
Chapter 54: The Yinchorri Uprising Episode VI

(Van: POV)

A month.

One kriffing month.

That's how long it took the Senate to pass the technological and trade embargo on the Yinchorri system, and authorize Judicial Forces to assist us Jedi in pacifying the system.

An entire month.

I knew the wheels of government turned slowly, and I know Palpatine and his allies were using their influence to delay any resolution to the Yinchorri conflict, but damn.

I'm glad the situation isn't more dire.

Seriously, if this is how the Republic of today is during an active conflict, I would almost welcome Sidious New Order.

You know if it wasn't a super tyrannical, humanocentric government run by a sociopath with a God and immortality complex.

Oh and let's not forget how misogynistic the Empire was as well.

Seeing how there hardly any females with high-ranking positions in it, and those that did hold such positions were certifiably bat shit insane.

Sly Moore, Lumiya, Ysanne Isard, and don't even get me started on Natasi Daala.

Yeah, I can go my entire life without meeting any of those women.

Moving on.

Once we Jedi got word the Senate had authorized Judicial Forces to aid us, the taskforce from the first time we attempted to enter the Yinchorri system was re-assembled.

But this time master Miach brought his own Padawan Bultar along.

Our taskforce split into the same groups we did previously, Bultar naturally joining Miach's team, but this time each one was assigned to work with one of the Judical Force taskgroups that would be accompanying us on this mission.

Of which there were four.

Since just like in the original story master Yaddle managed to learn about the fourth planetary body in the Yinchorri system, Uhanayih, from a holocron at the temple.

So while each of our original teams would accompany a Judical Force taskgroup to the world in system we were tasked to investigate in the first place, the last taskgroup would handle investigating Uhanayih.



[Judicial Arcology, Coruscant]

Inside of a conference room in what was the headquarters for the entire Judicical Forces, the Judicial Arcology, I sat with my team members.

All of us waiting for the commander of our taskgroup for the mission to the Yinchorri system to arrive.

So they could give us a briefing on the battle plans the taskgroup would employ for this mission, and where we would fit into it.

For although all Jedi are taught about military tactics we are not trained how to employ them any longer.

That's another thing about the Clone Wars.

The Republic gave Jedi high ranking military positions without giving them any sort of formal training, and the Jedi just went right along with it.

Which led to tons messed of up battles and bad command decisions during the war.

All of which made it easier for Sidious to employ his plans.

I have to give it to that bastard, he sure knows how to make a good plan.

But so do I.

That's why classes in warfare and military tactics and training will be an option to learn for members of my Jedi Order.

Though it will not be optional for members of my order who seek to ,or have to, lead soldiers into battle.

Like I will.

Why else would I be having HK-47 teach me about such things?

Oh and speaking of HK I definitely need to contact him after this mission is over.

For he's been out of contact for close to two months now.

Which is worrying me a bit.

Because if I leave that droid to his own devices for too long there's no telling what might happen.

I don't want him turning an entire planet red with the blood of its inhabitants after all.

Which is definitely something that droid would do.

So yeah, I definitely need to check in on him.

But completing this mission comes first.

The door to the conference room opening I saw two people walk in.

Getting a good look at them I had to hold back a grin from forming on my face.

For the men who just walked into the room will become legendary in the future.

The first man is none other than Jan Dodonna.

[Insert Image of Jan Dodonna Here]

A great military strategist who will redefine space warfare.

While the second man is Adar Tallon.

[Insert Image of Adar Tallon Here]

A man who will become a legendary ace starfighter pilot, and who will literally write the book on modern starfighter tactics. He will even get two maneuvers named after him.

I would love to have both of these men work with me in the future.

Unfortunately they are too loyal to the Republic, despite the dumpster fire that it is.

Then there is Dodonna's friendship with one of Sidious biggest supporters, Terrinald Screed.

So yeah, bringing them over to my side is impossible right now.

But who knows, that might change.

For the future is always in motion.

"Greetings Jedi, I am captain Jan Dodonna." Jan said. "And this man with me is our taskgroup starfighter commander, Commander Adar Tallon."

"Gentlemen." Tallon spoke.

"A pleasure to meet you both." Windu spoke.

The rest of us then greeted the two men as well.

The once the introductions were out of the way we got down to business.

Dodonna briefed us on the tactics and strategies our taskgroup would be employing when we entered the Yinchorri system, and then Tallon informed those of us who would be flying in this battle, master Tiin and myself, of our roles.

Then before I knew it everything was said and done.

Once it was everyone went to make final preparations.

Then soon we were on our way to the Yinchorri system.

Where we end their uprising once and for all.

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