
chapter 56 Serpent's Ambition

Girls in this era got shy fast, so Zhang Jian didn't bother her and headed inside to prepare dinner.

At this time, Ge Kai was pacing furiously in his tent in the other mountain nearby.

He had tasked his spy to keep an eye on Zhang Jian's actions and report to him every half a day, so why wasn't he there yet.

Ge Kai valued hierarchy and ruled over his followers with an iron hand, no one dared to disobey him.

Soon a fat owl was flapping its wings towards Ge Kai and entered his tent, it was shaking with fear as it knew it had disobeyed important orders from the Master.

So he started speaking before he even landed, to save his head from being cut out by Ge Kai,

" Please spare this servant's lowly life, the situation required more monitoring and I couldn't make it back for the midday briefing, that Zhang Jian was out all day in the front yard, I couldn't risk being discovered, I also have bad news!"

Hearing the reason why Owl was late, eased up his anger, at least his subordinates had brains and didn't act rashly.

But as soon as he heard that there was bad news to be delivered, his face shifted and he glared at the cowering owl, " Hurry up and speak, what's the bad news?"

" The reason why Zhang Jian was out all day in the yard, is because he was making a fence, its defensive qi, is formidable, and It doesn't seem like anyone beneath the Divine Soldier Stage would able to break in…."

Owl continued blabbering about minor details in fear of his life.

Ge Kai's stony face was red with anger, and astonishment.

How can someone possibly build a fence that powerful, in one single day, such a thing was unheard of in both the demo and the immortal realm?

That's simply beyond imagination, he had previously a chance to sneak an attack, or just lure out Zhang Jian and then steal the sapphire from the hut.

But now? All the entries have been sealed and facing off such a mysterious master, would cost him dearly, if not his life then his limbs.

There were only two pieces of the sapphire store in the world, one was hidden carefully by Zhang Jian inside his hut, and he had no means of acquiring that one, so he had to turn to the other gem, which was coincidently also in the entourage of Zhang Jian, it was no other than the sapphire embedded in Wang Yan's sword that was gifted to her by her previous Master Xiao Luo.

So instead of targeting the impossible, Ge Kai much rathered target the frail Wang Yan, to steal her sword and extract the second purple sapphire from it.

That wench can't hide in that hut forever, she was bound to go out someday.

After all, she is a woman, and will want to go play, or buy clothes or jewelry, or even go to the night market for the lantern festival.

" Owl"

Owl who was backing away slowly to sneak out while his mater was deep in thought, jumped in fright and his huge eyes stared in surprise at Ge Kai, " Please give me orders, Master"

" From now on, you are to keep watch on Wang Yan, if she steps out, notify me immediately, but you are to keep monitoring Zhang Jian on the side too, so if any of these two make a move, you have to rush back instantly"

" Understood, sir", Owl said respectfully, as he turned and fled the tent before the pressure his superior was exerting over him, choked him to death.

Ge Kai resumed plotting, in order to seclude Zhang Jian and limit his access to his surroundings, he had to create a space crack in between the realm.

A space crack was a small plane that was accessible through certain conditions, it was rumored that these planes were easily accessed by the most powerful of Masters, and they used them as hideouts or places to store their valuables.

Unfortunately, such methods have been long lost through the sands of time, and there only remained shabby techniques to would only create a space crack and maintain it open for a small while.

He can use this space crack to trap someone, but he can also hide in it and move stealthily, to avoid Zhang Jian's detection.

His main priority was the Dragon Sword now.

Just as Ge Kai, was cursing Xiao Luo for giving his disciples such precious swords, Serpent was observing him from outside the tent.

Serpent was fed up with being at Ge Kai's beck and call when he could have been doing much greater things on his own.

He followed Ge Kai since he had a know reputation for being a strong demon, who was fearless and determined to achieve his goals, no matter the challenges.

But from what Serpent, saw today, he confirmed his suspicions, everything was just a farce, Ge Kai was a coward, hiding in a tent and relying on spies to report to him, instead of facing the enemy head-on.

A true cultivator doesn't fear death, they fight for what they want and don't mind losing their lives for it if their opponent was stronger, since they believe in the law of nature that the weakling gets crushed.

Ge Kai was waiting for a little girl to out so he can snatch her sword and steal the gem on it, and Serpent was quite satisfied with that kind of person as a leader.

He decided that he should become the Boss, and take matters into his own hands.

He turned his back to the tent and went back to the demon world.

He felt a sense of impending disaster, a war between the immortal and demon realms, was about to break out soon, and he needed to lead his own troops if he wanted to reap profits from the war.

He had another motive, which was not dying in the war, he would use those insignificant lives that he hired as cannon fodder and contribute to the war with their souls, so that he can ask for benefits later.

What a cruel way of thinking, but Serpent had always put himself first and stayed clear from anything that would cause him losses.

With these thoughts in mind, Serpent headed to the Mercenary Guild, to hire some strong individuals to support his cause.

After making arrangements for accommodation and training, he went to all sorts of places to increase the numbers on his team.

By the end of the night, he had amassed an adequate number of people to support his propaganda.

He gathered them all in a lodging in the outskirts of the capital city and gave them their training schedule and tasks.

" I count on you not fight, and behave yourselves in the absence of your leader, that will be your first test"

" Yes sir!"

Serpent, smirked, the feeling of being on top felt really good, but he had to go back to Ge Kai's camp.

Although he established his own team is was not yet time to break things off.

Even though, he saw the failures of Ge Kai he still had some faith in him to obtain the dragon sword and the purple sapphire.

Serpent harbored malicious thoughts, why make an effort and risk his life attacking Zhang Jian when he can directly steal the valuables from Ge Kai after he gets injured from a battle with a great master.

As long as there were some benefits to reap, Serpent was not willing to leave Ge Kai's side, he would pretend to be a loyal servant for a little while.

At the main tent of the camp, Ge Kai, who had eyes everywhere heard the word as soon as Serpent started the recruitment process for his personal troop.

Ge Kai bagged his fist against the table, " That ungrateful snake, how dare he betray me like that"

He felt that he was challenging his authority, and making a joke out of him in the demon world.

" How dare he leave without a word, and still give me such a slap in the face"

Ge Kai gritted his teeth, as he changed the train of his thoughts back on plotting how to steal the dragon sword from Long Yi's hands.

Unexpectedly, the Serpent showed back to come as if nothing happened.

Fuming, Ge Kai asked him over " Where were you the whole night, you're just coming back now ?"

Serpent shrugged nonchalantly " I had some errands to run", and excused himself to rest.

He had no idea, that his moves were also monitored, so he decided to play dumb when Ge Kai asked him about his whereabouts.

Ge Kai wanted to kill Serpent for the humiliation that he caused him, but he was a very important asset to him, and he can still make use of him in the upcoming events.

Especially if he wanted to surpass Lin Xi, and beat her to obtaining the purple sapphire.

Ge Kai would hate to do all the work himself, and since Serpent was generous enough to remain by his side then he will use him every chance he gets to defeat Lin Xi.

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