
Morning Kitchen Kiss

With that parting shot, Wei Yan flicked his hands dry of water and proceeded to meet Xue Ning's father in tne yard, where he was raking up dead leaves.

"Uncle, I'm done with the bean sprouts," he reported dutifully. "Do you need help with the yard? I can sweep it."

"No need, it's good for an old man like me to put in some work in the morning," Tai Cheng rejected firmly as he made neat little piles of leaves. 

"What I'm more interested in knowing is what you think of your boss."

"Eh? You mean Young Master Sun?"

"Of course I'm referring to him. Who else is there?"

"Right… he's my boss. What is there to say?" Wei Yan said, shrugging even as a pained expression crossed his face. 

He had to play this carefully, he didn't want to look like a disloyal man that would stab his employer in the back by badmouthing him, but he also knew that Uncle Li brought him out to hear something negative about Jingwei that would validate his worst fears.

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