
1st Threshold - The Rise of Kai Stormborn!!! (3)

Note: Hey guys! If possible, then do donate your precious Power Stones to the revamped Fanfic only. Help me make it to the rankings. Alright. Enjoy!!!


Chapter Begins:

The essence of the standalone Title, Demon King, lay in two distinct fields.

One was the Skill Demon Progenitor which let the user create and nurture demonic beings, including the ones who could grow by themselves once given a hierarchical status.

But this Skill, though still powerful and rarer than rare in itself, could only be called authoritative.

Demon Progenitor was a Demon King's authority. Nothing else.

It was another Skill that suggested what being a Demon King meant. It was this Skill that showcased how hideously powerful a Demon King was in its entirety.

If Demon Progenitor was an authority, then this Skill was Demon King's sharpest weapon.

This Skill was…




Skill: Biokinesis

Grade: C+

Specification: Intricate control and manipulation over one's own biological processes, physiology, and anatomy


 1. Intelligence >25

 2. Stamina >19

 3. Perception >19


 1. Law of Conservation of Mass is strictly followed

 2. Mana Consumption - 0.0005 MP/gram of body mass restructuring


 1. Anatomy Restructure

 2. Hormonal Manipulation

 3. Cellular Regeneration (+500% HP Regeneration Rate)


 1. Contestant himself must keep track of all transformations

 2. Calorific energy stored in Contestant's body, or acquired from an external source, can be used to accelerate Cellular Regeneration

 3. Using one's own Calorific energy can result in severe fatigue and loss of HP Regeneration Rate



How could a mere +100% HP Regeneration let Kai ever regenerate organs, flesh, and bones instantly?

+100% HP Regeneration, though still high, wasn't at the level of instant regeneration.

The thing was, it was Blue Spider Lily who had granted Kai this 100% increase in the HP Regeneration Rate, not the Title Demon King.

So, as Biokinesis didn't have a concept of Cooldown, it meant Kai could constantly maintain a +500% HP Regeneration Rate… on top of the already +100%.

That meant… Kai could regain half of his HP instantly.

Such a regeneration rate was already on the level of the Upper Rank Demons. So it didn't come as a surprise for Daki to get gobsmacked by Kai regaining his missing limbs as if she hadn't just blasted him off to the smithereens.

"So…" Kai's words rang in Daki's ears. "… Shall we continue?"

"Ah..hh…ghhh…" Daki, and the flesh squirming on her chest, growled like two mad beasts. Her three eyes narrowed, veins popped up on her entire body, and her muscles went tout.

On the other side, Kai chuckled at the obvious results of the Emotions Manipulation, stuffing his mouth with a fistful of MP and SP pills.

Even with the Ad Infinitum, he couldn't just control Daki's mind. Ad Infinitum was still in its Elementary form, and the Demons in this realm were masters of the Spiritual World.

It was for this reason he hadn't implanted a part of the AI in the Hashiras, for they had Sword Spirit, and the act itself would have been redundant, when he didn't want to enslave them, to begin with.

Moreover, Daki wasn't the Shadow Lord, whom Ayin had already weakened considerably before Kai had used his Shikai on him.

To seal Daki's existence, Kai would need to make her incapable of even fighting back.

"You… mongrel" Daki's beastly growls reverberated throughout the Reality Marble. "… Die!"



As if answering Daki's murderous call, hundreds of bloodied obi sashes just instantly vanished, their speeds bordering that of teleportation.

In the fraction of a fraction of a second, they appeared around Kai, surrounding him from all possible directions of escape.

It wasn't the end, though.

"Blood Sash Type…" the squirming flesh, Gyutaro, once again growled, saliva dripping off its twisted mouth. "… Cero Barrage!"

At the tip of every single obi sash, a tiny blood drop appeared.

Then, one by one, all blood drops collapsed into themselves, becoming a black point.

For the first time, Kai's instincts screamed, every inch of his muscles squirming, squeezing out power.

The blood-coating of Reiatsu on Kai's body tightened as he hissed, using Selfless Breathing, the two curved heavy swords in his hands humming with black and purple cursed flames.




As if they were uncountable, hundreds of destructive beams of black Reiatsu shot at Kai from all directions.

Kai slithered.


Sounga sliced a Cero in half.


Murasame licked another two, ripping them apart.


The swords hacked diagonally, cutting dozens more.

But the Cero Barrage showed no sign of stopping, hundreds more still coming at Kai.

Time itself seemed running at a slower pace to him now.

It was one thing to see glimpses of the Ceros' tracks. It was another thing entirely to dodge them.

No matter how fast Kai was, he wasn't that fast, either.

Kai slithered between two Ceros, his Observation Haki's engines roaring at maximum output. Something needed to be done about all this, he knew. "Golduck…"

The word came out slowly, but every single particle of the Reality Marble knew what Kai said.

The Pokemon, still swimming toward the Upper Rank Six Demon, paused, grabbed the Wobbuffet clutched to its tail, and threw it up like a baseball.

"Wobbu…..!!!" the little one cried, its tail wobbling up and down, crying.

Before the Pokemon could get ripped apart by the Cero Barrage, Kai used his Master Telekinesis to grab Wobbuffet.

Then he grinned, a playful smile emerging on his face. "Use Counter…"



Skill: Counter

Grade: C-

Specification: Counters all Physical Attacks

Note: Physical Attacks are those which will purely affect Contestant's HP


Requirement: HP 20, MP 150

Attributes: Covers Contestant's body in an orange hue


Effect: Reflect

 1. Reflect all Physical Attacks below Contestant's maximum HP limit

 2. All damage above Contestant's HP limit will land as it is

 3. Double the Reflected Physical Attack value


Warning: If the Reflected Physical Attack is above three times Contestant's maximum HP, then doubling its value will result in failure


"Wobbuffet!!" the Pokemon cried, an orange hue covering its body.

Then Kai, still grabbing the Pokemon with an unseen force, smashed it at an incoming Cero.


The Cero that struck Wobbuffet was finger-sized at most. But the one that got sent toward Daki was the size of a hand, and thicker still.

One Cero… Two Ceros… Three Ceros….

Ceros came…

… and went away, becoming twice as powerful, their targets reversed.

And all landed on a thunderstruck Daki, her pupils widening at the sheer impossible event she had just witnessed.

Booms and bangs rang out as the Demon using the Resurreccion's Second Stage got blasted by her own attack, her obi sashes vainly trying to defend her.

When it ended, Daki's white skin had become bloodier than the sheet of blood ocean in the Reality Marble, torn flesh dangling from her arms and legs.

As if that wasn't an utter humiliation, an intelligible, black-purple figure shot out of the blood ocean.

Gengar… always liked to add injury to an insult.

Daki sensed it coming, despite her sorry state. Obi sashes shot at the shadowy thing coming at her but passed right through it.

Then the shadowy Gengar struck the Upper Rank Six demon and passed right through her, sucking away more of her HP and MP.

Skill - Dream Eater!



Skill: Dream Eater

Grade: C-

Specification: Absorbs target's Stamina and Magical Energy


Requirement: MP 80, SP 100


 1. Range: 500 meters

 2. A shadowy form leaves the Contestant's body and can actively seek the target

 3. The shadowy form is intelligible

 4. Time Limit: 2 minutes



 1. Base Damage: -150 MP, -100 HP

 2. The Damage is instantaneous


Warning: Base Damage will decrease by 1 unit/second after the first 30 seconds



Gengar grinned under the blood ocean, laughing playfully.

Daki lost her mind. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The third eye on her forehead burst open, squirming blood everywhere.

Blood Sash Type…

Huh?! Something clicked in Kai's mind, but even Ad Infinitum failed to input the speed of the next attack.



Dozens of micro Ceros burst out from Wobbuffet and Kai's body, ripping them open from within, flesh and bones flying all over in the Reality Marble.

… Parasite Cero!!


AN: A shout-out to Ghanendra Lawati for supporting the work as a Patron.

You can access up to 21 Chapters ahead of WN on Patre0n and Ko-Fi. Do consider it if you are liking the work and support the author.

Mass Release Goal Progress: 70%... (you don't know how happy I am for the 10% increase. Haha!)

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