

[A/N]- Ugh Exam season and I have two practical left. So my updates are getting irregular and random but I'll try to make it up with longer chapters.

This one is a bit longer than the usual so enjoy.


Akito was a cheerful and optimistic person, he was usually always smiling besides when he was occasionally serious.

But seeing his current expression a chill went up Saeko's spine. His eyes were dark with rage and his fist was clenched into a fist.

She could also tell the man he held by the neck was close to dying. That was how much force Akito was applying onto his grip.

There was a woman on her knees trembling by the side but Saeko couldn't bother with her now.

She didn't know what had happened but she needed to calm him down first.

She placed her hand on his shoulder and softly gripped it, "... Akito."

Her soft voice caused Akito to flinch and he turned his head towards her, meeting Saeko's concerned eyes.

He once again turned his eyes towards Hizaki and spat out with a tone full of malice, "Fucking trash!"


His grip relaxed and the man fell on the floor wheezing and gasping for breath, his face was as red as blood. He wanted to say something but found himself unable to.

"What happened?" Saeko ignored the man on the ground and asked Akito.

Akito opened his mouth but paused and shook his head, "Just look for yourself..." He pointed towards the inside of the room.

Saeko took a few steps forward and turned to look inside the room.

Saeko's body trembled and her eyes immediately widened in horror and anger.

The room was spacious enough to fit 20-30 people. It was one of the smaller sparring rooms.

But the inside of the room was far from a pure sparring room. There was blood spread across the room in a hazardous manner.

In one corner there were three kids but if one looked closer they would be able to tell that the kids weren't breathing.

In the other corner were the corpses of two women. Naked and dead...

But that wasn't all, the table kept at the end of the room was dragged to the middle and on top of it was a woman with ripped clothes. There were numerous wounds on her body and her eyes were as lifeless as the other bodies in the room.

It was an extremely inhumane sight!

"I will fucking kill you!" Akito said while gnashing his teeth. Seeing the scene once again Akito found it hard to control himself.

Saeko immediately turned around hearing Akito's growl but this time she had no intention of stopping him.

Akito raised his foot and pressed it down on the throat of the man. It was extremely excruciating for the man to have his windpipe blocked once again.

Akito looked at the struggling man and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself.

"You know what... I won't let you die so peacefully." Akito's voice was toned down and the rage seemed to have vanished.

"Saeko, Can I borrow your sword?"

Saeko didn't even bother asking why before giving it to him. A swordsman's sword was as precious as their life but she couldn't care in the current situation.

Holding the sword in one hand Akito twisted all of his limbs before dragging him to the front gate.

Saeko knocked the trembling woman out before following Akito.

As he was being dragged, Hizaki struggled to look up and shuddered seeing Akito's cold eyes.

"W-Wait, It wasn't my idea! It was th-that bitch's idea. I swear! In fact, she's the one who killed the children! Even as her childhood friend I couldn't stomach what she did, trust me! I'm not lying! Please spare me I'll be your lacke- no I'll be your servant! I can be extremely useful, please don't k-kill me." The moment Akito heard the children were killed by the woman, he flinched but continued walking.

Hizaki's begging was in vain. Akito ignored his wailings and pushed him out. The sword in his hand turned and he slashed down.

Muramasa was struck four times and under the disbelieving eyes of Hizaki, his limbs started to fall off. Everything was moving slowly for him.

Everything was going well, he was having his fun and all but suddenly these two kids barged in and destroyed everything.

His whole plan of becoming the lord of the area and living like a monarch was eradicated in a second.

Now with all his limbs cut off blood seeped oit of his body, as if running away from him. Did even his own blood feel disgusted towards him or was it just an illusion?

As his vision was fading away he felt himself getting lifted up. He whimpered but was thrown onto the street with a rather large impact and the noise made the zombies crawl towards him.

His vision was blacking out but suddenly a large amount of pain assaulted his neck!



Teeth dug into his flesh, chomping away and tearing his neck. His stomach was bit by several others and even his organs were almost visible.

The pain was extremely horrifying.

He couldn't even move. All his efforts amounted to him rocking on the ground like a rocking chair.

His desolate anguish-filled wailing permeated the surroundings but Akito and Saeko only looked on in silence. Their mind was filled with satisfaction seeing Hizaki's gruesome death.

Both of them did feel an urge to turn away qt the start but persisted and Saeko didn't feel bothered anymore.

Especially Akito, he felt extremely joyful for some reason. He had just killed a human being but for some reason, he didn't feel any negative emotions welling up inside him.

There was no mercy or regret in his eyes.

The zombies suddenly stopped devouring Hizaki and started moving away. Once the view was cleared 'Hizaki' was seen mindlessly rocking his body on the ground but all he could do was growl.

He was useless even as a zombie!

Akito turned away and walked inside. Saeko too walked along with him but not without throwing 'Hizaki' a final glance, "... A befitting end for a scum."

She muttered soundlessly and fixed her sight on Akito who was now headed towards the woman she had knocked out earlier.

Looking at the woman Saeko recalled Hizaki's words and her gaze turned colder.

It was now her turn to kill the people who had defiled her beautiful house and committed unforgivable atrocities.


Ignoring the unconscious fat man he had knocked out earlier and the man Saeko had stabbed, Akito picked the woman up by the hair and slapped her.



Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

But the woman didn't wake up so he slapped her a few more times and finally her eyelids trembled a bit before opening.

Riza felt a sting on her cheeks and twitched in pain. Her vision was blurry and her eyes showed confusion. Her scalp was hurting, as if someone was pulling on her hair, the slow sensation of her hair almost being pulled out from their pores felt like torture.

Her confusion turned into fear and panic as her vision sobered up. Two faces popped up in her eyes.

One had long black hair and a handsome but delicate face. The other was a beautiful young girl with long purple hair. The only similarity between them was the cold looks she was receiving from both of them.

Deep in those eyes, she sensed a feeling of loathing, something she couldn't understand.

Who were these people and what had just happened?


Another slap rang out and her reddening cheek sent another sensation of pain to her brain. But this slap was akin to clap to her mind as everything came crashing at once.

This kid that was holding her by the hair was strangling Hizaki and before she could understand she was knocked out by the purple-haired girl.

"Answer our questions or I'll make sure you end up the same as Hizaki..." Said Akito as he tightened his grip on her hair.

"I-I- I'll answer! I'll answer!" She hurriedly bobbed her head up and down in fear.

"Were you the one who killed the children?" His voice was extremely chilly and Riza hesitated for a second before answering.

"N-No way! That Hizaki forced me to be his girl, I don't even know who he was. He also raped the woman inside and killed them. In fact, he didn't like how the kids were begging for food and crying. In annoyance he killed them! He's a devil! Devil, I tell yo-"

"She's lying." Saeko pointed out causing Riza to flinch in horror!

"No, wait! No, I'm not lying! why are you saying that? Did Hizaki blame it on me? D-don't trust him, I'm just a pitiful woman who had to follow his orders." Her words were choppy and hurried as if a second missed would cause her death.

But all of her stories ended with a slap from Akito,

"Shut up."

Saeko stepped forward and wanted to ask why were they hiding in her house but stopped, it was a stupid question.

Her house was thrice as large as the others nearby and even at a distance from them. It had a natural appeal to it.


Saeko clicked her tongue.

"You killed the other children but why did you leave that little girl alive?" This bugged her, they had killed all the children so why would they leave that one alive? Was there any special reason for it?

"I SWEAR I DIDN'T KIL- Argggggg!" Akito's grip suddenly tightened and hair was about to be torn off. Her breathing grew ragged.

"I said, shut up and answer the questions."

"I- Hizaki used the kid as bait. If anyone with weapons of any kind came to ask for help or refugee then he would lower their guard using the kid and ambush them. In fact, that's how he got the gun. He actually forced the mum of that kid to sleep with him in exchange for her safety but he didn't keep his word and instead beat her up whenever he was angry."

Riza was lying. It was her who beat the kid but all she wanted to do now was somehow transfer all the heat and anger towards Hizaki and somehow save herself.

'He seems young, I'll have to seduce him somehow. That can save my life! Wait maybe I can even play around with him and 'love' him. Maybe he'll be head over heels for me?'

The image of him strangling the muscular Hizaki with a single hand was very scary but it was also hot. A strong man like him was very dependable in such an apocalypse.

She glanced at the purple-haired girl and thought, 'She's pretty but so am I. So what if they might have fucked each other? She's just an inexperienced brat once I get to sleep with this boy I'll make him fall in love with my techniques, how can that sword-carrying bitch compare to me and my experience?'

Embers of ambition swirled in Riza's mind.


Finally stopped procrastinating and made a discord. Feel free to join for discussion and suggestions, I'll also be uploading the character images on it.

Polls and suggestions regarding next quest worlds or power suggestions too!

[discord. gg/rNx32BmKsc]

Stones ke ke ke

Xertzcreators' thoughts
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