
Thousands of Star-Grade Martial Artists

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Looking at the scene displayed on the virtual screen, Chu Nan was a little dumbfounded.

What was displayed on the screen was a battle between the Declan Empire and the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance in a star system that was originally in Declan's territory.

The scene of this battle was very ordinary. The Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance and the Declan Empire had both sent out their elite fleets. Clearly, they were already prepared and fought a huge battle here.

Both sides were super factions in the Milky Way, so such an attack was naturally extremely huge.

The Declan Empire had mobilized a total of 13 full fleets, including two royal guard fleets. Just the combat strength invested this time had already surpassed the total combat strength of the Earth Federation.

At the same time, the Declan Empire had also sent a total of 107 powerful Star-Grade Martial Artists in this battle. Such a lineup was very rare even in the Declan Empire.

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