
Day 10

"...And who are you supposed to be?"

I ask the kid in front of me, He was a kid, with red hair, silver eyes, a black shirt and red pants.

The kid whose body I took over.

"Im Roy rose, you meany!"

...Is this my soul? Our soul?

"Okay? Where are we?"

The little kid pouted, anyone would think that it was cute... it wasn't, I hate kids, they're cruel, mostly because whatever they say is usually true.

"I dunno, I was brought here when you came!"

Can I kick him? he's too loud.

"Oh, really? isn't that peculiar?"

The child stared at me with confusion filling his eyes, his expression just amplified it two-fold.

"What does that mean?"


If this is our soul then...

I will him to be absorbed into mine. I waited a few seconds and suddenly, he disappeared... And my head throbbed like it just got hit by an anvil.

"Okay, ow, absorbing a soul is painful, good to know."

Rubbing my forehead to numb the pain, which failed, by the way, I looked around the white space...

"Is this some total bullshit called a... mindscape? or is it soul scape?"

Spotting a red orb I got closer... It was just a red orb, big, bigger than my head by quite a bit but that was just it.

With my infinite intellect... I dub this "The Orb"!

Now, how do I wake up?

Shrugging I tap the orb once... And I felt it. I tapped it again, yup, not imagining it.

So this is my soul... well, neat, how do I get out of here though? I tapped the orb again for goggles and it expanded, revealing a flame inside...

Okay, this is weird as hell.

Shrugging again, I did the only thing reasonable... plunge my hand into it.

Have I mentioned my infinite IQ?


Opening my eyes I woke up to the strangest sight and noticed two things immediately.

One: Fire.

Two: memories.

I just absorbed a child's soul, was it sad? Yes. Did I feel bad? No. Im Roy... And Roy is me... That wasn't cringy at all.

Now to the important things, why was my house on fire?

"Roy! Get out of there!"

Ah right. getting off of the bed, I rush out of the fire that was burning everything in the room.

Taiyang had a hose in his hand that was probably connected to the kitchen sink.

He sprayed the water over the fire and somewhat put it out. I pointed at the bed and he sprayed the water there too. Why don't we have a fire extinguisher in a house where an eleven-year-old girl can burst into flames?

"Dad, we need to invest in a fire extinguisher, this is problematic."

The older man sighed and nodded and looked over at the sleeping girl.

She had a semblance that set her on fire when she took damage, boosting her power, thus making her fireproof.

"Ah! The hell?"

She woke up when Taiyang sprayed water on her to put out the last of the fire...

"I actually think it was me this time."

Dad looked over at me with a raised eyebrow.

"...Did you set this place on with a match while sleepwalking Roy?"

... He's pretty chill about this... Oh right, this isn't the first time this has happened.

"Yes... and no?"

His face remained the same, which meant that he wanted to me explain.


How do I explain this?

"I had a nightmare, and I didn't want the monster to touch me, then I remembered that fire usually keeps this away and... It just happened."

Yeah, lie with a straight face, no one will know any different.

"... Ah... so you activated your semblance... But in your sleep?"

Ah... right, I was unconscious.


I shrug as if to say " What can you do?", looking at my hand, I raise an inquisitive eyebrow, fire is my semblance... but how the hell do I use it?

"Well... this place needs to be rebuilt... But enough of that for now, let's see what you can do."

He clapped a hand on my shoulder.

"Huh? Roy got his semblance? That's awesome! Let's go test it!"

I looked at yang who was acting like she was never soaked with her hair still damp...

Can't I get a time skip? Or a training montage? No? Okay.

"Can we at least eat first?"

Taiyang chuckled and tapped my shoulder again.

"It's better to try to use it as soon as you get it to get a feel for it, otherwise it will be harder to get a hold of it, at least, that's how it worked for me."

Releasing a sigh, I focus on my aura again and gathered it in my hand... nothing happened.

Dad and yang were watching intensely, expecting something spectacular... honestly, what do they expect?

Looking back at my palm at my hand I start thinking, what makes fire? in its basic sense, fore is made by a spark...

Spark, huh?

A flame appeared on my hand, flickering like it was about to go out... honestly it was like a flame of a match.

But just the thought of creating a flame with a thought is cool. Maybe with training ill be able to burn down a continent on a whim.

"That's it?"

Shut up yang, I will burn you... wait you're fireproof... damn it.

"Hey! It's my first time, I don't even know what im doing."

Taiyang chuckled and rubbed my head, smirking a little with pride.

"Well, I guess you inherited the fire too, don't worry, Yang couldn't even do that on her first try, with my training you will be so cool that the ladies will be throwing themselves at you."

I looked up at him with a deadpan, father of the year right there.

"Im eight years old, dad. Girls are gross."

He laughed uproariously and I ignored Yang's indignant yell of "Hey!". According to the god that sent me here, my ability would be boosted, so if this is boosted then it means it would have been weaker than this... or im just using a bad image of fire.

I changed the mental image of a spark to light a match for a spark to light a campfire.

The fire on my palm intensified, gaining the attention of the two blondes next to me.

"Ah, your getting better by the second... But let's not set the house on fire... again."

Rolling my eyes, I let go of the mental image, extinguishing the fire in the process.

"Alright then, we can start your training, choosing your weapon and building up your muscle... But let's fix this room first."

I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment. This was my fault entirely.

"Uh, yeah... Say, when will Uncle Qrow come around?"

The older man looked thoughtful before shrugging nonchalantly.

"Eh, soon, but when he hears about your semblance he will rush here if there is no mission."

Well, that was nice... as far as I know, Qrow was carrying around a giant great sword that could turn into a scythe, which was pretty neat but I didn't want a giant scythe as a weapon, maybe he could train me in swordsmanship.

I looked back at the burned room... Maybe practice outside, away from everything flammable.

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