

"You're like a little boy with a new toy, look at how bright you're smiling." Lilith teased.

Though the living quarters of Sacharro Graveyard were greatly reduced, there was still a single luxurious room.

At that moment, Saru was busying herself in the kitchen while Lilith looked toward Dyon who was sitting at a control station with an excited look on his face. He couldn't fathom why he had never built something like this on the mortal plane. His 5 year old self would be losing his mind right now. Who was he kidding, even his current self was grinning ear to ear.

"You wouldn't understand." Dyon pretended to be serious. "I just brought the transformers to life. This is the greatest moment of my life."

"Even greater than the birth of your daughter?"

Dyon blinked as though thinking seriously. After a while, he cleared his throat and looked away.

"Little Alauna will understand." He said resolutely.

"Pft –"

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