
Hospital visit 2/2

"Well, we can discuss the wallet later. For now I will start taking off the bandage. It might hurt a bit okey?" said the doctor.

"Wait so you were what huh? Never going to tell me about your leg injury?" asked an angry grey-eyed girl.

"It's not like that okey? It's just... I didn't want you to worry about something unnecessary, and if you knew about it you would have told me to come earlier which we couldn't do." replied the girl on the stretcher while the doctor finished removing the bandages of her shoulder.

"T-This is..." muttered the doctor, clearly surprised by the sight. "How did you get this." he asked looking at the girl.

"That's non of your business." replied the girl, clearly no in the best of moods because of her ongoing fight with the other girl. "Just say it is fine so we can go or something!"

"But this is not fine! Not at all!" exclaimed the doctor. "First of all this is a serious injury! You could have died either because of blood loos or due to an infection. Secondly it has been healing terribly! It is almost as if you are trying to get it not to heal! Have you even left the wound alone or have you been trying to use your arm constantly? When did you even get this huh? How long have you gone around with a poorly bandaged injury when said injury is this serious!" continued the doctor, clearly frustrated by the state of the injury.

"Hey! I haven't been able to rest it so I haven't rested it. Besides it is bandaged well enough so shut up! Ughh are you going to give me something or stick it up or will you just ask stupid questions?!" asked the now angry blue-eyed girl.

"Don't act like that! Didn't you here it is very serious? Just stay there and let him do his thing! And what do you mean well enough huh? I know I messed up while bandaging the wound okey so don't act like it is fine for you to not receive good treatment just because you think mine should work Christina!" started saying the angry grey-eyes girl, though her words kept getting louder and louder the more she talked until small tears started forming in her eyes. "Do you think it is nice seeing you wounded like this?"

"Hey I didn't mean it like that Annabeth... it's just that I am fine okey? It will heal up eventually and until then we simply have to stay together." said Christina with a slightly sad gaze while getting down and giving her a hug.

The doctor was left slightly... confused. On one hand he was being threatened by little girls, not he other hand it was beyond clear this girls needed help, professional help, possibly police protection as well.

"I... I am s-sorry. It's just that I d-don't want to loose you." said Annabeth while hugging Christina tightly.

"I know... now how about we finish here and have ice cream for breakfast." said Christina, lightning the mood a little.

"Sigh... get on the stretcher and I will see what I can do about it." said the doctor while shaking his head. "Though I would suggest getting another doctor to treat this. I am not an expert in this, not as good as others anyway. Do you mind if I take you to an actual specialist?"

"No. You will do it." said Christina, her eyes once again turning serious.

"Well... no one said being a doctor was easy." said Annabeth.

"Sigh, just get here already." replied the doctor while indicating Christina to seat once again.

"So your names Christina huh? You look slightly familiar to be honest." said the doctor while taking a closer look at her wound. "Though I don't remember were I saw your face."

"Nowhere. Just get on with this already." said Christina, slightly frustrated that the doctor now knew both their names. They were still inexperienced at dealing with this type of situation and their emotions got the better of them, but it was something they could improve.

"Well... I think it is already too late for stitches. This must have been done at least a month ago right?" he asked, gaining a nod from Christina. "I see... well it might be too late for stitches, but it isn't too late to clean it properly and bandaged it correctly. Personally I would like to do an x-ray, it is important to know if there is a fracture or if the bones are fine."

Ten minutes and a lot of medical information which made Annabeth curious and Christina tired, the doctor decided to go ahead and clean the wound up before patching it. Christina refused both the x-ray and getting a plaster to cover her shoulder.

"While I know repeating it won't be enough to convince you, immobilising your shoulder should be a priority." said the doctor slightly tired. Before this two girls entered his office, he was finishing his daily report on the notebook and getting ready to head home. He had a twelve hour shift just before this and not even that was as frustrating and stressful as dealing with these two girls. Not only were all his solutions, solutions backed by decades of medical experience, rejected instantly, he was also still pointed with a knife!

Setting his self-pity aside, he was genuinely concerned by the state of the girl he was treating, at this point he was wondering wether they were involved in gang activities or something similar.

"It is necessary for me to say this, both as a doctor and as a... well as a decent human being. Are you sure you don't want me to contact the police? They could help you with whatever trouble you are involved in and it would be safer for you." explained the doctor.

"We already said to stop it." said Annabeth. "We don't want or need help."

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