
Chapter 71: Mitch - Klempner

The following morning, I give breakfast with 'the family' a miss. I'm not keen to meet up with Jenny just yet. Doubtless, she'll blister my ears.

Deservedly so...

I am, however, keen to set things right with Mitch.

Waiting to be sure the sound of chatter and movement is elsewhere in the house, I take the coward's exit, slipping away through the back door, then make my way to Mitch's apartment.

As I cross the courtyard, Jenny's mare nickers at me from the stable door, tossing her head as I pass.

At least someone's pleased to see me...

At Mitch's door, I pause. It stands open. Only by an inch or so, but... open.

An invitation?

Don't make assumptions...

Pushing a little, it wheezes on its hinges, easing wider. "Mitch?"




"Come in, Larry." Her voice cracks on the last syllable.

Inside, she sits at her small table. A cup of her peppermint tea steams. A boiled egg is half-eaten, congealed in its shell.

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