
Chapter 14

The sun went down. Clouds covered the sky, obstructing the little sunlight reflected off the moon.

Levi had fallen asleep in the course of the wait, instead Born was always alert, jealous of Levi's peace of mind when sleeping.

Born gets up, walks towards Levi. To wake him up he hits him on the forehead with his head.

Levi screams in pain as he is hit on his forehead. He gets up angry.

Born tells him calmly. - It's time to continue.

Levi says as he puts his hands on his forehead. " You were able to wake me up in other ways.

Born says. - True. I could have set you on fire.

Levi says. - Forget it-. He climbs on Born's shell.

Born begins to fly with Levi in his shell. He immerses his large body in the clouds, using them to hide himself.

Levi says. - Clouds completely cover the moonlight. There is no need to hide in them.

Born says. - We will not hide in the clouds, I will float on them as if I were in water.

Levi is intrigued. "Well, it shouldn't be impossible. He must have some trick."

Born emerges from the sea of clouds, then descends back into the clouds, but stays floating in them as if in water. His gaze is fixed on the bright moon. He says with a nostalgic tone.- What memories the moon brings me-.

Levi asks curiously. - What memories? -.

Born begins to speak in a calm tone. - When I lived on an island near the Pars volcano. At dusk I was always looking for the moon. Seeing her felt a strange tranquility, the problems she had were forgotten at that moment. Sometimes when I couldn't improve my magical ability, seeing the moon I found a solution. His tone begins to become sad. - But like everything, those moments would not be eternal. In my seventh year on the island, we were attacked by a small army. They were few in number, but the quality of their soldiers was our undoing. Start using a calmer tone of voice. - I was one of the few survivors. On that island we were born, but we were forced to leave it by the invasion. At that time the island did not belong to any empire so we had no help. Over time the island was included as part of the Jorhaf-Empire.

Levi asks. - And what happened to those who attacked? -.

Born responds. " I became strong enough and killed them all, even their families.

Levi puts his hands behind his head and says. - Apparently the world is full of similar stories. Our story may not be the same, but we both lost our homes and families.

Born interrupts him and says. - You still have family.

The image of Miller and Mira comes to Levi's mind. Decide to change the subject. - Tell me about the empire we will go to.

Born says. - As I said it is the empire in which I was born, or the empire to which the island currently belongs. Most of the species that inhabit it are marine. The territory is a large

archipelago, with some islands not belonging to the archipelago, which were integrated into the empire over the years. The empire is run by the descendants of the great Jörmundgander. Currently the ruler is a woman. That's the basic information about the empire.

Levi asks curiously. - How strong is the Empress? -.

Born responds with a little panic, recalling some interactions he had with her. - Nobody knows, it is also the reason why no empire dares to declare war on it, however, that same thing makes me not be calm about the actions of the dragons and crimson turtles. Provoking a war that they will lose is illogical, they are just going to their death.

Levi says. - Maybe it's not just dragons and crimson turtles. I have a theory.

Born dice.- Dime -.

Levi starts talking. - Let's first review the war that is taking place in the territory of the undead. Why after tens or hundreds of thousands of years do they decide to invade the territory, then what happens to the guy who uses my mother's corpse to attack us. You were still in the tower when the confrontation passed. Then when we start our march out of the territory, we find a ship, if it is true what you say, that no empire would go to war with theirs, then most of the soldiers must know the high commands of yours, which would be Kame. Then comes the death of Kame by the dragons and crimson turtles. He pauses long to add some suspense, causing Born to get a little irritated by the wait. - I think they belong to the same group that seeks energies. I think they should have several goals besides gathering the energies and that's all I can think of with the current information. Finish speaking.

Born says. - Apparently your theory doesn't seem so bad. Sighs. - Things are never simple.

The duo continued to fly over the sea of clouds at night.

Levi watched the brightness of the stars, enjoying the wonderful view that nature gave him.

Born stretches out his neck and watches Levi engrossed looking at the stars. - You seem absorbed seeing the sky.

Levi seems to come out of a trance and says with an animated tone. - Seeing the sky full of star is incredible. It's the most incredible thing I've ever seen in my life, I don't know if there will ever be a night like this.

Born says truthfully. - There won't be a night like this, so enjoy it.

Levi says. - I'll do it. Then add with emotion. - In the end two incompatible elements created a breathtaking view, the darkness of the night and the light of the stars.

Born says. - That is one of the wonders of nature, it can do things with ease that for us is impossible to do.

Levi says. - I agree. Nature believed everything, I don't think there was anyone capable of creating everything.

The two seemed closer as the conversation continued.

Born says. - Why don't you train with the element of lightning?, there are still weeks to reach the borders of the empire-.

Levi asks. - How long would it be approximately? -.

Born says. - 2 weeks if there are no setbacks, 4 if there are-.

Levi says as he yawns. - Okay. I'll start training. Stop looking at the sky. He puts himself in a meditative position, "It will not be difficult to learn to control another element, my experience with the other elements let me know that there are always two constant factors when learning a new one. First gather the mana and then turn it into the element to learn, then absorb the element in my body and make it go through all my veins, when the veins have already been traveled ten times, then continue to guide the element in my organs. The second factor is to introduce the element through the holes of my nose, until it reaches my brain and temper my brain with the element, while I do the first process", begins to gather the manna around it, only gathers a small amount, with a thickness equal to that of an adult finger, then gathers another amount of mana, but this time four times bigger than the first, "I should ask Born if magicians learn to control the elements in the same way or not. I better ask him later, for the time being I will continue with the process." The amount of mana she gathered first begins to guide her to her nose, while directing the other to her chest. When he moved the manna he began to transform them, until they took the form of small balls of lightning. He removes his clothes from his upper body. "Here I go." A small hole begins to open in his chest, through the same place through which he absorbed Serene's heart, in which he quickly puts the ball of rays and closes the small hole immediately, seeing that everything was fine, he begins to put the other ball of rays in his nose, guiding it to the brain carefully.

The two balls of the lightning element were positioned. Levi began to extend both at the same time.

He surrounded his brain with small rays, while his veins received small discharges from the rays.

Levi was very familiar with the process, the only differences being the symptoms caused.

The process was slow, but without problems.

Levi breathes a sigh of relief at the end.

Born tells him. - If you go against the system-.

Levi asks. - What do you mean? -.

Born responds. - You didn't create a core in your body that stored the element, instead tempering your entire body with the element. Making it possible for your body to produce lightning.

Levi speaks. I thought this was one of the many ways to learn a new element for magicians.

Born says with a calm tone. - You're wrong. Apparently you created a tempering method. Every day I spend with you I feel like I've wasted my life.

Levi says modestly. - I think you're overvaluing me. I've had to practice day and night to be able to do it. Also, I'm not even done with tempering the body, I still have to repeat it several times, until I can make my body produce rays autonomously.

Born says. - That relieves me a little bit. I won't interrupt you anymore. When you're done you tell me.-

Levi says. - Good-.

---- A week later; on a beach-----

Levi says. - Lightning Magic: Lightning Throw-. In his right hand begins to form a spear of black rays, with a length of 1.5 meters.

He throws the spear into the water with force. The spear pierces a few meters in the water until it disappears.

Levi was wearing a black short, on top he wasn't wearing anything and on he wasn't wearing shoes. Born was nearby. He ate coconuts with tranquility while watching the training.

Born says. - You have progressed fast, you have already brought lightning magic to the rank of disciple.

Levi responds calmly. - I have experience with other magics. I hope to arrive soon at the academy to be able to form the first line of the Cor animae (heart of the soul).

Born says. - There is still time for classes to start. He eats a whole coconut. - Since we are on the sand, I will ask you a question about it.

Levi speaks in a challenging way. - Go ahead-.

Born asks the question. - What is the kinetic ability that can control the sand? -.

Levi responds with ease. - It's an easy question. It is the Psammokinesis and also allows to control the crystal. More specifically, control the particles of the sand-.

Born says. - Right. See. And the quinetic ability of water? -.

Levi answers calmly. - There are two. It is hydrokinesis for water in the solid state and norikinesis for the gaseous state. And if the user wants to use it in its solid state, they will have to learn karyokinesis and combine it with hydrokinesis to freeze the water if they want to use ice attacks.

The two continue to question each other for a couple of hours.

Born had tested Levi's knowledge of kinetic skills. Levi was able to answer most of the questions, which he could not answer, Born did not tell him the answer.

Born stands and says. - It's time to continue.

Levi climbs into Born's shell. The duo resumes their journey after a short break. But this time Born preferred swimming than flying.

------ Territory of the Undead; Miller tower --------

Miller was wearing a wizard suit broken because of the war, he was full of blood.

Look to the side of him was wearing his armor, with some broken parts, equally covered in blood.

Miller starts talking. - I'm just checking Levi's message. He says Kame is dead. And that he heads to the Jorhaf empire with Born-.

Look says. - For the time being we must rely on Born's judgment. Then we will take care of it.

In the sky of the territory, a large fleet of warships could be seen heading to the tower.

Miller says. - I hope there will be an after-.

Mira says with an authoritarian tone. - Yes there will be -.

End of chapter.

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