
Chapter 19: Devils in Details

Vix and Caine packed up their camp quickly and went on. They traveled along Cervil’s Way, a wide and dusty road that ran west from Belgrave. The city was still easily visible in the distance, miles away, its peaks stabbing at the horizon like a tortured mountain range.

To their right, the Striding roared alongside the road. The river was in full flow this time of year. Foam skated across its surface, looking like fluffy snowbanks, carrying sticks and debris along in its current.

Vix was totally absorbed in her surroundings, her neck sore from trying to watch everywhere at once. She had never been so far from Belgrave before. Caine looked at her in surprise when she told him so.

“Really? Belgrave is a wonderous city, but certainly not where I would choose to spend all my time.” He hesitated, then asked, “So did you leave anyone important behind? Family, friends, husbands?”

“Hubands?” she repeated, laughing.

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