
"Working Hard"

Every player start to arrive at the training complex for the training session even Paulo also arrived early as there was no such activities in the college. Piola was also looking more serious than normal days as the relegation play off match against A.F Bologna is going to take place in next three days and he wanted his players to get themselves ready both mentally and physically.

"Fabio don't you think that coach is looking kind a serious than the normal days ?" Paulo questioned Fabio.

"He'll be serious, don't you know that our match against A.F Bologna is gonna take place in next three days. It seems like that today we're not going home so soon, get yourself." Fabio said to Paulo.

All the players start to have a intense training session. Piola was much stricter on his players but on other hand he was also trying to help his players to get in perfect shape for the match. Every single player were doing their training with full dedication and passionately that they are also wanted to make themselves fully prepare for the next match.

Piola feeling happy by looking at his players doing their training with full intensity and without any yelling but Piola was seems to be more impressed by Paulo as he was doing his training like an experienced football player. Piola feeling that Paulo will totally outclass everyone in his first match and make a name of himself in his very first match.

Everyone seems to be bit tired but their eagerness for the match makes them work even more harder. Fabio and Paulo have some fun talk together.

"Are you tired of this physical torture huh ?" Fabio asked Paulo.

"Yeah kind of but you know what I AM ENJOYING THIS PAIN !, I REALLY LOVE THIS WOAH... !". Paulo said to Fabio.

"You're are really a masochist, don't you ?" Fabio said to Paulo.

"Yup.... Do you also want to become a sick masochist huh ?" Paulo said to Fabio.

"Nope I am really good as a normal and a sane person but it is sure now that you're insane." Fabio told Paulo as they both laughed.

Now Piola asked everyone to take free kick practice and the players obeyed what he said and start taking free kicks.

Captain Cilo Eincho is the only free kick taker of the team and he also does his job but not with so much perfection. After his successive failures in getting the ball into the nets Paulo came to him and simply asked that if he could take the free kick once. Captain Cilo Eincho just said

"Fine.... Go take your chance, give yourself a shot."

Paulo placed the ball and make a run-up at a fine angle. He prepared himself to take a free kick, he steps towards the ball and kicks it, the ball just simply curl into the nets while Vincenzo failed to reach because it goes directly into the top bin corner of the goal. Captain Cilo Eincho was impressed by his free kick, the free kick was pin point accurate and the ball curled with so much grace that not for Vincenzo but for any goalkeeper it was impossible to save that shot. Cilo Eincho just asked Paulo to take some more free kicks as he also wanted to see that how much Paulo is capable of. Paulo agreed to the captain and start to take the free kicks, whenever Paulo takes the free kick the ball always goes to different directions with his every kick while Vincenzo cannot take that anymore as he had enough of his free kicks.

"I had enough of this sick dude, Ooohhh... my goodness I really can't take this anymore, keep that guy away from me." Vincenzo said to Eincho.

Eincho was literally enjoying the moment but at the same time he was also praising Paulo for his imminent talent.

"You're really a machine seriously you just take free kicks like penalties I am the free kick taker of the team but I think you're going to take my job away from me now but I have to say that you're a very, very sensational player." Cilo Eincho praising Paulo.

"Thanks Captain but I think you should take the free kicks instead." Paulo said to Cilo Eincho.

Cilo Eincho was bit confused by his answer and can't really even understand that after taking free kicks in such a impressive way he's still asking him to take the free kicks for the team.

"Why are saying that, I mean you're so great in taking free kicks, you're far more better than me then why are telling me to take the free kicks in a match ?". Eincho asked Paulo.

"Ha....Ha...These are just only performed in a practice session, there's a huge difference in scoring a free kick in a training session and in a actual match and I am not even experienced before that how it feels to take a free kick in a match when a wall of professional players standing in front of it. Paulo answered Eincho.

"Once you start playing you'll build up your confidence and then you'll able score these kind of amazing free kicks in the match as well, seriously believe me take it from a pro." Eincho said to Paulo.

The sun has already gone down and it's getting dark but Piola is not looking in a mood of ending the training session and allowing his players to leave instead he after their physical training he commanded his players to come in the dressing room to learn the on field tactics they have to follow on the pitch in the next match. As soon as the players entered the dressing room Piola asked them to sit down calmly and maintain silence. He puts a black board in front of them and started to explain his tactics, he told them that they are going to change the formation this season. This season they are going to play in a 4-3-1-2 formation in which Angelo and Francesco will be two centre backs, Macella will be the left wing back, Luigi as the right wing back, Cilo Eincho as the defensive midfielder, Adriano and Carlo as the central midfielders, Emilio as central attacking midfielder and Lorenzo and Fabio as two centre forward while Paulo will be the substitute of Lorenzo and will also play as a centre forward in the match.

Here Paulo with his teammates learning the tactics of the match while on the other hand Catherine getting herself ready for the dance party, she's taking the bath in her bathtub but still during her bath she's on cloud nine as for her the dream of finally confessing her love to Paulo is finally going to come true.

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