
Chapter 125: Darts and Dating Advice

Rhett’s POV

“I’m sorry, is it just me or is this supremely f*cking weird?”

Mason’s voice was the first thing that sounded out in our group for over ten minutes. It had been eleven minutes since all of us arrived at the bar.

“What, you mean the fact that nothing has stopped going t*ts up long enough for us to get a drink together and play some darts, or the tiny undead child that’s sitting here with us?” It was Logan’s who popped up next, and I heard Hayden snicker next to me as he downed the rest of his beer and chimed in.

“That tiny, undead child could kick your *ss in ten seconds flat. Less if he’s feeling particularly efficient.” Mason teased our betas as he signaled for the barkeep to pour him another of whatever he had been drinking. Logan and Mason scoffed at the insinuation, but it was Logan who spoke up.

“I’d like to see him try.”

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