

--narrator pov ---

Technology such as simple yet complex subject, technology is the future of the world some would say. With the invasion of the Chitauri, they brought new technology to earth with new technology comes new possibilities, new opportunities the government tried and failed to gather all of the Chitauri devices, the league got plenty and so did others, others with dreams to raise technology higher than ever before.

Shield research department has been working

Day and night to crack the Chitauri weapons secrets, Nick Fury walked slowly into the room his gaze piercing through everyone sending shivers down the scientist's spines. It's no secret Furt has been in a foul mood since the invasion so everyone has been keeping quiet around the esteemed Director of Shield.

"How is your teams progress?" Fury asked the head scientist and researcher

"Director to be honest it's not going too well we need more time," he replied timidly

"I see, don't worry too much just continue to work hard." Fury said before turning around leaving the stunned researcher behind

'What the hell! They act like I'm going to bite their motherfucking heads off!' Fury thought

In the League's base, forge was busy working away studying the Chitauri tech, he has been making various new discoveries that just make him bristle with joy.

He was humming away in his lab enjoying his day, that was until a feeling of pure dread and death engulfed him.

*fwwosh* the door to his lab opened and Norman stepped in with steady powerful steps

"Forge, how is the progress?" Norman inquired

"H-hey doc um progress has been good I'm close to cracking the makeup of some of the speeders they had, and some weapons they used I have already figured out how to make," he replied nervously

"I see, continue your work then," Norman said before disappearing into the shadows

Elsewhere in the realms news of Odin's death stirred up a lot of forgotten goals and dreams. The Olympians we're already getting ready for a battle they wish to take over the position of the protectors of the nine realms. in another realm a God was lying lazily on a sofa-like piece of furniture.

"Shiva the Olympians are moving we should too!" Indra yelled

"Hm we might let us see what happens," Shiva replied calmly in almost a lazy manner

"Tch fine." Indra stomped off angrily

In Asgard Hela and Frigga sat together enjoying a cup of tea.

"Mother a war is brewing I can feel it," Hela said

"I know, they wish to take Asgards position guarding the nine realms," Frigga replied

"We should prepare," Hela said seriously

"Prepare we shall daughter. Thor is in training right now, and Loki is trying desperately to find a way to regain his life force. We need to have a meeting with our allies." Frigga calmly replied

"Yes, we should what are we going to do about that Jinn?" Hela asked

"Nothing, for now, we wait to strike when the monster is at its weakest point," Frigga responded with a sigh

The monster they talk about is not staying as idle as they hoped.

--norman pov --

Training, training, and more training that's my life at this moment I need to be able to fully control my powers, my speed, and my strength. I have been practicing every day and night not even bothering to sleep I don't need to sleep but I like to everyone likes to rest a bit.

I have made my telekinesis into nothingness I don't know how to properly describe what It is now. It's like the air around me is my power, my telepathy has gotten much better and I can control it, and my jinn powers have also substantially increased with my shadows I noticed that I can now control more than that it's like darkness itself is at my beck and call, simple lightbulbs when shining brightly can instantly turn into a dark black in an instant.

My flames have been also improving, the power inside me is formidable, so formidable my next course of actions could be seen as foolish and too daring but I see them as something someone with my strength should do.

I don't know the specifics but I can feel it war is brewing in the realms, and if I want to capitalize off this war I must be prepared. I have been making plans to travel toward Svartalfheim to visit the dark elves, I wish to ally with them having allies hailing from other planets can do me good.

Currently, I sat in my shrunken but still extremely tall jinn form atop a shattered mountain, my strength is very controlled now, and but with that control, my presence became even more formidable, I can feel it and see it normally destroying a mountain on an island will at least cause some fuss I mean people would notice right? Well, I saw a boat heading in this direction and when the boat got closer they immediately went another way like a demon was chasing them.

The same goes for all of the animals each animal I come across high tails it away from me. I'm worried about how this will affect my life I can't just not meet people ever again. I am at a loss for what I should do.

I have also gotten several invitations from Emma Frost to meet about business most likely trying to recruit me into the hellfire club. I want to take advantage of that though having the hellfire club under me could be good very good. Which is why I won't visit her as Norman Osborn but as The Doctor of Death.

---Pov Felicia --

Norman has been back from his battle against Odin for a couple of weeks and it troubles me how much he has changed, unlike others his presence doesn't scare me or Harry but I notice that he is struggling with controlling his strength I wish I could get stronger to help him. I have been training tirelessly of course but I can't find any suitable targets for my permanent steal ability, first I must steal their power and then kill them causing me to keep the power I stole. I learned of this when I first killed a metahuman, he was a member of magnetos brotherhood and could control fire, the little shit tried to rob me and threaten me with his flames so I stole the bastard's ability then burned his ass, I didn't realize I killed the idiot until it was too late. But after that, I figured out I could still control flames like a pyromancer but, since that day I haven't found anyone suitable. I must get stronger.

-- Harry pov--

My life has been weird since the invasion, I mostly train and hang out with my friends, there really isn't much else to do. I have also been just enjoying sitting on top of the Empire State Building soaking in the sights which is what I'm doing now.

The golden sheen of the sun breached the night sky signaling the start of another day, another day of my beautiful and interesting life. I should really take father and mother here to enjoy these moments.

——Narrator pov --

The world seemed to come back to a sense of normalcy, a false sense of normalcy. Because so many people fought together during the invasion, especially the metahumans they earned a lot of respect, compounded with the earlier protests metahumans are now treated respectfully in a way most haven't experienced in their whole lives. It was a weird feeling for some, they weren't used to be looked at with a neutral expression it's usually disgust or anger that shows on peoples face when they met Metahumans in the past but not now. Change did happen a great change that the world needed a change that will steer course for great developments on earth.


Okay, so this is a super short chapter only 1.3k words the reason is that I didn't want to start a new big arc about war right after the invasion chapter, these last two chapters are kind of like the aftermath and improvements that happened after the battle. Next chapter will start off the war of the nine realms arc, list some races the mc can ally with, the two I have so far are the dark elves and frost giants.

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