
Chapter 44: Live, Laugh, Love

“Lia?” Ryan called from the door.

Lia turned around to face him and put a finger to her lips. She was carrying a sleeping Jack in her arms.

“Sorry!” Ryan mouthed. “Are you alright?”

“I am fine,” Lia answered, shifting Jack’s sleeping form to a more manageable position.

“Is there any way I can help? He looks heavy,” Ryan whispered.

“No, he is light enough. No elephant is burdened by the weight of its tusks,” Lia replied.

“Let me help you put him to bed at least. He is, after all, my tusk as well,” Ryan said.

Lia giggled softly and smiled. “As you wish.”

Ryan gently eased Jack from Lia’s arms. They walked slowly to the adjoining office They moved silently, so as to not wake Jake.

Gently, Ryan eased Jack onto the bed. Lia climbed into the vacant space of the bed, positioned Jack on a pile of soft pillows, and kissed her son on the forehead. As she turned to climb out, she caught Ryan looking at her strangely.

“What?” Lia asked in a hushed tone

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