
Getting A Taste Of The Strength Effect

[Because if he tried to attack you, your glaive will hold him back]


I now knew which glaive he was speaking about. Out of the three I got, only one would be monstrous enough to hold back such a deadly beast.

Just as I was going to say that I wouldn't be able to hold it out of habit, I recalled the sacrifice ability I gained from upgrading my class.

Now I could add not even enough strength to hold that glaive with one hand, I could also arm myself with a shield of protection and even healing and speed effect.

"How can I use my glaive then?"

[Write down your name, and do what your balls did in the middle of forming the end balls. Insert your glaive in the middle of the forming technique, and stand your ground]

"This looks quite dangerous! Then I'll add a defensive effect as well," I decided to go all out during this process. How much would it cost me? Ten million souls at most?

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