
Chapter 91 : The Proposal


After we settled in for a few days, I noticed that a lot of the villagers were gathering together and whispering about big plans.

I approached one of the groups while they were standing outside a bakery one afternoon.

“What’s the big secret?” I asked.

They stopped talking immediately and gave me sheepish looks.

“Ummm… well…”

“Come on, guys, I know when something is going on. As the overseer of this village, it is my responsibility to handle any issues or problems that may arise. So, let me help you.”

“Well, that’s just it,” one of them said, rubbing the back of his neck.

I arched an eyebrow at the others.

“It isn’t that there’s something wrong or that there’s a problem.”

“What’s going on!?” I demanded.

“You were gone for so long that we thought it might be nice to have a celebration now that you’re back. So, we’ve been planning a welcome home feast for you.”

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