
Their Side Of The Story

I kept my silence and didn't say anything as I announced earlier.

[Let me speak again about some facts you forgot. Do you recall how this all started?]

[I asked for your permission to let me go into many worlds and face them. I was so brave to take the initiative and act as your sword at their throats and yet you kept your man blind of all of the important stuff about my enemies!]

[I'll close an eye over your rudeness for now. Kids are allowed to commit such errors from time to time]

[What errors? I'm not at fault here! You are!]

[Judging without getting to know the bottom of things is a childish act! Anyway, you said it yourself, you proposed it for us to decide. Do you recall what happened next?]

[You… Took your time to make a decision] Well, he had a point here. I just heard one side of the story.

Fine! Let me hear their side then, and something told me I wasn't going to get convinced at the end.

[We did. And didn't you ask yourself about the reason behind it?]

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