
Chapter 029 : The cyclopes.

Through the harsh waves and stormy winds of outskirt of the ocean a small wooden boat was sailing through the waves. Inside the boat were a nervous Riley shouting grabbing tight of the boat. Ryan sailed the boat through the stream of waves heading towards them, he turned it right, left and served it through the current. 

"Hey, do something about this!" Riley yelled out at Ryan. 

"I am doing something you know," Ryan said replying. 

"If you were doing something we would have been out of the water by now. I told you we should have taken a ship. I am going to kill you if we drown here," said Riley. 

"How would you kill me if we both drown? Don't worry I know this seas more than everyone I could us out of here if you can just stay quite." Ryan had his eyes focus sailing through the stream of waves coming there way. Riley clinched her teeth looking at him. 

A large wave approached their boat. The ship looked like a small rock to the wave, Riley widened her eyes in seeing the wave coming towards them. Ryan with a firm look towards the large wave, he simply smiled at it sailing straight towards it. 

Riley yelled out if he was insane or wanted her dead that bad to sail the boat towards the wave. Ryan ignored her irritating yelp and continued to sail the boat towards the large wave. As their boat reach close to the wave he gyration the boat steering making the boat swim through the wave current. 

With a surprised face Riley could not believe that Ryan plan was so good. The boat moved through the water without any problem. Ryan turned his face and smiled at the quite Riley. Riley snorted at him to not get too cocky of himself.

Sometime passed.

Their boat was sailing free off waves and any storm above. But there were still dark clouds covering their boat. Riley raised her head throughout the boat looking further from the boat. She widened her eyes seeing the bright sky coming from the far outskirt. 

Riley delightedly smiled feeling the warmth of the sun on her face. She took off her top with Ryan nervously turning his face at the side. "What are you doing? Can you wait until we have arrived where we going."

"This can't wait, I am so soaked right now it seemed like I was underwater. Sorry I can wait," Riley continued to take off her clothes. Ryan did not expect such a person was riding with him. 

Riley with a mocking expression said, "You can look if you want. If you want."

Ryan firmly looked forward and laughed saying, "Sorry, you're not my type." Those words shocked Riley from the inside, large angry veins appeared on her head : This was not going to end well for him. 

Riley rushed towards his side, with Ryan turning his face aside again. She mocked that he was a virgin loser who has never had a girlfriend. "You are a loser and you will always be a loser, you virgin loser!" 

"Are you done?" Ryan said with a composed look. He did not mean no disrespect with what he said but it was true, he saw Riley as like any other woman he had met throughout his life. But Riley also had her unique behaviour separating her from the others.

After for sometime Riley had put on dry clothes and drying off her soak clothes to the sun. With a firm expression she glance towards the far outskirt as a glimpse shadow kept on faze up-front. She excitedly smiled happy to finally reach shore. 

Ryan interrupted her excitement by asking, "Did you read the mission paper? Do you know where were going?" Riley frowned her both brows seeming to be puzzled. She walked up towards his side reading the mission paper. 

"Cyclopes? What are they?" 

Ryan face widened with surprised that Riley did not know what were cyclopes, but she still came along with him. He took off his hands from the boat steering he seriously walked up to Riley face. "You telling me you came along not knowing what were cyclopes. Why did you even come on this mission, why?"

Riley occultly raised her shoulders and shook her head. Ryan annoyedly clinched his fists, he casually turned his back walking back to the boat steering. His expression did not change as he tightly gripped to the boat steering. 

"What are cyclopes?" Riley asked. 

Ryan with a firm expression looking up front said, "Cyclopes are massive creatures that have the strength of fifty men, some of them are taller than buildings and they also have a larger eye instead of two."

"One eye, that sounds easy!" Riley said already celebrating her victory. Ryan mocked the lack of information she had of cyclopes. 

"If you think that, they will make easy work out of you. And they are also cannibals." Ryan winked his eye an smiled. Riley then when back on her words wondering how strong were those cyclopes. The creatures were sounding scaring by the second. In her mind the cyclopes were proving to be stronger than she thought. 

"This mission wealth 30 million!!" Riley yelling. She did not see the mission payment before and she was shocked to see for the every first. Her other missions paid 10 to 50 thousand pair mission. The money was good but the job kinder worried her for awhile. 

"You sound like it your first S-class mission right now," said Ryan. Riley assured him that it was her first S-class mission. He widened his eyes with surprised. 

"What are you saying?" asked Ryan, he looked with confusion at Riley. 

Riley slightly smiled saying, "Yeah, it's kinder my first mission." 

"Are you even a S-class adventurer?" Ryan asked with a serous voice. Riley simply shook her head replying "no" to him. Ryan gripped the boat steering even tighter almost breaking it. He felt a bit dizzy as he thought of the guild-master reaction when he comes back to the guild. 

'The old man's will probably kill now that he has a reason to do so. Damn, I should learn to ask things.' 

"Hey, what class are you now?" asked Ryan. 

"I am B-class." Riley said replying. Ryan nodded his head approving her rank as a B-class adventurer. She was going to be able to handle hold her own. But it did not mean she could defeat a cyclopes. 

Thnks for the love and motivation! Please keep giving me more!

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