
Bloody Discovery

"What… oh my god, what happened here?" Xue Ning cried out in dawning horror, staring down at the man. Said man only blinked sluggishly at her in response, his lips mouthing wordlessly when he spotted her. 

Beside her, Jingwei could only blink in surprise. 

That man looked a lot paler than he remembered! 

Xue Ning crouched down, flashing the light in his eyes. "How do you feel?"

The man let out a barely audible sigh, but what worried Xue Ning more was how the man's pupils barely constricted in response! Just as she moved closer, her slippers made a disgusting squelch.

'Must be just some mud,' Xue Ning thought to herself. Then she remembered she was standing on concrete. With great wariness, she looked down, and nearly dropped the flashlight in shock.

She was standing in a pool of blood! 

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