
Chapter 13 : Dragon Kick

[Hosts Temple]

All 7 of the strongest hosts were floating around each other in a dark area, with gold pillars surrounding the outside of them with piles of soft clouds soaring around the air and under everyone.

All 7 hosts wore black tuxedos with their initials on the sleeve, it was a specific uniform to let people know that that person was a host chosen by the Titans. 

The 7 strongest hosts were:

Chaos - [Male, 38 years old. Black silky hair, one red eye, and one brown eye, red scar across his right eye, grey skull mouth mask on, and always wears black gloves. Personality type: Always wants to  best someone in something, especially against Marshy and Xenon. Funny, and loves chaos also.]

Marshy - [*Yeah, we already know her and her features.]

Xenon - [*We know him and his features as well.]

Kedarah - [Female. 25 years old, pretty long brown hair that's braided with white flowers in it, greenish grey eyes, grey earrings. Personality type : Super caring, adorable, loving, sweet, and loves anything that she thinks is lovable.]

Sith - [Male. 21 years old, wavy brown hair that is ear length with two bangs on the side, one blue eye and one yellow eye, bandages and cuts all over him, always shirtless, always has two daggers with blood on them on his belt. Wearing brown hobo gloves. Personality type : Kind of a freak, loves blood and killing, cunning, always tries to get people to fight him just so he could see their blood.]

Hanako - [Female, 36, Long brown hair, gold eyes, light brown skin. Always wears a hoodie, has hidden diggers everywhere inside of her outfits and wrist bands. Personality type: Quiet, sneaky.]

Tetsuya - [Male, 39, long black hair, dark orange eyes, and long black line across his forehead. Personality: Serious, calm, nothing fazes him, stern.]

Tetsuya said, "More reports of people going rampage in the cities. It's not just in Japan, it's everywhere. Look above me."

In a cloud-like screen above Tetsuya, there were scenes of people powering up tremendously, destroying everything in their path. And then, after they've done enough damage, they're either killed by a host or a pedestrian, or they kill themselves.

Sith said with a grin, "Lemme at some more of them! Ke ke ke ke…I'll slice and dice em into a fucking kabob. End this meeting now."

Kedarah added with a sweet voice, "Oh no…this is so horrible. All those innocent people…have we found a solution?"

Xenon was smoking a cigarette, and he replied, "Tragic."

Marshy said, "Shit man..yeah, do we have any leads on this?"

Tetsuya responded, "I don't know, but Chaos does."

All of the hosts looked at Chaos, and Chaos cleared his throat, and informed everyone, "We got ahold of one of the people going crazy and stuff like that, ya know? And uh, we looked through his memories and saw the connections he had.."

Marshy asked Chaos, "You used my grandfather Mifu to look through a captives memories?"

"It wasn't my idea."

"I told you all to leave him alone. If he looks through someone's memories, it weakens his."

Sith says to Marshy, "Ahhh calm down Marshy or fight me to the death. I'm pretty sure we got far with that info! Ke ke…am I right, Chaos?"

Chaos answered, "It's Reborn."

Marshy gasped, and she clenched her fists.

Marshy asked, "Re…born? But…but he's dead! Us and Mifu killed him!"

Tetsuya responded, "He is dead. But there is a group of people trying to bring him back to life."

Xenon asked Tetsuya, "What group?"

Kedarah added, "Yeah, what group are you guys talking about? Have we met them? Have we…NOT met them? They must be mean people."

Tetsuya answered, "Harvest. They are called Harvest. They are connected to all of the rampages, and are apparently connected to the headmaster and his wife going missing."

Marshy started taking deep breaths, floating back and forth with her arms folded.

Chaos asked Marshy, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm totally fucking fine. The one responsible for my inability to have children has just been brought back up again. He…he ruined me..him and his dumbass creations. Damn him. I hope Harvest does bring him back, I'll be waiting right there ready to smoke his ass again."

Hanako said silently, "Amazing."

Xenon asked while taking a puff of his cigarette, "Oi…explain some more, please."

Chaos continued, "We didn't get far into the memories. Harvest is distributing mythic beast blood and drugging people so they can cause havoc on the world. We don't know what for….but…"

Sith interrupted, "Maybe it's because they're trying to soften the world up until Reborn arrives. Haha! I can't wait to cut 'em!"

Tetsuya implied, "Maybe Harvest bringing Reborn back has something to do with his brother Zabel. Knowing that those two had a bad history, bad blood ignited their hatred for each other."

Kedarah says, "So…Harvest is distributing beast blood out to make people go crazy and destroy a bunch of stuff…AND they wanna bring back Reborn? Crazyyy."

Marshy said, "The women….it's the women. Reborn…was about taking women and trying to make them fall in love with a man made human he has the ability to make, and that man made human would have hella strong powers and abilities. They'll be everything you're looking for…everything you'd hoped for in a partner in a relationship. Then, boom…once they find out you can't have kids…they try to kill you since you can't have babies with them."

Xenon said, "Marshy…don't talk anymore. You'll wild yourself up, idiot."

"No..I'm glad this was brought up. We remember how Reborn was…we remember his goals.."

Chaos answered, "To create an army of strong warriors, creating artificial men with a working body to make women fall in love with them so they could have super strong kids. Right?"

Tetsuya adds, "But we never knew what he wanted that army for. There is a lot of stuff we don't know about Reborn. His history, his motives, nothing. Just that he wanted an army."

Xenon said, "Harvest must be Reborn's little subordinates or some shit, trying to continue the work of their master. Imagine."

Kedarah asked peacefully, "But how are they trying to bring Reborn back? There is no such thing as resurrection powers.."

Sith adds, "But anything can happen with rituals. But this shit sounds like some forbidden thingamajigs that could split the earth in two or something. Hehe…hehe…more blood for me though..oooo I'm so ready to fight! Anyone wanna fight?! Huh?!"

Tetsuya said, "We have to track Harvest down, and still search for the headmaster of the school and his wife. That's our primary objective as the strongest hosts. An honor bestowed upon us by the Titans."


"It is polite. Would you rather me speak like the rest of you bloodhounds?"

Xenon answered, "Oo, I like being called that. Call me that again."

Sith said to Xenon, "You like being called anything! Fight me and you'll be called something else! Haha! My daggers are ready to go!"

"You're like…almost stronger than me. But, I don't feel like fighting right now. A nap is what I need."

"Hehh?! You just took one! Come on, I'm craving a battle right now!"

"Craving what? Lemme take a wild guess. Ohh, that's right. BLOOD. You're like a vampire and a werewolf mixed."

On the other side of them, Kedarah was trying to get Hanako to laugh. Hanako stood there with her arms folded, and her eyes closed, and Kedarah was floating around her trying to make her laugh.

"IIIII got your nose! Hehe! Ring around the rosie, pocket full of…fuck! I forgot the words! Hoh?? Was that a small grin?!"

Hanako answered, "Did not."

"Hmmm? What are you thinking about?!"


"Great answer! I like that one! Way different from your other answers!"


Chaos and Tetsuya floated over to Marshy this time.

Marshy asked them, "Why..? Why does Reborn have to be mentioned again? I thought it was over, I was relieved, but burdened. The headmaster's wife is being used to try and create offspring, by either forcing her or coming off gently."

Tetsuya implied, "...I'm sorry, Marshy. I am sorry that this is affecting you. You've been through alot with Reborn."

"Don't apologize. You should be apologizing for using Mifu to feed you information."

Chaos replied, "Marshy marshy marshy, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. But he's like, the ONLY one I know who could read memories."

"Don't do it again. Anyway…Reborn's group is called Harvest, right? If they are creating man-made humans, how would they do it if only Reborn had that ability?"

"He must've shared it with them. Or through a power sharing ritual or something. My question is, why doesn't Reborn or Harvest just create a bunch of man made super soldiers to create an army?"

Tetsuya answered Chaos, "Hybrids are always stronger than the pure ones. You know this, Chaos."

"Yeah, I know. I have bad memory sometimes, I feel like a blue fish, swimming through the sea with a clown fish, looking for a smaller clown fish."

"Interesting. I've heard it before. And Marshy, I think it's time for Duri to come to the temple and meet all of us."

All the hosts looked at Marshy. 

Kedarah smiled, "Ooo! I would LOVE to meet Duri! I'm gonna spoil him rotten and get him anything and everything he wants!"

Sith said, "Yeah, let's meet the brat! I got two daggers ready for him! Let's see his hybrid skills be put to good use!"

Hanako said, "..."

Xenon took another puff of his cigarette, "I've met the brat. He's cold, but still a damn brat."

Chaos says, "Yeah, him meeting us is like, WAY overdue, Marshy."

Marshy answered everyone, "Tomorrow. I'm pretty sure he's tired. But his ass is still gonna force himself to train later."

Sith grinned, "Hehe! I'll train him!"

"Hell no, you're crazy."

Tetsuya asked Marshy, "How is he?"

"..He's fine. But…Zabel has been speaking to him telepathically. Duri's attitude has gotten malice-like over the years because of that. Zabel is constantly trying to get Duri to unlock his full power, talking down to Duri some of the time, and reminding him of what happened years ago in the Shadow realm."

Chaos said, "He must reallly want that Titan power, huh?"

Kedarah asked, "Mmm, how DOES Duri have Titan blood and power in him anyway?"

Marshy answered, "I don't know. Me and Duri are working on trying to find out more about his bloodline."

Tetsuya suggested, "Zabel is talking to Duri telepathically…I know someone who can help with that."

"Who? Please tell me who, Tetsuya."

"My mother."

"You're mother?"

"She specializes and studies mind powers and such. Whenever you get the time, take Duri over there."

"Text me the damn address, Tetsuya. And thank you for this. I hate seeing Duri look down all the time."

[Unknown location]

[Icy and snowy place]

Yoshida punched Duri in the face, and as soon as he did, red wind blasts came out 

Duri blasted backwards, smashing into a mountain covered in snow.

Yoshida laughed, and put his hand on the ground, and when he did, golden portals around the area started to open, and red diamond shaped spikes came out, heading towards Duri.

Yoshida said, "Power Level : 720,00."

The spikes got bigger, but here came Duri, jumping from the mountain with his shirt off, and he darted through the air to meet up with the spikes.

Duri was punching and kicking them away, and they all shattered into pieces

Yoshida looked up at Duri, and smacked his fists together. Red beams began to shoot from Yoshida's body tattoos.

Duri drifted fast to the right, then left, then downward to avoid the beams; the beams were blowing up mountain after mountain.

Duri approached Yoshida's face, and punched him in it, spraying blood all over the place.

As Yoshida was flying back in pain, Duri didn't stop fighting. Duri was punching Yoshida in the face over and over as they were moving.

Duri then lifted up his leg high, and suddenly, a 19 foot shadow dragon came out obviously in the form of a dragon.

Duri smiled, "Whoa! I'm doing this! Ohhohohoho SHIT I'M GOOD!"

The dragon's head smacked down on Yoshida's body, smashing him to the ground, making half of the ground explode with snow and smoke.

Duri fell back to the ground, thinking, 'I..did it..I finally did it….but i still have a long way to go..'

Yoshida came out of nowhere with a red powerball in his hand, and he hit Duri in the stomach. Duri coughed up blood, and he flew all the way in the air.

Yoshida pointed his hands up at Duri, and red beams from the ground mixed with red thorns blasted out, hitting and cutting Duri over and over again.

Duri yelled, "Ow! Is that all you got bitch?!"

Yoshida replied, "Don't worry. I have more. Please…hurry and end our suffering."

Yoshida jumped up high, and went to the fighting again. Duri and Yoshida were punching each other over and over, half of the landscape was destroyed, and the ground was breaking.

They both crashed through more mountains while punching and kicking each other.

Duri said, "Get the hell off me! You stink!"

Duri punched Yoshida in the chest, knocking him 12 feet back in the air.

Duri was sitting still on a mountain, his face and body was bruised and super bloody, he pointed his fist at Yoshida, and said, "So um…shadow dragon thing…come out and kill him!"

As expected, nothing happened.

"Aww! I just had it earlier! Come the hell on!"

Yoshida was blasting towards him again, and Duri sat up, and punched the air in front of him, sending a loud wind wave of pressure at him, but Yoshida didn't budge.

Yoshida had red fire coming out of his fists, and he punched Duri in the face and stomach, sending him through another mountain.

Yoshida said, "HELP US!"

Before Yoshida could move anymore forward, Duri came out of nowhere, and rammed his fist through Yoshida's chest, making Yoshida spit blood out of his nose and mouth.

Duri yanked his fist out of Yoshida's chest, jumped up, punched Yoshida in the face multiple times with both fists, spun around twice in mid air, and super kicked him across the cheek.

Yoshia went FLYING, he himself crashed through two mountains.

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