
Healing the sinners

Cain reached the Iron fortress with his company, the guards opened the doors for him immediately. The news of Dispater's new look has already reached all the corners of Dis city.

Dispater's consorts rushed toward Cain with worried, pale faces, "Our lord, how did it go." They asked and Cain glared at them "Went fine. I'm in a bad mood so scram."

The consorts quickly rushed away from his eyesight, the last thing they wanted was to get him into an even worse mood. Using what memories he could forage from Dispater's memory he walked to his room with all the groaning sinners behind him.

The guards gave the lowly half-blooded shadow devil a scorned glare. They would rather her not setting a foot in the fortress. Cain noticed their glares so he called them immediately.

The two stood before him terrified at being suddenly called like this.

"How did you look at her?" Cain asked glaring at them, an eldritch light glowed in his eyes that the two guards found extremely disturbing.

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