
Chapter 59 : Sad Zabel

*WARNING: This chapter is dark. Viewer discretion is definitely advised.*

[Skull Realm]

The skull realm was a..freakishly devilish looking place. The sky was red and black, and the grass and trees were black and red, and all of the buildings were made out of bones; the realm looked like a city, and it often rained at times, but it rained grey water.

The inhabitants of that realm had half skull faces and half human faces, with half a set of hair on their head, and half human and half bone bodies. 

They were usually busy working on the city, and working how the people on earth would usually work.

There were areas when the inhabitants would be playing soccer. But the soccer games between them would be super brutal and deadly, blood and bones spilled all over the grass when they played.

"Haha! I'm better than you weaklings!"

"Pass the ball! Pass the ball!"

"I'm open, I'm open!"


On the side, was a little skull realm child, and his skull parents were standing on the left side and right side of him.

The child smiled, "Mom! Dad! Do you ever think I'll be as good as them?!"

They smiled, and the dad replied, "Of course. Just keep training as hard as you do now, and you might even be better than them."


The mother answered, "I don't see why not."


A few miles away from them, there was a giant castle made out of skulls and flesh. It was surrounded by human-bone inhabitants, and they were guarded by them.

At the highest floor, were the 5 guardians of the Skull realm. But the leader of those guardians was King Null. He was 50 feet tall, and he wore a crown of bones and flesh, and he wore red chains around his body along with brown cloth and a black cape.

He looked everyone else in the Skull realm, with half a human face and half a skull bone face, but he had glowing red eyes.

The guardians all wore white robes, they wore them so they could look apart from the rest of the inhabitants of the Skull realm.

One of the guardians said to Null, "Null, something with high power has arrived through our atmosphere."

Null responds, "Again?"


"That's the third time today. It's getting highly annoying. Can one of you dolls please go and check it?"

"I'll go."

"Thanks. My daughter has a soccer game in a few minutes and I don't wanna miss it."

Back at the soccer field, they were still playing rough, knocking each other around trying to get the ball.

The little skull realm boy out there said, "Ooo I can't wait to go next!"

After a few more seconds of play time, a voice said to everyone on the field, "Mind if I play?"

Everyone turned to that voice, and they saw Zabel standing in the middle of the field.

One guy ran up to Zabel screaming and ready to fight, "Zabel!!!"

He got close, but Zabel vanished, then reappeared to where the soccer ball was. Everyone surrounded him, and Zabel was kicking the soccer ball with light taps, doing cool moves with it. 

Zabel said, "Now who's team am I gonna be on? I swear I'm no slouch, I can play with the best of them. Ya see, where I'm from, the Arcane realm, I was good at everything. I know my way around everything that I look at. Come on, put me on someone's team."

Everyone was scared to move, they all held their breaths. They all were sweating, the presence of Zabel was too intense, they were truly afraid.

The little boy was silently and slowly walking back to his parents, and Zabel instantly looked over there at him.

Zabel says, "Why is everyone looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face? Am I..UGLY?"

Still, no one said a thing. Everyone was still afraid, they all could hear each other's heartbeats.

Zabel smirked quietly, and he stopped playing with the soccer ball.

"Wow. Tough crowd. You all must definitely know who I am then. Come on..speak. Who am I?"

One of them answered, "You're..Zabel…destroyer of realms.."

Zabel smiled, "Ah you're flattering me, stop it. But I wouldn't say 'DESTROYER.' I don't have the capabilities of completely wiping a realm from existence…yet. So when they call me the DESTROYER of realms, It's just me destroying everyone in that realm."

The little boy yelled to Zabel, "Is that why you're here?!"

"A smart young lad. Mmm, yes. Yes? Yes. I'm here to kill you all and drain the energy from your sun. Power is what I'm here for. If I try to take the energy while you all are alive, you could be a nuisance. And I get annoyed…VERY quickly. Would you like to die first, little bone human monster thing? You all are just utterly DISGUSTING, I couldn't imagine being that ugly."

"Shut up! Why are you trying to be bad?! What do you want? What's so important that you have to go around killing people?!" The little boy yelled.

The boy's parents said to him, "Mordecai-Skull, be quiet.."

"No! No one else is saying anything! Zabel! Why are you doing this?"

The boy looked at Zabel with a fierce look, and that look reminded Zabel of how Duri looked when Duri was a child fighting against Zabel.

Zabel replied, "I don't need to tell a brat or any of you my plans. You're all going to die anyway."

"No! I won't let you!"

"Ugh. Okay. Are those your parents behind you? Mind if I show them something?"


In the blink of an eye, Zabel zoomed past the boy's parents, holding two bright gold and white karambit blades, and cut the heads off of the boy's parents.

After that split second, Zabel was back in his position.

Zabel said, "There, I gave it to them."

The boy asked, "You didn't even move?!"

One of the inhabitants said to the boy, "T-t-turn around…!"

The boy immediately turned around, and saw his parents' heads on the ground, looking right at him.

The boy's eyes got big, and he was breathing faster than a horse.

"No!!!!!! Mom! Dad!!"

He dropped to the ground, and he touched their bodies. He was crying tears quickly, and he tried to reattach his parents' heads onto their bodies. Even though that won't bring them back.

"I-I-I can put you two back together! I can! Just, just hold!"

The other inhabitants started to brew up their powers while making a sad face, and they hurried over to Zabel.

"Die! Zabel!!!"

"Zabel, you're a monster! You'll pay for this!"

Zabel replied, "How lame. Is that all it takes to provoke you bastards? Hahaha! This is fun!"

They were a few inches away from Zabel, until gravity hit them all, and it slammed them to the ground. The gravity was being formed by Zabel, and that gravity was pinning everyone to the ground.

They said:

"I can't move!"

"He's pinning us down!"

"Abilities that intertwine with gravity and space itself?!"

The gravity was crushing everyone flat, pouring blood all over the grass like a spilled cup of water on a napkin.

The little boy was being pinned down too, but he was slowly getting up as the force of gravity weighing everyone down became heavier.

The boy said, "I..will kill you!"

Zabel looked at him, thinking, 'The way around my gravity ability is will power. But to stand all the way up and fight against it..his will power is insane. He reminds me of Duri. Ahh, the memories.'

Zabel said, "Your will power is crazy. I like that. Would you like to become my disciple?"


"Hey, don't get mad at me. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do."

"I'll…kill…you..! I'll kil-!"

Zabel slung his gold and white shining karambit at the boy, and it killed him.

Zabel said, "Such wasted potential. For what?"

Zabel stopped the gravity ability, and everyone around him was squished to death.

Zabel looked over to the rest of the entire Skull realm, and said, "Now then. Time to annihilate everyone else."

To the left, 4 of the 5 guardians of the Skull realm besides Null cane approaching, saying, "Zabel! I hadda feeling it was you that entered this realm!"

Zabel laughed, "If you hadda feeling, then why didn't you come quicker?! You probably would've saved these worthless lives!"

All the guardians had a grey and black aura around them as some of their bodies glowed that color.

The first guardian yelled, "Power Level: Ten million!"

The second guardian screamed, "Power Level: Nine million!"

The third guardian yelled, "Power Level: Eleven million!"

The fourth guardian exclaimed, "Power Level: Eleven million!"

Zabel clapped slightly, "That's impressive. Let's see if it hurts."

The guardians said to each other:

"Is he mocking us?"

"No. He's making jokes to hide his fear."

"He messed up coming here and killing our people.."

"We'll show him!"

They all stuck their hands out, and different colored orbs were growing and spinning in front of them. It had their faces in the orbs, and lightning blasted all over the area.

Some of the lightning was hitting Zabel, but Zabel stood there with a straight face. Completely unfazed.

All the guardians yelled at the same time, "Go!!"

They threw the orbs at Zabel, and it connected, causing a bright loud explosion.

People all throughout the Skull realm started running and screaming, gathering their kids up and running to safety. Was there even a safe place to go if Zabel is there?

The guardians thought they had killed Zabel with their single attack, but Zabel was still standing there with a straight face with a little bit of smoke on his shoulder and chest.

Zabel blew some of the smoke away, saying, "Okay. I'm ready. Did you attack yet?"

The guardians gasped, thinking, 'How is he not dead?!'

"Guardians! Hit him again!"

They went to attack again, but Zabel blasted up to them with his glowing karambits, and started slashing them all over the place. He was moving at mach 9.6, which was about 7,000 miles an hour.

The guardians definitely couldn't keep up; His speed, strength, and karambits were destroying the guardians.

Then, after a few seconds, Zabel smashed his karambits together, and a loud explosion happened, blasting the guardians away and killing them on impact, sending him all the way to the edges of the realm.


Zabel sighed, "That's it? Come onnnn, gimme more!"

Zabel turned around to the rest of the realm, and yelled out, "Go ahead, run! We're gonna play a game of tag! You run, I'll chase and kill you! Hahahahaha! I make myself laugh sometimes."

Zabel used his 7,000 mph speed to kill everyone. He was cutting everyone up, destroying buildings with his strength, using his gravity to crush everyone flat, and caused earthquakes to open within the realm, and those earthquakes would level multiple parts of the ground. Zabel had a smile on his face the entire time.

Back at the castle, the guards came into the Null's room, saying, "It's Zabel! We have to get you out of here! We already have your daughter somewhere safe with your wife!"

Null stood up out of his chair, saying, "My father did not leave me the position of leadership to run from a coward like Zabel. I was prepared for this day. Today will be the end of Zabel! We WILL kill him!"

After a few more minutes of explosion, screams, murder, and destruction, everything was in ruins, and Zabel was walking in a large field under the red and black sky, walking on the black grass, holding his karambits, with millions of bodies around him, and rubble and trees laying at his feet.

Zabel said, "Seems like my own training is paying off. I'm even faster than before! Yes! Hoh? What's that noise?"

On the other side of the field, was over 4 million Skull realm soldiers with weapons and powers, and Null was riding on a human/skull dragon monster.

Null said, "Zabel!"

Zabel answered with an annoyed tone, "WHAT? WHAT DO YOU WANT? YOU LIKE ME OR SOMETHING? I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND."

"Fool! You come here, thinking you'll drain our sun, thinking you'll kill us all? Well, you're wrong!"

"Should've said that earlier. I bet you were hiding out in that big fancy castle of yours, watching your realm get murdered and splattered all over the place. Imagine."

"Silence, scoundrel! We'll spill your blood over this land and drink it to remind us that we conquered you! The destroyer of realms!"

"Yawn. Heard that a million times before. Come on, bring it on."

Null turned to his army, yelling, "Go!!"

They all charged with a battle cry, and some of them were crying because they knew they couldn't win.

Zabel thinks, 'I wanna see them…suffer.'

Zabel watched them all rush at him, and Zabel raised his hand up, and a large bright white halo grew above everyone in the sky.

Some of the soldiers said:

"What is that?"

"Is that a halo?!"

Null screamed to his soldiers as he flew through the air with his Skull dragon, "Move out of its range!"

They tried to, but it was no use.

Giant ugly monsters stuck their sharp hungry faces and hands through the halo, and started grabbing the soldiers one by one, either eating them, pulling them into the halo and ripping them to pieces, or smashing holes in the ground.

Null said, "What..atrocity!!"

Zabel stomped on the ground, splitting the ground open. Many of the soldiers used their powers to blast Zabel, but Zabel wasn't affected by it.

Zabel was zooming around the field using his quick speed to cut everyone up with his karambits, killing them all. He even used his elbows and kicks to kill them and blast them away.

Zabel dodged some of the soldiers' attacks, but then he would slam his karambits together and cause another explosion, decimating and disintegrating more people, shooting them into the sky.

Null was avoiding the monster's hands and teeth, and he flew towards Zabel.


Null's skull dragon was caught by a monster hand from the halo, but Null immediately jumped off, and flew to Zabel, with dark brown and grey flames around his body and arms and fists.

Null tried to attack Zabel, but Zabel handed Null a head, setting it in his hands. Zabel had given Null, Null's head. Zabel had killed him that fast.

Zabel said, "What an UNPLEASANT sight. Wish you the best of luck wherever your soul goes. Not really. HAHAHAHAHA!"

Zabel started to fly in the air, and then he started flying to that realm's sun, and their sun was red. 

The monsters and Zabel had already killed every single being in that realm, and Zabel put his hand on the red sun, taking its energy.

'Yes…more..more..more! After this…time to take out the next realm. The Medium's Realm..'

(13 minutes later)

[The Medium's Realm]

Inside of a little hut, under a bunch of keeping willow trees, was an old woman wearing black sackcloth over her head, chest and back, and she had a staff in her right hand. She had wrinkly skin, grey eyes with no pupil, and long grey hair. In front of her, was a black pot with dark pink and red fire coming from it.

Her name was Elma.

She placed her staff into the flames in front of her, she did this while hearing the screams, explosions, and destruction outside. 

'He has arrived. The one..who destroys..for his own benefit.'

She heard more pain from outside of her hut, she heard the destruction of Zabel, making her hut vibrate a little bit.

Then, the noise stopped.

Elma could hear Zabel's footsteps. The footsteps that were approaching her huts door.

Zabel opened the door, exposing the rain and grey skin inside of the hut.

Zabel had blood all over him, and saw Elma.

Zabel said, "Pardon me, old ass lady, I didn't mean to intrude. Last realm I was in, I couldn't find a special artifact. I didn't know what artifact it was, I just knew it had power. My red cube thing says this realm has an artifact, I searched everywhere, didn't find anything. But…I feel the most sinister power in this little hut you've got. Which leads me to guess…that YOU are the artifact of this realm."

Elma stood up, and she said, "You..are the brother of Reborn..who is deceased."

"Everyone knows that."

"The souls of the ones you've killed cry out to me…I can hear their pain..I can feel their suffering.."

"You..must be a medium..one who can talk to the dead. That means.."

"I've heard Reborn…he wishes to speak with you. He has…a scent of your skin…he can track you..his spirit allows him to do so.."

"..No. You're lying! Shut up so I can take you with me."

"Us mediums..can curse others..for our abilities are engulfed in the trenches of darkness.."

"Shut up.."

"You are..troubled. You..wish to control the minds..and emotions of all living beings…including the Titans.."

"You're making it seem like I'm the villain. I only wanna do that..so there will be no more bullying…no more senseless murder..no more anger or pain..no more struggling..no more fear..no more anxiety…and no more depression. If everyone is one accord, with me controlling their thoughts and emotions..we could all live peacefully in a world without strife or anything that hurts us."

"But..you've killed many. You..KILL to achieve this goal. You are..contradicting yourself.."

"...In order to be successful…sacrifices have to be made. People must be thrown away to achieve a goal. Like if someone wanted to be a doctor..they'd have to get rid of the friends that will hold them back."

"You are saving the universe…from yourself..is what it seems. Saving everyone…from people like you.."

"It's NOT like that..old lady.."

"There is another reason..you want to control everyone. Yes..you were bullied…you went through depression and anxiety and pain..and all the things you've listed…but there is something else."

"How do you.."

"Your father..he killed your mother..for unknown reasons. And you and Reborn share the conviction of making your father suffer."

"You..you don't know anything."

"Reborn..wants to rule over all the realms and your father..and he wants to make him suffer…because Reborn can't bring himself to kill his own flesh and blood. But you…Zabel..you want to control your fathers thoughts and emotions to make your father kill himself..because you can't bring yourself to kill your own flesh and blood either. And you want to rule over Reborn, wanting to make him your slave, since he..is your rival."

"You know too much…about me. No one can stop me from doing what I wanna do. No one!"

"Death will find you if you are not strong enough to accept it. And as I've mentioned before..Reborn wants to speak with you."

"No! You're coming with me-!"

Elma dashed across the hut and touched Zabel in the head with her staff. Zabel's eyes were full black, and he was bleeding from his fingers.

Elma said, "You will not..take me to do your bidding. I am not an artifact..and I am not a pawn.."

Zabel found himself somewhere else, under a bright golden sun with gold and white clouds. He was seeing his own memories from his childhood. He saw his younger self and Reborn's younger self having a picnic with their mother and father.

Zabel watched them, saying, "That medium trapped me in my own memories..saying Reborn wants to talk to me. Where is he then? Was it all a lie?"

Behind Zabel, a voice murmured, "We had this family picnic after we destroyed some invaders trying to steal the artifacts from our realm. We celebrated by eating out on the grass where we killed them."

Zabel turned around, and it was his brother Reborn talking.

Zabel says, "Reborn.."

"You kept hogging the food, stealing my own rations from me, when I destroyed most of the invaders. You were a stingy child. Acting like you had no home training."

"Is this it? You wanted to talk to me to remind me of how I stole your fucking food?"


The memory changed, and Zabel and Reborn were standing inside of a golden house, watching the child version of Zabel get bullied by the dad's side of the family. They called him all sorts of names, but they were praising Reborn.

"Zabel is just a dirty and ruthless child."

"He has no home training."

"He needs to be more like his brother Reborn.."

Zabel said, "I remember this.."

Reborn replied, "Of course you do. This was the day you began to become jealous of me."

"I wasn't jealous."

"Lying is a bad habit of yours. It always has been."

The scene of memories changed, and they were in another golden house, and the mom's side of the family were speaking ill of Reborn.

"I can't believe my daughter made a child that has no emotion once so ever."

"He's so boring..and he's a young sociopath..he can kill without cracking a single expression on his face."

"His halo isn't like ours.."

"He needs to fit in, like his brother Zabel.."

Reborn said, "Each side of the family saw different sides of us, seeing our flaws and sins, seeing our perfections and abilities."

Zabel answered, "And that was the day you began to hate me."

"I didn't hate you. I just despised you. I hated being around the family because they praised you and insulted me."

"Same here. I felt the same thing you did."

"Maybe so. Our rivalry grew and got worse, I saw the sins and dishonesty and corrupt activity of the Arcane realm. I wanted to become a ruler. I hated everything the Arcane did. I hated rivalry. I went to the Harvest realm to become a ruler, and they accepted me. The Harvest realm was tranquil, meaning nothing but peace and harmony, but ever since the invasion Arcane put on Harvest, we turned over a new leaf. Violence was necessary to achieve what I wanted to do. I hated violence, I hated evil. I hated rivalry. I hated competition. I wanted to get rid of all that by setting my own rules. Me and you..are similar in our plans and goals..but we have different methods."


"And father killed mother..I don't know why..but I want to make him suffer. I don't want him to die..but you do."

"Of course I do! Who wouldn't?! He's nothing to us anymore!"

"He may be nothing to you, but he is still our father. Even still..there must be a reason why he did what he did."

"Fuck that. He's a murderer. Plain and simple. And another thing, you won't beat me in anything anymore. I'll achieve my goals first, I won't be a servant to you at all. You'll worship me, and recognize that I'm the better version of you. You insulted me when we were kids, you were stronger than me..but no more. I'll make sure Harvest doesn't resurrect you."

"By using that Duri child? That Angel Titan? The Angel Titan was lodged in the spirit of the first Titan being, said to be the king of all Titans. You can't control him. He'll kill you first, ever since you massacred his entire realm. You also have to worry about the 7 strongest Hosts of earth, the girl called Seven with the Spirit of Wrath, Host Marshy, and Host Xenon..the one who cannot die. Duri may be stronger than all of them combined."

"I'm in that boy's head. Though..I cannot control that boy..I can break his spirit down, I can destroy him mentally. Either way, my plans will succeed. And…how do you know about Duri?"

"My Harvest family has my body stored up elsewhere. They talk to it, and they believe I can hear them. I can. Harvest will win, and the Arcane realm will lose."

"We've beaten Harvest before, and we can do it again."

"My army of hybrids is growing, and Harvest performs rituals on my body to store power in me. So when I am brought back to the land of the living, I'll be stronger than I was before. It's just a matter of time."

"Damn you..stay dead."

"My advice to you…is to stop doing what you are doing. I don't want to hurt you. You are a nuisance. And you're in my way."

"Harvest is in my way, almost killing Duri. I need Duri for my own campaign. If you are risen, I'll make sure you go back into the fucking ground."

"Mm. Good luck then. I'll be seeing you soon…"

Back at the Medium's realm, Zabel's eyes were still black, and his fingers were still bleeding.

Elma had the tip of her staff on Zabel's chest, saying, "He's practically invincible..the only way to defeat him, is to store his soul into my staff.."

After a few seconds, Zabel's hand twisted, and Elma noticed.

Elma thought, 'He should be paralyzed if my staff touches him…how is he..moving?'

Zabel's eyes were back to normal, and he said, "Enough games, woman."

Elma chanted, "Kuzon retuhye vintekaa!"

Immediately, a domain was created around them, and Elma was larger now, at least 10 feet tall, and she was sitting on a big throne with large black wings behind it, and white doves flying in the air.

On the sides, there were human faces piled up on top of each other, with their mother's and eyes wide open.

There was a red halo behind her throne, and she was holding her staff still. They were in a dark area, and Zabel was standing on a river of blood. 

Zabel said, "So..you tried to take me out..Heh? Big mistake."

Elma responded, "I don't want to be used by the likes of you! I will not be a pawn!"

Elma stuck her staff forward, and a dark creature arose from the blood water.

The creature had thin and wide white eyes, tall black bunny ears, a slim black body with black smoke on it, big fists, no mouth and large feet with black smoke around that too.

Zabel said, "How amusing. Ya know, talking to Reborn inspired me even more to complete my plans."

The bunny creature got on all fours like a spider, and it stared Zabel in the eyes.

Coming from the back of the bunny creature, were the bodies of the people he killed in the Skull realm. Those bodies were all mixed up together, all of their arms were broken sideways and downward, their eyes and mouths were wide open and leaking blood, and they screamed, "HELP US!!! DON'T HURT US!!! SOMEONE SAVE US!!!"

Below Zabel, there were some hands of his victims coming out of the blood water, reaching up to grab his legs and feet. Their faces poked through the water, saying, "Please help us.."

Zabel said, "Oof. That's dark. And kinda creepy. Can you teach me how to do that?"

The bunny creature rushed at Zabel at full speed, and Zabel sliced it in half with his karambit, dissolving it.

Elma thinks, 'That creature was a spiritual mythic beast..he has a weapon that can destroy such beings..?'

Zabel was walking forward to Elma's throne, and she pointed her staff forward again.

More of the bunny creatures appeared, but this time they were 40 feet tall and 60 feet wide.

The victims of Zabel's killing spree had climbed out of their backs, mixed and fused up with each other, screaming, "DON'T DO THIS TO US!!!"

The bunny creatures attacked Zabel, hitting and scratching him and biting him, but Zabel was unscathed, walking to Elma's throne.

Elma thinks, 'He should be hurt..these are creatures that have slain powerful beings with insanely high power levels..'

Zabel was getting closer to the throne, and the doves were swarming down on him, trying to tear his body apart.

Zabel was still not affected, and he stepped up in front of Elma.

Elma said, "No.."

Zabel answered, "Yes."

He put his hand on her head, and the entire domain shattered into pieces, taking them back to the Mediums realm, back inside of the hut.

Zabel still had his hand on Elma's head, and he said, "Now..you will swear your allegiance to me…"

Elma said under a dark influence, "Yes..Zabel.."

"Good old lady. Now let's get the hell outta here. Smells like bodies…"


[Marshy and Duri's house]

Duri was sitting on his bed, on his laptop, eating pizza and writing on a piece of paper.

He thought, 'Got a couple famous explorers. Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Shintaro Ishihara, Yamada Nagamasa, and Shirase Nobu. This shit's pretty easy. I'll have the best one in the class, way better than that chain using bastard Tek.'

As he kept writing, his phone started to ring, and he looked at the screen, picking the phone up.

He was getting a call from Seven..

sorry if this chapter was too dark lmao

JOSH_ONEcreators' thoughts
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