

Unless or until they have some extraordinary prodigy among their ranks, he won't be recruiting anyone from among them.

" And Andhaka there is one more thing which I needed to discuss with you. It's about continuing the Royal blood-- "

" Teacher I won't be marrying until I have defeated the devas completely and taken revenge for my father's death. Even if I die there is still Jalandhara and he can easily be the next Asura King. And as for the Royal blood? Then I guess even I am not suitable to be the King and you all can make Prahlada the King again if you talk about all this Royal Bloodline stuff " Andhaka spoke in a cold tone.

Marriage? having children? don't joke. He doesn't want to stray away from his path. Once he has children or gets married he will have the responsibility of protecting someone and may even start becoming soft and start talking like all those Protagonists from Movies and books in his previous life and he doesn't want that to happen at all.

He doesn't want to forget how his

the family was killed and how this race has to face discrimination from the big three. He will never ever forget this and he doesn't know about the others but he will definitely kill Indra or make him so miserable that he will have to beg to receive death.

"It's Ok then. " Shukra sighed in relief but was also worried for his student as he had too deep of a Hatred and this may make all the other races unite against him or even worse, make one of the Trimurti take action against him.

" Then teacher I will be going as I have to meet the recruits and see how they are in reality, " Andhaka bowed slightly and then went out of his teacher's quarters but suddenly stopped and turned his head back.

" By the way Teacher where is your hut located in real? " Andhaka asked curiously while looking at the forest around the hut.

" It's in the middle realm but also in the Rasatala at the same time. You can say that this is a kind of pocket dimension that connects both the Rasatala and Middle realms. " Shukra spoke in a calm voice.

" Then teacher I have one thing which I also needed to ask you, Can I take my mother back from the land of the Sages? " Andhaka asked hopefully.

" Logically answering? then it is a no, as any kind of Deva - Asura or even other species are prohibited from coming into the Sage Land and this is a guarantee given by Brahma personally so she won't be coming back at all, unless..... "

" Unless? " Andhaka asked fearlessly as even if there was a single chance, he will be ready to do it.

" Unless you can become more powerful than Brahma " Shukra spoke in a teasing tone with double meaning.

" Again, it's the same thing Again. I am not strong enough to literally do anything. It looks like I have to start training in my physical body with quiet diligence and then go into seclusion and practice mantras. Unfortunately, I will have to break my promise to that Old human. " Andhaka spoke resolutely as there can be tons of reasons for him being not able to practice but it won't change the reality that he is weak currently and only becoming powerful can change this situation.

Shukra nodded proudly after seeing his student's resolute eyes as he didn't think that it was impossible to defeat the Trimurti and that satisfies him quite a bit.

" Then teacher I will be excusing myself. " Andhaka went out of the Hut and returned back to the palace door of Asura palace which led towards the quarters of Teacher Shukra

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