
Chapter 91: Angel of Strings and Missing Elf

Before going back to Yae village, they picked up another possible chaser inside a black carapace.

"Eden. She's the person inside, quickly. Let's open it up guys." They took her out and saw that she succumbed to overwhelming amounts of honkai energy. Presumably from the 14th herrscher oversaturating it in the atmosphere. "Okay, this will be over in just a moment."

He healed her up just like with MEI and after resting for a bit, she started to stir. "Ugh... Where am I?" He started to get in a good mood and patted her head. "Wakey wakey sleepy head. How are you?" She stared at him for a solid minute, only blinking.

"E-Ein..." She reached out to him and started to pat all over his body. "Ein!" She hugged him tight and he had to brace himself. "Woah there. Welcome home Eden." She nuzzled to his chest and broke down in tears.

"I thought you... You were gone. My career as a star already ended and without you too. My life would be meaningless." He flicked her on the forehead and narrowed his eyes at her.

"You still had Elysia and the others with you, now look at what happened. She's missing and we don't know where she is. Do you know what happened to her?" Eden massaged her forehead and frowned.

"She crystallized herself, she said that the will of the honkai inside her herrscher core started to battle her for supremacy. And it might take over when she enters cryosleep in project Sanctuary. After that, I simply roamed the barren lands and succumbed to honkai corruption." Ein sighed and began thinking on how he would even try to find her, as she might be deep in the oceans or inside the sea of quanta to avoid the honkai.

It was easier with Eden and the others because of his stem cells activating. But Elysia entered stasis with her own powers.

"Damn, the crystals she used must be inert of something. If it has honkai energy, we should've found her when we were looking for you. Worse, she might be under the depths of the oceans like I was." It would take a long time and he wanted to see her. But that might prove to be difficult.

"Ellie should be fine Ein. That girl can survive anywhere, her optimism knows no bounds." MEI sighed and tried to cheer him up.

"Umu, that woman is surely fine and dandy. Just waiting to be unearthed after some time." Mobius huffed as she always quarelled with Elysia, but she knows that the Elf is fine. She had Mahesvara's genes and at full power, highly likely to be stronger than Kevin. Even without divine keys and a herrscher core.

"You're right. Let's just continue to find the others for now, as for Kevin. Searching for him in the sea of quanta might be for later. I plan to roam there for a project that I need to eradicate the honkai."

"Finding Hua isn't easy as well. She's scattered throughout the world and is slowly healing herself, and gathering her remains might have a negative effect on her body when she reforms. We have to tread carefully in finding her." Mobius then raised her hand.

"That's a pretty bad idea. She might not return back if we force her to reform. I do not know what will happen, I do not have enough data and she might be lost forever if we experiment on her while she's recovering."

Ein frowned but decided to wait. Mobius knows her situation best and she isn't sure on how to turn her back to normal. "I guess we should be more careful. No need to gamble, she will return eventually."

Everyone nodded and Klein caught their attention when she took out some party hats and poppers.

"Dr. Ein, it is Dr. Mobius' 51503rd birthday. You are quite old now Dr." Klein popped the confetti and Mobius glared at her. "Ahhh, now that you mention it. Today is April 30, don't worry Mobius. Even if you're 100k years old I will still love you the way you are." He snickered and everybody started to laugh.

"Klein... It seems you need some maintenance later." She said in a sweet voice and Klein went behind Ein to hide. "We haven't celebrated birthdays in a long time... Or just plain partied at all. I'll certainly prepare all of your favorites today, and no cup noodles Mobius. Even though my brand is super nutricious and scrumptious."

Everyone started to have stars in their eyes. Remembering the taste of his cooking, he worked 24/7 after all to fend honkai beast attacks and could only leave snacks and some food behind. They missed his grand feasts.

"I've decided. Let's go for some barbecue, my tree is still here actually in Yae village, let's celebrate Mobius' birthday there." He smiled and patted the birthday girl's head while they excitedly go out and prepare for the celebrations.


Kallen saw Ein preparing some meat and vegetables with a luscious looking sauce that shimmered. She started to drool, imagining the size of the feast he was about to make. But quickly shook her head and gathered her courage.

"Um. Ein, can I talk to you for a sec?" He continued preparing and replied a succint yes. "Is my oath wrong? Is the world really not worth protecting as I thought? I saw the suffering of hundreds of people back in Vienna from the plague. Tilie created a cure but it was due to experimenting on the victims of the plague. And I... I can't even save the children that were being experimented on. Am I a failure?"

She thought she was the shield of the children and the weak. Even going as far as offering her life to protect them. But in the grand scheme of things, she realized that she was outmatched and after her death. The cycle will start anew. She thought that the oath of the Kaslana's were ultimately just, but useless.

He sighed and put down his knife and cabbage. "Kallen, you must've talked with Sakura already right? Humans won't change their views that easily. You're probably thinking along the lines of how you can put your oath into practice in a more grand setting right?" She nodded and even though she doubted her way, she still wanted to save the world. That is her dream and ultimate goal.

"I'll give you an example. Your ancestors died protecting people right? Maybe even someone close to you. What did they die to protect? The greater good? Or their own selfish desire?"

Kallen flinched and frowned, she always idolized the sires who used the judgement of Shamash to bring justice, but what did it change. Nothing, her father died to protect her and Ottilie, but what of the other people that needs the protection of Kaslanas. They still suffer, as the case with the plague and Schicksal's tyranny and extortion of the masses.

"Th-they died a hero. But were quickly forgotten and ultimately changed nothing..." She looked down on the ground and gritted her teeth, clenching her hands until they bled. The path she believed in since her childhood was being broken down to pieces by some simple words from him. And she couldn't even retort, as he fought god like beings that would've destroyed the world ten times over without him, just a teen that fought threats against the world. He was what the Kaslanas dream to be.

"Well, your oath is correct morally. But is it the right thing to do? Die a death that could protect a select few, and then your name would be lost in the sands of time. It could work if you saved a little kid or genius that would continue your legacy in your stead. But you already know that things aren't that convenient Kallen."

She nodded and teared up. Remembering her father's death. He was quickly forgotten, he saved her and Ottilie that managed to make a cure for the plague, but at what cost?

"It's just a matter of perspective Kallen." He patted her head gently and hugged her tight. "Have you forgotten? What do you want to do girl?"

She was surprised and thought about her goal. "I... I want to end the suffering of this world, but I'm too powerless to do it. People will still be hungry, ill. People in power will still opress the weak and I will be spread thin, not able to stop it. So what should I do!?" He frowned and flicked her forehead.

"You compromise. Grow up, not everybody can be saved Kallen. But what you can do is have overwhelming might and power at every turn. Do everything possible to make your ideals true. People are hungry? find a way to feed them, money is a problem? Build a business to make capital. Study the world, understand it. You can't change it one thing at a time and influence it by just fighting against injustice with your fists."

She remembered the indulgences of the church and was powerless to change it. "But... I'm not that smart. I only know how to fight."

He smiled and stroked her long hair. "Why do you think you have to do it all alone? I didn't. I had help from everyone in my family. It's a work in progress, don't rush. We'll help you, it wouldn't do if baddies just roam around and disturb us all the time after all. How will we live peacefully otherwise? That's my ultimate goal. Peace for others is just the effect of my plans, and Noblesse Oblige."

She couldn't believe that his goal was so mundane. She giggled and started to change her mindset. That the world really has 2 sides and things won't magically change for the better. As history has shown time and time again. "Is that another sentence for wanting to laze around?"

She giggled and Ein shrugged. "Well, what can I say. Beneath all my greatness, I just want to laze around with everyone and have a peaceful life. And while at it, just solve other problems along the way."

"Thank you Ein... This was most informative, I'll be the greatest Kaslana ever. Even better than my ancestors." She kissed his cheek and hid her face from him. "And thank you for believing in me while helping me. This means a lot to me."

"By the way. What's the occasion?" She looked at the food being prepared and her eyes stealthily looked at it while she gulped her saliva.

He laughed and patted her head. "It's Mobius' birthday today. And Eden just returned, she's an elegant lady that sings well. You call Sakura and Rin, we'll have a party." She excitedly ran away while on the way to the Yae household.


Ein introduced Eden to the 3 that were from the current era and she started to perform a song. Making the 3 swoon from her heavenly voice.

"Okay! Let's party everyone!" He started cooking the barbecue and Kallen already had a large dinner plate on hand. Waiting for it to cook.

Ein's lovers were sitting on a table along with MEI and started to drink some wine that Ein created. Aging it perfectly and enhancing the taste to perfection.

"Ahhh, this glass of wine sure is nostalgic. I'll never get tired of this. I wish Ellie was here to taste it again." Eden swirled her glass and was enjoying her cup of wine.

"Hmmm~ Everything he does is superb after all. We could sell this for inorbitant prices in the market!" Phyllis started to get ideas in selling luxury wine that could cost a fortune.

"Hmm~ relaxing like this is surely missed. But remember that I'll be receiving a special present today. Ahhh~ I've missed his massages. It will surely be heavenly after centuries of not experiencing it." Mobius smiled smugly and everyone except MEI looked at her.

"Wait, what's with his massages? Is it that good?" MEI looked at them funny and asked, it was just a massage after all. And Kevin did it for her one time but it hurt like hell, because what he did was one intended for athletes.

"Awww~ such a poor soul. Imagine not receiving his massage on your tired body. That idiot Kevin couldn't even relieve your muscles?" Mobius smirked and they started bickering.

"Umm, is it really that good?" Sakura sat with them and decided to ask. She was curious and wanted to know what it felt like. "Umu, Ein-sama's massages are wonderful Sakura. Such a procedure, if he was to indulge you. Would feel as if your body was reborn, it is out of this world."

Sakura started fidgeting and ideas started to fill her head. "It's our number one request really, whenever he had the time. We asked for it as much as we could. Work was tiring and you would sleep like a baby afterwards, if you didn't ask for the special." Vill-v chuckled and all of them nodded in agreement.

"Wait, there's a special?" Sakura asked but MEI already knew what it is. Just remembering the sleepless nights she had with Kevin whenever the nextdoor room shaked and screams of pleasure came from it. She had to request their room to be soundproofed because of it.

"Yes, but it isn't for the faint hearted and physically weak nya~" Phyllis said which confused Sakura's still only slightly dirty mind.

SAKURA frowned and slammed the table. "Enough of that talk everyone. You do remember that she looks exactly like me? And I feel like I'm watching myself be tainted by you guys." She huffed and everybody laughed.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kallen arrived with a mountain of food on her plate while she just swallowed some skewers of meat.

"Ahhh, Kallen. It's just some light banter is all. Please enjoy your meal, though that is quite a lot. It reminds me of Kevin eating 10 bowls of noodles when I just entered MOTH." Eden got nostalgic and chuckled.

"Ahhh, it's because I can do everything I want now. Back in the church I can't eat that much you see hehe~" She took advantage of the feast and ate until she was full.

"Hey great grandmother. It seems your descendant is quite healthy?" Mobius smiled smugly and MEI was defeated, receiving emotional damage.

After enjoying the feast, Mobius was now drunk as hell and was dancing while having a bottle on her hand. (Gif here)

Ein was playing the saxophone and Eden was using a tambourine, tipsy from drinking as well. "Okay guys! I think things are getting a bit out of hand. Let's retire for the day alright." He then sobered up Mobius so she could enjoy the rest of the day not drunk.

They then returned to the base and Ein set his table for the important work. "Hmm, this would help them relax." He smiled when he remembered that they would sleep soundly after his little massage.

Mobius then entered the room and was clearly excited. "Do the honors please." She closed her eyes and raised her hands to the side. He sighed, but took her clothes off and carried her to the table.

"You're quite spoiled Mobius, well it is your birthday today. Relax and enjoy then." He started and Mobius melted into the table. Quickly losing all the tension in her body.

"Happy birthday Moby. I also have a certain project in mind to make my skeleton and muscles even stronger than Soulium, I think you'll like it. And we can potentially use it on others once I fine tune it."

Soulium uses honkai energy and that's why receivers or users of it need tons of adaptivity. While the new one he plans on making uses the sea of quanta to make an inert metal from neutronium and change the properties to make it weigh less but leaving the strength of it, basically indestructible.

And the energy of the sea is harmful when harnessed through yourself, but with a medium like a weapon. He could copy any effect of the divine keys or change reality without being limited to the powers of the herrscher cores.

"Truly? I'll read it later with Vill-v and MEI. It can be the answer for mass production of reality breaking weapons without herrscher cores." She then went quiet and enjoyed her time with him.

The door then busted open and his other lovers appeared. "No fair Ein nya. We want to have one too! Even just a bit." Phyllis protested and they all nodded.

"Even though I just awoke today, I do miss the relaxing feeling after you work your magic Ein." Eden smiled and Mobius sighed. "Fine... Consider it my kindness. We did all wait for him to return." She understood their feelings and Ein connected their senses. He then did it for all of them one by one. And everybody was satisfied, completely relaxed after the massage.

"All done, you girls have worked hard. Come here." He then hugged them all tight and thanked them for being there for him.

Mobius then smiled sweetly and put her hands inside his pants. "I also want what's in here." She nuzzled to his neck and licked his cheek.

"Ahhh. You're such a naughty birthday girl aren't you?" He took out a big bed and put her there. "Hmmm~ Ein nya. I think it's mating season too." Phyllis' tail wrapped around his waist and started to undress him.

"You guys are restless and quite spoiled. Okay then, you did ask for it." He took off his pants and was ready for battle.

"Hmm, I think maybe we could exhaust him? There's 6 of us. Ellie's missing, but Mobius is the next best contender to try and milk him dry." Eden swirled her drink and smiled. She was told by Mobius and MEI that he was weaker right now.

"Hmmm. I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me." He bolted the door and began to kiss the birthday girl 1st.

*Mobius will now receive her birthday present. Be advised.*

"Hmmm~ I missed you so much..." She used her long tongue to wrestle against his and her brain was being overloaded with his smell and touch that she craved.

"You naughty snake. I will punish you." His hands roamed around her voluptuous body, playing with her soft, but firm behind. Eden then pinched Mobius' nipples and started to play with it.

"Hng~ Ein's powers are simply amazing. I can feel it clearly." Eden felt his hands on her ass while her ministrations on Mobius' nipples were pleasantly being transferred to her and everybody else.

He then took off Mobius' clothes. Her big breasts spilling out. He started using his dextrous fingers, playing with her nipples while slowly and sensually massaging her huge milkers.

"Ahn~ There. Keep on rubbing me there!" Aponia then undressed and also took off her hood. Straddling Ein's face with her hot and wet lower lips.

"Ahhh~ Ein-sama... There, your heavenly tongue is simply divine." He started to attack her clit. Making her squirm and release her juices on his face.

SAKURA and Phyllis nodded at each other. They then positioned themselves between his legs with Vill. They went to the left and right while Vill started to pleasure his cock.

"Hmmm~ That's it girls. I love what you're doing." Phyllis' slightly rougher tongue started to lick his ball, while SAKURA sucked on the other one.

Vill put his penis deep inside her throat and started to go up and down. Bobbing her head in a rhythm while she hummed. The vibrations stimulating his glans and shaft.

Aponia stimulated her nipples by rubbing her breasts against Mobius. Their huge tits clashed and she reached out to her now slick pussy, stimulating her clit and inserting fingers inside of Mobius.

"Ein-sama. I'm close! Ahhhn~" Her vagina clamped on his tongue that was inside of her and everybody started to moan from the release. All experiencing the 1st one at the same time.

He licked all of Aponia's cum and hummed. "Now, how about we get the party started?" He flipped Mobius and raised her plump ass. Then he teased her entrance with the head of his cock.

"Ein~ Stop making me wait you tease." She looked at him and pouted. He complied and put it all inside in one stroke, making everybody gasp. "Ahhh! That's it. I missed this!" Aponia started to kiss him while SAKURA and Phyllis licked his body. Eden went under Mobius and sucked on her nipples while fingering herself furiously.

Vill meanwhile took out a toy that has a soft suction. Stimulating her clit while licking Eden's breasts.

"Ah! Ah! That's it! Go deep! Thrust quicker!" Mobius also shaked her hips to reach completion quicker. Ein then drew circles on SAKURA and Phyllis' clit. As they moan in pleasure from all the stimulus.

"Yesss! Ein~" Mobius came hard and her pussy tightened on his dick. Creaming on it as he strated to thrust more furiously.

"Cum inside! I can feel your cock twitch!" She quickened her pace and slammed her thick butt on his pelvis strongly. "No need to tell me Mobius. Have your 1st creampie again in centuries!" He came deep inside, filling up her womb with his hot cum.

"Ahhhn~ Yes! It feels good!" She spasmed and arched her back. She then went limp and her boobs clashed with Eden's glorious ones. Making him more energetic.

"Come here SAKURA, I need to get back at you for disappearing." She nodded and straddled his hips, pushing him down with a flirty smile on her face.

"Let me." She grasped his shaft and slowly inserted it inside of her wet and tight pussy. "Hmm~ You need to satisfy me well Ein." She then started to shake her hips, making wet slapping sounds.

Phyllis took out a vibrator that she received from Vill and lubricated it with Mobius' juices. She then slowly inserted it inside SAKURA's ass, making her gasp.

"Hehe~ relax SAKURA. I'll be gentle with this." She started to pump it slowly while Ein thrusted upwards. Surprising her with the 2 foreign objects inside of her.

Aponia massaged her tits while Eden straddled his face. Mobius slithered near his legs and started to use her long tongue in licking her balls.

"Hmm! Ein! Lick me there, you already know!" Eden grinded her hips and he lengthened his tongue to enter her vagina. Attacking all of the sensitive spots, it then vibrated and released small bursts of electricity. Slithering inside of her pussy.

Eden gritted her teeth and started to drool from the pleasure. Drowning in it while she came again and again with the others.

SAKURA screamed and her eyes rolled. Her pussy clamped on his cock while she squirted from all the stimulation.

"Ahhhn!~ I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Phyllis' vibrator along with Ein fucking her and Eden's pussy getting a stimulation overload carried her over to cloud 9. Her body twitched and spasmed.

"Take it all SAKURA, don't waste a drop." He then slammed inside and came a lot. She then sighed in satisfaction, feeling the warm and sticky liquid enter her womb.

Vill then used her huge tits to sandwich Ein's dick between it. "Hmm. I know you love this." She then gave him a titfuck while Aponia and Phyllis licked the tip, triple teaming him.

SAKURA and Mobius rested a bit as Ein already started to use his powers and their legs were still trembling.

Vill squeezed her breasts together skillfully. Massaging his penis with her pillowy goodness. Eden tapped out and Phyllis sat on his face as replacement.

Aponia was in a rhythm with Vill, sucking his glans while Vill massaged his shaft with her huge milkers. "Nyaaa! I can't stop cumming!" Ein put a finger in Phyllis' ass and with his dextrous tongue, ate her sopping wet kitty.

Ein then came, Aponia swallowed it all while Vill squeezed his cock for more. "Hmm, you girls make a good team." He stood up and all of the girls' attacks started to weaken.

"Ein's powers in linking our senses is such a cheat. The more we are, the less chances we would win." Eden said while panting, her lower lips sopping wet.

Ein then lifted Aponia, she locked her legs on his waist and put her hands on his shoulders. "Take me Ein-sama." Her eyes were clear and bright. Excited in taking him inside of her once again.

He thrusted inside of her. "Ahh~ Such strength. I am looking forward to it, please pleasure me well." He then put one of her nipples in his mouth and started pumping in and out her slick vagina.

"Ein-sama, that's it. Use me for your pleasure." He then also applied his powers on his cock. As Aponia have good control on her sensitivity and mind. He wanted to see her face contorted with pleasure.

"Ahhhn~ That's cheating Ein-sama!" Her eyes widened and he started rutting furiously. She bit her lip so she won't moan but it was proving to be hard.

"Don't hold it in Aponia. I want to see you drown in pleasure." He whispered to her and sucked on her neck, giving her a hickey.

"That's it Ein-sama! Please make me lose discipline! Ahhhn~" She then lifted herself up using her legs and arms, matching his rhythm. Slapping her bubbly ass on his hips.

"I'm cumming Ein-sama! Please grace me with your seed!" She tightened and her pussy massaged his cock like a living being, intent on milking him.

He thrusted hard and deep, releasing it all inside of her. "Hmmm! That's what I want! Yes!" She panted and was satisfied from his ministrations.

He then put her on the bed and made a stack with Eden beneath, Vill on the middle, their tits smushing each other. While Phyllis was right above. Her tail swaying hypnotically.

"Hmmm, Eeny, meeny, miny, moe!" He picked Eden 1st and thrusted deep. "Ein! So hard!" His penis knocked on her cervix. Vill then started to play with her clit again with her toys, while he licked Phyllis' pussy that was right on his face.

"Hnn! Such strong stimulation! I'll lose my mind!" Vill shouted but can't stop. Addicted and drowning in pleasure. Phyllis drooled while Eden panted, trying to catch her breath from the endless orgasms.

"Yesss! Go rougher! I love it!" Eden shouted and moaned in pleasure, losing herself to the overwhelming sensations. Her pussy twitching and massaging his cock because of orgasming.

"Hnn! Eden! I'm almost there." He quickened his pace and released ropes of semen. "Ahhhn~ So much still!" She sighed in contentment and went limp.

Ein lifted Phyllis and Vill away from Eden. He then straddled Phyllis to his dick and Vill on his face. He pierced Phyllis' vagina quickly while attacking Vill's slippery pussy.

"Nyan~ Fuck me good!" Phyllis shouted while Vill was speechless from his tongue. It was so much better than her toys.

Phyllis was the lightest and she nimbly took his cock in her pussy quickly. The vibrating member made her squirt from too much pleasure.

Vill's expert personality then rose up. Grinding her hips skillfully, while Ein held her thick thighs. "Hmmm! So much stimulus! I'm going insane!" Her eyes rolled and she had a fuck drunk face on while she enjoyed his tongue.

Ein went balls deep, lifting Phyllis up while filling her up with semen. "Nyaaa! Sho good!" She stiffened up, while her tail went straight as an arrow. Her fur standing on end, ears twitching. And then she went limp.

Ein then pushed Vill down, he lifted her thicc legs and initiated a mating press. "I should've done this to Phyllis, but I guess maybe after this?" He smirked and inserted his cock inside of her.

"Hnnn! Soo deep!" She squirmed but she couldn't move. Ein has her locked down on the bed, his hips driving his cock deeper inside of her.

"I love this! More! Go faster!" His pelvis slapped against her thick thighs in a fast pace. Her tongue was out while she drooled.

After a few minutes, he busted his load and Vill panted. "Yeeees. I love it. That was intense." She went limp and Ein looked at Mobius.

"Hmm, how about it birthday girl. I know you have tons left in you." He wiggled his brows and Mobius gave a wide smile with half lidded eyes. "Come here stud. I'm already satisfied, but you've got lots to make up for lost time." She slithered and clinged to him, ready for another.


Earlier, Sakura and Kallen were roaming around the base, amazed by the technology that are hundreds of years more advanced. "This place is amazing no matter how many times I see it. I just can't wrap my head around it."

Kallen said while operating a vending machine. Getting some strawberry milk and hot chocolate. Some donuts, chocolate bars, and chips.

"Umu, it is really amazing. If Ein didn't give us knowledge about this, we would immediately say this is magic or the work of some evil spirit or devil." Sakura got some tea and they continued their sightseeing.

They then saw a room called security. Entering it, they started to see multiple screens and Klein was inside.

"Hello Ms. Kallen and Sakura, what is your purpose in coming here." The cute little Elf asked which made Kallen jump on her and rub her cheek against Klein's.

"Please stop that Ms. Kallen, or I would be forced to retract your privileges on the snacks from the vending machine." Klein threatened her which made her let go while Sakura smiled wryly and shook her head.

"Say Klein, are those in real time?" Kallen saw the screen and there were cctv's all over the place. "Yes, they are. It is not needed, but it was made by Vill-v."

They then started to watch the different perspectives. And finally reached Ein's room, he was massaging Mobius and the other 5 were waiting their turn, and the camera can capture audio as well.

"Hmm, that looks good! But I can't get naked like that though." Kallen observed that they were so relaxed, but they were naked and she blushed.

"Ahem, it does look pleasant." Sakura coughed and observed. And after Ein hugged them, Mobius put her hands in his pants. Kallen that was drinking some hot chocolate dropped her cup while Sakura did a spit take.

She coughed heavily and stared at the screen. The other girls started to strip him. Their curiosity was piqued and they couldn't look away.

"Yare yare, they have witnessed it. But you didn't have to make a mess." Klein started cleaning up and simply continued working.

"Uhhh, what are they doing?" Kallen kind of knew but she asked nonetheless, it was taught briefly in the church. "They're... Massaging him! Yes, it's his turn now." Sakura was in denial but she still looked on.

But they started kissing and Ein undressed Mobius again.

"Hmm? They're still watching? I must let Dr. Ein know later." Klein took a camera and filmed the 2 who were getting comfortable in a couch. Even zooming in on the action.

"Why did head engineer Vill-v even made these cameras. She is simply too anxious. Now voyeurs are watching their nightly activities." Klein then started to observe the 2 girls and took out a clipboard, writing a narrative report on what they were doing.


Thanks for reading guys, and yes. It is Mobius' birthday today, Happy birthday Mobius, the scientist even crazier than Orochimaru.

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