
Ch-7 I want to learn... Part 1

"...and then the knight chivalrously saved the maiden and they got married in Sept," Septa Mordane read to a 2-year-old Sansa from a thin book, "She gave him many baby boys and he loved his beautiful and humble wife forever,"

"But what was the name of the knight," Sansa asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"There is no name written here, he is just a pious knight of the Seven,"

"But how will I know that he is that good knight if I meet him,"

"That is because all knights are honorable and chivalrous," Septa Mordane said while placing the book on the desk beside the small bed where Sansa was sitting.

"But...but brother didn't say that,"

"Which brother," Septa asked her eyes suddenly sharpening, "And what did he say,"

"He said to never trust—" before Sansa could complete her sentence the door to the room abruptly opened.

"Septa Mordane, I saw Mother just now," Robb said with wide eyes while breathing heavily, "I think she was looking for you everywhere, I think it's very urgent,"

"Lady Stark is searching for me?" Septa asked confused, "But she is the one who asked me to look after Sansa,"

"I don't know about that," Robb said while waving his hands urgently, "But I think she must have a very crucial task for you—Come on, I'll lead you to her,"

"Very well," She said with an air of importance, before standing up and following after Robb who was already moving away from the door.

Sansa was left all alone in her room, she sighed and stood up from her bed to go toward the chest beside the desk, to find some dolls to play with. Today was Sansa's name day, but Mother didn't want to get her new dress dirty, so she had forbidden her brothers to play with her.

She had been hoping her brothers will still come, but Robb came and didn't even wish her Happy Name Day, so she was a little sad.

"Psss... Sansa," Sansa immediately turned around and found her brother, Jon, crouching beside the door, waving with his hands and whispering to her, "Come quickly before the Grumpkin comes back,"

Sansa quickly put the doll back inside before she ran toward him with her hands outstretched and he quickly took her in his arms before going out the door, they quickly ran down the stairs and out of the Great Keep.

"Where are we going Jon," Sansa asked, holding onto Jon's neck while he ran across the courtyard.

"We are going to your Nameday Present," Jon grinned while flicking his sister across the nose.

"Really," Sansa exclaimed with a wide smile, "I thought you and Robb wouldn't come because Mother forbid you,"

"Of course, we would come, we aren't afraid of—" Jon said before he suddenly hid behind a corner. A fuming Septa Mordane was striding back toward Sansa's room, she passed by them and Jon covered Sansa's ears because she was muttering things that a Septa was definitely not supposed to.

Jon left the hiding place after she had gone away and immediately crossed the yard. He ran past the armory, straight into the godswood. He stood at the entrance and waited for a while before Robb suddenly arrived while huffing and puffing.

"What took you so long," Jon asked while placing Sansa on the ground.

"I was going to lead the Septa away but bad luck struck and we actually came across mother, so I had to run the other way before— Anyway, Happy Name Day Sansa," Robb said while picking Sansa who immediately squealed in delight.

"Thank you, Robb,"

"Come on, let's show Sansa her Name day present," Jon said before he lead the way.

They entered and passed through the dense canopy of trees while swinging a giggling Sansa between them. They walked for about 10 minutes before arriving at the heart tree.

"Here, A present for the Wolf Princess," Jon said theatrically while pointing toward the tree behind the Heart tree, "Go check it out,"

Sansa excitedly ran forward and went around the heart tree. "But that's just a tree," She said while tilting her head, and looking back at her brothers who stood with their hands on their waists and their chests puffed.

"What do you mean— Robb, didn't you drop it down," Jon asked while walking toward the tree and finding nothing there.

"I thought I had already done it," Robb said sheepishly while rubbing his head.

"You can be so stupid sometimes," Jon said while shaking his head in exasperation. He took a deep breath before taking a running start toward the tree and climbed it in a single motion. He stepped on the lowest branch and walked along it before he threw down a rectangular piece of wood attached to a rope and then he slid down skillfully.

"We both made it just for you," Robb said while pointing toward the swing.

"Come on, let's get you on it," Jon said while picking her up, and walking toward the swing.

"I don't want to fall," Sansa said as Jon gently sat her on the swing, but she didn't let go of him.

"Don't worry, I won't let you fall," Jon said and slowly removed Sansa's finger from his clothes.

"And I'll catch you if you do," Robb said while standing in front of them and crouching.

"Alright, Ready—go," Jon pushed the swing and Sansa immediately squealed before she closed her eyes.

It took quite a few more swings and screaming before she opened her eyes and her squeals of fright turned to those of excitement.

"Higher! Jon Higher!" Sansa shouted with a wide grin, "Look Robb, I am Flying just like Frost,"

As Jon was pushing Sansa on the swing, he suddenly looked up into the trees and a second later, the aforementioned bird appeared with a graceful dive. She circled above them for a moment before she started to fly alongside Sansa and chirped along with her.

After a while, Frost got bored of just watching and started to fly in front of Jon's face to obscure his face every time he pushed the swing.

"Stop it, Frost," Jon said while waving his arms but Frost was too fast for him.

She had a very successful hunt just before she came here so she was feeling a bit mischievous. Jon tried to get her to stop distracting him but she didn't stop and ultimately after a few close swings where Jon was almost clipped, she got what she wanted.

"Robb, you push now," Jon said leaving the swing and immediately running after Frost, "I have a bird to kill,"

Jon chased after Frost all over the godswood, and Frost even restricted herself to make the game more interesting by not flying more than 5 trees away or higher than Jon could reach her. A few minutes later, Sansa felt that the game Jon and Frost were playing was more fun so Robb and she joined in Jon's game of CATCH THE BIRD.

They tried to corner Frost so many times but didn't even come close to touching her feathers. The only person who came close was Sansa but that was because Frost deliberately slowed to let her have fun.

They played like that for quite a while before they eventually got tired and laid down on a patch of grass by the pool to absorb the sunlight streaming between leaves. While sunlight was very rare in the North, Summer had arrived a while back, and with that came the news that Lady Stark had gotten pregnant again.

Jon was quite thankful to Ned for that because he kept on making her pregnant which made it very hard for her to run after them.

Jon took a couple of calming breaths while taking in the smell of fresh plants. The calm, warm atmosphere with only the sound of various small insects chirping, made it incredibly easy for him to enter the zone.

One second he was lying in godswood with his siblings and the next he was inside his consciousness. It was only darkness as far as you could see, and in the middle of it, a small white balloon made of his mind.

Over the last couple of years, he hadn't slacked off a single day which was also the reason that he could enter the zone almost at will in a handful of minutes.

He had kept on with his image training daily which slowly increased the size of his sphere of consciousness. After a couple of months of doing this, he found out that there was a pin-sized needle located just outside his sphere of mind.

His sphere of consciousness had touched this pin just last month and the result of that was a sort of communication channel opened up, so that he could actually ask frost to do stuff for him with just his mind.

Exactly like Robb was able to do with Grey Wind when he had him eat GreatJon's fingers. He could call Frost to him whenever he wanted with just a thought and he had a sort of radar inside him that kept him aware of Frost's location at all times.

And he had the feeling that if he kept increasing the size of his mind like this, then it would eventually be pierced by the needle, and his instincts told him that, when that happened it would open up a tunnel straight to Frost and allow him to warg into her.


If you want to read ahead, go to buy me acoffee. com/lazywizard

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