
66 Aftermath

"So, that was... insane," Harry said, breaking the silence as he grabbed a piece of toast. "I never imagined breakfast would be like that."

"Yeah," Ron agreed, frowning deeply. "That arse really is something else. Did you see what he did to Sebastion? No wand, no words, just looked at him and controlled him. That's dark magic, pure and simple."

Hermione looked up from her plate, her brow furrowed. "It is strange. Chantless and especially wandless magic isn't common. It's often associated with darker practices. I mean, usually, only the most advanced wizards can manage that and Lucas is our age."

"That's what I have been saying. He is practicing the dark arts, he has to, there is no way around it. And I bet he is planning something nefarious with the exchange students. I mean have you seen how Fleur was controlled by him? It was like he was toying with her. He's always been dodgy." Ron continued his slander. "If you ask me the aurors should have done something sooner."

Hermione frowned, clearly frustrated. "Ron, just because it's dark doesn't mean he's planning something catastrophic. There could be other explanations. Maybe he has control issues or..."

"Control issues?" Ron's voice grew louder. "He's a bloody threat, Hermione! He's using people like puppets. How is that not a clear sign that he's dangerous? The Aurors should've done more, not just stood there like idiots."

Holly, who had been sitting quietly, leaned forward. "Ron, I think you are jumping to conclusions. There might be a lot we don't understand, but he didn't do anything before Sebastion insulted him. I don't think Lucas would have acted the way he did if that didn't happen."

"Jumping to conclusions?" Ron practically exploded. "He's proven himself dangerous! Can't you see that? You saw the way he handled Sebastion. And Fleur, he's clearly got something dark going on. It's like he's just waiting for the right moment to strike. We should be worried, not debating his motives."

Harry looked from Ron to Hermione, his own worry evident. "Ron's got a point. Even if we don't know everything, we can't ignore what we saw. Lucas has abilities that could be dangerous, especially if we have to compete against each other in the tournament."

Hermione bit her lip, struggling to find a middle ground. "Alright, but we need to gather more information before we act. We don't want to make things worse by reacting out of fear."

Ron shook his head firmly. "I don't care what the reasons are. Lucas is using dark magic and we need to be on high alert. He's definitely planning something and we need to find out before it's too late."

Hermione's brow was furrowed as she had the safety of the group in mind, "still, I think we should act with caution and wait for more information."

Ron snorted. "Wait? Caution? That's the problem, Hermione. We've been cautious before, and look where that's gotten us. We need to be proactive. I'm not waiting until something awful happens."

With that Ron stormed out of the Great Hall. Hermione wanted to run after him, but Harry had grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"Just leave him be. It will take a while, but he will calm down again."


As Lucas and the two aurors left the Great Hall, Albert gave a sign to Frank that said that he would recount the incident to their ministry contact.

It didn't take long for the two of them to reach Lucas' favourite spot, the lonesome sweet chestnut tree at the black lake.

The cool autumn wind rustled through the red coloured leaves as Lucas settled down beneath its wide branches. He gazed out over the shimmering surface of the Black Lake. Frank stood a few paces away, watching the young wizard taking his seat.

It was strange for him, he was out of the blue called into the ministry by Ms. Amelia Bones for a special mission, which he at first found absurd, but now after what happened in the Great Hall he couldn't help but be impressed by Lucas, as well as a bit scared.

He remembered his time in Hogwarts clearly, as it wasn't that long ago that he graduated and he had been completely different to Lucas. They were fond memories he gladly looked back on. He had had his first kiss on these very shores back then with someone his innocent heart had fallen for. Good old times.

Lucas' quiet voice brought him out of his nostalgia. "Am I really that frightening?"

He didn't turn to look at Frank, his gaze remaining fixed on the Black Lake. There was a calmness in his tone, but the young auror could hear another tone buried underneath.

Frank shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to respond. He had been tasked with keeping an eye on Lucas, monitoring his actions, and reporting back to the ministry. But now, faced with someone who he thought was suffering under teenage anxiety, he didn't know how to respond.

"You're powerful," Frank began, choosing his words carefully. "What you did back there, it was something most wizards couldn't even dream of doing. Hell, I don't think I will ever be able to do something like that. But, if there is one thing I have learned as an auror, it's that it's not important how powerful you are, it's what you do with it that matters."

Lucas finally turned his head, his brown saddened eyes locking onto Frank's. "Really? You think so?"

Frank's heart sank to his stomach seeing the young boy's tears threatening to fall. Lucas looked so vulnerable, so… lost. For a moment, it was easy to forget why he had been sent here. Lucas wiped his eyes quickly and looked away, as if embarrassed by his own display of emotion.

"I don't want to scare anyone," Lucas said quietly, his voice trembling just enough to seem authentic. "I don't even want this power, not the way I have it. But what choice do I have? People like that Gryffindor... they're already convinced I'm evil. It's like they're waiting for me to mess up so they can throw me into Azkaban."

Frank took a step closer, feeling a pull toward the boy sitting beneath the tree. He could almost hear his own teenage self in Lucas's words—the fear of being misunderstood, of being blamed for something out of your control. "No one's going to throw you into Azkaban, Lucas. Look, I know it feels like the world's against you, but not everyone is."

Lucas gave a weak laugh, shaking his head. "Maybe not everyone... but it feels like the Ministry is. They even sent people to watch me, like they're just waiting for me to slip up. You and Albert. You're both here for me, are you not?"

Frank hesitated. He had been told not to reveal anything of their mission, but Lucas's tone and the sadness in his eyes, made it difficult to hold back the truth. "We're just here to make sure you are safe and sound in Hogwarts, away from other people who want to use your abilities for their own good."

A warm smile broke through Lucas' otherwise sad face, which gave Frank a feeling akin to butterflies in his stomach. It was a rush he normally only felt when he successfully apprehended a criminal. "I am glad you came here. It feels like you understand me. But who would even do such a thing?"

Frank's jaw tightened. He knew he had to be careful, but Lucas was playing his cards right, drawing out just enough sympathy to blur the lines of protocol. "I don't know all the details," Frank admitted. "But yeah, Ms. Bones has concerns about a few people. She wants to make sure you stay away from certain people, especially Lucius and the other lords."

Lucas's expression shifted almost imperceptibly, the sadness still lingering but now tinged with curiosity. He leaned forward slightly, his eyes searching Frank's. "Lucius and the other lords?"

Frank hesitated, realizing he had already said too much. But Lucas's innocent, almost pleading look made it hard to backpedal. "Yeah," Frank finally admitted. "There's been talk, whispers mostly, about certain high-ranking wizards with... interest in your abilities. They see potential in you, Lucas. And not the kind that ends in a nice ministry job."

Lucas's eyes widened slightly, just enough to seem genuinely alarmed, though beneath the surface, he felt a quiet satisfaction. "So you are like my protector."

Frank felt a surge of protectiveness for the boy. "That's right, you can trust me, Lucas. I'm here to make sure you stay safe, and I'll do everything in my power to keep it that way. But you need to be careful too. Don't let anyone get too close, especially those who seem overly interested in what you can do. There will definitely come a time when someone approaches you with nefarious intent during this tournament."

Lucas nodded slowly, as if absorbing the weight of Frank's words. "I understand. But, Frank... if you find out more, anything at all, will you tell me? I need to know who's trying to manipulate me. I can't defend myself if I don't know who I'm up against."

Frank hesitated, but Lucas's plea felt so genuine, so desperate, that he found himself nodding. "I'll tell you what I can. But you need to promise me you won't do anything rash. The last thing we need is for you to confront these people on your own."

"I promise," Lucas said, his voice soft but firm.

"Good. We'll get through this, Lucas. I'll make sure of it." Frank smiled, relief washing over him, before a sudden thought ran through his head, sending a shiver through his whole body. "Promise me one more thing. This conversation stays between us two, not even Albert can know of it."

Lucas watched Frank closely, noting the sincerity in his eyes. It was almost too easy. "Of course. I trust you after all."

A few minutes later Albert came back and the three wizards watched the calming waves of the black lake together.


Susan had been counting the days since Lucas' name was revealed as the fifth champion. She couldn't wait to see him again, even though her aunt had forbidden it and even threatened to take her out of Hogwarts again, if she ignored her and chose to see him.

Susan paced her dormitory, her mind racing. The thought of him competing in the Triwizard Tournament and getting hurt haunted her every waking moment. So imagine the rollercoaster of emotions she went through, when tales of the incident at the Great Hall reached her.

As she rushed there she noticed that the rumors about Lucas were circulating once more, worse than ever, and she had seen the way people treated him back then.

It didn't take long for her to find his currend location. He was back there where he always used to sit, back there where she had confessed her feelings and he had shown her a part of him she would never ever forget again.

After a 180 she rushed out of the hall down the stairs and outside. Her heart was hammering in her chest all this time. The radiant smile on her face betrayed the euphoric excitement she felt at meeting him again.

As Lucas and the aurors left the edge of the lake, he spotted a familiar figure sprinting toward them. Her eyes locked onto Lucas with an intensity that immediately caught his attention.

"Susan?" Lucas said, his voice tinged with surprise and a hint of hesitation as she wasn't slowing down. In fact she was getting faster.

"LUUUUUUCAS!" Susan yelled as she jumped with all her might into his outstretched arms. The aurors were about to do something, but when they saw who it was they stopped and just let it happen. Lucas was thrown back like he was hit with a wrecking ball. If he hadn't turned the ground soft and bouncy and slowed Susan down a good amount then they would have a lot more to worry than their reunion.

"That's what you would have wanted right?" a voice resounded in Susan's head, as what happened just now disappeared like a mirage in the wind. She could feel that he was smiling while saying that though. Instead she was stopped by the aurors who had hit her with an Arresto Momentum.

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