
Reason for Collapse

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios


The terrifying energy impact brought about by the collapse of the teleportation door was equivalent to Chu Nan directly enduring an extremely terrifying attack from the deepest part of his body. Moreover, this attack came from the inside out. He was completely defenseless and could not defend at all. In an instant, his entire body received extremely shocking damage. Not only did his internal organs shatter under the impact of the terrifying energy, even every cell in his body seemed to have been crushed.

Such injuries were enough for ordinary people or martial artists to die more than a hundred times. If not for the fact that Chu Nan had an extremely powerful body that was not inferior to ordinary Star-Grade Martial Artists and had been using the Flame of Life and the Goddess' Song cultivation method to protect himself, he would definitely not have been able to endure this.

However, he was only not dead.

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