
Possession (JJK)

Tác giả: Lilith_Writex
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You woke up with a jerk. You sat up on the bed, breathing like crazy, sweat breads were falling down from your head. You were totally petrified. Immediately all the events that happened yesterday night came into your head flashing. So, it wasn't a nightmare?? You stood up from the bed and ran towards the door. You started banging on it. "Open the door. Fucking open it bastard. I'll kill you. H-How dare you hurt my J-Jimin." You were banging on the door like a madwoman, whereas tears kept streaming down your eyes. You were desperate to know whether Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung are okay or not. You were praying internally that they all were fine, safe and sound. "Fucking open the door." Now you were being too impatient. You fell on the ground crying. You ruffled your hairs being frustrated. On the other hand Jungkook stood out of the door, keeping his hands inside his pocket.

6 thẻ
Chapter 1Chapter 1


Y/n was tied from behind and her mouth was stuffed with a clothes to stop her from speaking. She struggled to free herself but it got into vein. She can't even cry to her poor fate.

Suddenly she heard footsteps. She looked up and found the reason of her state that she is in right now.

"How does it feel to be like this sis." said her cruel cousin. Y/n tried to speak but couldn't because of the cloth in her mouth.

"Awww poor you can't talk now. Tsk tsk tsk. But you know bitch you deserve this. You have always been a slut. Who told you to come in front of the guest." barked her sister.

Y/n again tried to make any sound but it was all waste.

"Today I'm gonna show you; your real place." With that she went near to Y/n and showed her a bucket that she was carrying with her.

"You see this bucket full of water. I have acid in it which will destroy your face and nobody will look at you ever again." Y/n looked at her with terror full eyes. She can't believe that her own cousin will do this to her. She always loved her like a little sister but here she loathe her with full heart.

She put the bucket on the ground and grabbed Y/n's hair from back. She forwarded her head towards the bucket. Y/n started struggling but it wasn't enough cause her hands and legs were tied.

Her sister was about to put her head in the bucket but suddenly that bucket was abruptly throwed from there.

"What are you doing Unnie?" asked Y/n's smaller brother. He was barely 8. He was shocked to see her sister in that dreadful condition. Surely he was a child but he could understand the evilness behind his cousin.

"You little devil." barked his cousin. But he ignored her words and ran towards Y/n. He helped her untie her.

"Today you were lucky but I won't let you live peacefully." shouted her cousin. She abruptly turned her heel and stomped away from there.

"Are you ok unnie?" asked Taegi. Y/n's brother.

"I'm fine Taegi."Said Y/n while wiping her tears. She hugged him and patted his back. She was proud of him for being so strong for himself and for his sister.

They both broke the hug and went out of the basement. They both entered inside the house.

The moment Y/n entered inside the living room a hard slap landed on her cheeks. She feel on the ground due to the impact. She grabbed her cheeks and looked up with teary eyes.

"You bitch!!! I already warned you not to come in front of guest but you slut have to whore around. Because of you witch they changed their mind and asked your hand instead of you sister." spitted her aunt with pure acid in her voice.

Was it Y/n's fault that Taegi hurt himself and she had to run to the garden??? Was it her fault that guests saw her??? Was it her fault that they asked for her hand for marriage instead of her cousin???

Was it her fault that she was beautiful???

"B-But aunt Taegi hurt himself and I had to go look for him." said Y/n while standing, still holding and her pressing her cheeks to ease the stinging pain.

"Then you would had let him be. It wasn't that he was going to die." spated her aunt with venom in her voice. She really didn't had any heart for that poor child who lost his parents in such a young age.

Y/n looked at him with wide eyes as she couldn't believe her words.

How can she be this much cruel; this much heartless????

She grabbed Taegi's hand and pulled him towards her. She didn't had anyone with her after her parents death. She was now left with only one family and that is Taegi. And she can't risk to loose him.

Her aunt glared at her for the last time and went away from there but not before ordering her to prepare dinner.

Y/n grabbed Taegi and put him to their small yet comfy bed and told him to rest for a while. As his knee was still swollen and had turn black and purple.

Taegi nodded his head like a cute puppy and closed his eyes. Y/n kissed his temper.

She closed the door and went to the kitchen to prepare food.

Whereas on the other side her aunt and cousin were sitting in garden and were relaxing. They never helped Y/n in household chores and treated her like a servant.

Y/n being a pure hearted girl ignored their bad behaviour and obeyed all their orders like a obedient child.

Y/n really whished for nothing. She only want to live a peaceful life with her brother and her long lost love.

He promised her that he will come back and take her with him to live happily ever after.

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" it's all about him.. if he didn't come.. its not happen.. after that whatever happened he deserved it.." I said angrily to girls.. " I don't know but you didn't know ava.. he really care about you.. I didn't get it.. he always fight with you.. and than something happen to you.. his always the first person to just get mad and involved.. and stand by you..  it's just that he's crazy for you.. totally in to you.. " Clara said to me. " don't pitty him girl's.. he's not like that what you think about him.." I said to them.. they all are looking at me.. and than my behind I don't know what they looking but I continue.. " he's jark.. asshole.. who doesn't know how to talk with girls.. always calling bed name's.. and insults them front of people.. he don't have heart.. he's heartless dick.. never care anyone just love himself.. girls for him only tissue pepper.. who's he just used them.. and throw them like trash.. I just hate him so much.. I want to kill him.. he never change.. he always do what he wanted.. never thinking about anyone.. I just hate him.. I hate him so much.." I burst out them.. but I don't know whatever I said to him. I didn't mean it.. I know that.. " anything else princess.." someone say behind me.. and I stop to eat.. girl's are give me sorry look.. and got up and left me.. Wow .. now I have to face him alone.. I Don't scared him.. I still site the and eat my food.. I don't care.. if he heard that what I said to him..

BADASSGIRL143 · Nhóm âm nhạc
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97 Chs

Love at First Scandal

Disclaimer : This story is not because I want to sexualize idols or anything like that. It is something which is purely fictional. It is going to be a little mature themed, so if you don't like it then please don't read it. If you do read I hope no one leaves any shady comments about it. Don't waste your energy, effort and time to try to say I did something wrong. Please don't. The door is always open (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ This is just FICTION, so there are a lot of changes made. Please do understand them all. Cr. to the rightful owner for the photo used, I only edited the photo for a poster. Please read the author note for sure. Haruto top Junkyu bottom " Be my lover ". Junkyu stared at Haruto in disbelief. " Do you hear yourself ? " He asked maintaining his strong gaze. Haruto looked up from his file. " I don't remember having any abnormalities. So we both heard it right ". Junkyu scoffed. " Then you should go get it checked. You definitely have a problem in your brain ". Haruto put his file aside and now gave his complete attention to Junkyu. " Putting aside the topic of whether I am a mad man or not. What do you say about the offer ? " " What is even that offer ? Don't you find it ridiculous ? " Haruto shook his head. Junkyu sat back in the chair and stared at Haruto with a burning gaze. Haruto was not at all fazed by it and looked calm waiting for an answer. An unexpected encounter led to a scandal. And Junkyu got stuck right in between them with the CEO Watanabe Haruto. But the problem was no one knew it was Haruto. And Haruto who knew the truth was only pestering him to be his fake lover by using the scandal against him. The only option left for Junkyu was to agree to it. And from then on things took a turn in a way he didn't expect.

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