
Zombie Dens

It looked scary! Millions upon millions of crazed zombies sprinted out from inside the walls of towns and cities. I found it hard to believe such a small space would accommodate such a large number of zombies.

But from what I could see, there seems no end to their numbers. It looked like there was a bottomless abyss inside these dens, making me wonder about the fate of my armies.

The fight started hot, and blood splashed in crazy fashion all over the ground. Once the first lines of each army clashed with zombies, the backfire of the grand weapons launched.

And the world then exploded mercilessly under the heavy fire of these weapons.

Rocket launchers, modified tanks, and even helicopters started to join the fray. With their addition, the entire situation shifted to my favour.

No matter how many zombies were inside these dens, with the concentrated deadly fire of my human firearms, endless zombies bathed under deadly heat and fire, and died in dreadful explosions.

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