
Chapter 43

In kaupang Olaf had returned to resume his rule and got other jarls to pay respect to him and ask to join his raid from all over Norway and parts of Sweden, this made Olaf happy as he saw himself gathering a large army for the raid. The gold he received in tribute from the east franks made him also see that he could make kingdoms fear him and get them to pay to not take their capitals.

While he was meeting different jarls one group entered and said "greetings Olaf, my name is borg ruler of Lund I have come to meet you," Olaf looked at him and smiled and said " well I always knew that we would meet as we both have a dislike of horik," borg hearing this also smiled and said "well that's why I am here as well, as you know horik came to me and asked for marriage with my younger sister and his son and I so no reason to refuse and there was land that belong to my sister that would have gone to him but what I didn't expect was for his too kill her after the wedding night and lay claim to the lands, all I feel is guilty for letting my sister for to the grave early."

Olaf spoke " I am sorry, I know the feeling my own brother wanted me dead all this years but even so I couldn't even see his end and still I feel guilty," borg continued "I heard your brother sold you out and wanted out and wanted to end you, you gave him honor with his death if it was me I might have done worse but that's not what I want to talk about, what I am here to talk is to offer that we take horik down for good."

Olaf spoke "I know you want to end him I feel the same but I can't now you know that when spring comes I have to lead a large army to raid in frankia but after I can do something about plus he would be able to do anything after all he's afraid of me and he is being threaten by other jarls and kings in Denmark," borg said "that's why I am here to declare you king and swear my arm ring to you."

All the jarls and people were whispering amongst themselves as this was not expected, olaf on the other hand saw the ploy of borg but decided to say "well it looks like I have to accept your loyalty and become king of Norway and Sweden and I make this promise to you if horik ever makes a move for your lands he makes an enemy of all of us and that the disputed land will be yours." Borg hearing smiled and he now knew that word of Olaf mind was true and stood but and said "king Olaf your enemies are mine," and the entire hall started chanting "king Olaf!" For sometime.

This was a new chapter as Olaf became ruler of two countries and would be able for form an army that would scare both the franks and horik.