
The City of Eden

The next four months were the busiest of Raven's and my life. Katye's might have been on that list too if she did not have Lexa's memories and responsibilities, but the signs of stress could even be seen in her towards the end of the major push. Building a city for two thousand people in four months was not an easy feat, even with the crazy powers that Katye and I had.

Instead of building into the valley, the city of Eden was built on the edge of it. The houses were cookie-cutters with a total of ten different designs with two of them meant for larger families, though we built enough that each person could have their own individual house. There was a sewer system that ran under the main roads which would be aided by the rainfall that I could call whenever needed. The water treatment plant could not be completed until Arkadia's hydro-generator could be taken, which meant moving the majority of the population of the former space station to Eden. Although it was not difficult to achieve, it was the first stress test for our budding city, but we managed and even improved.

For power, we had set up a large field of solar panels to the southwest of the city as well as a generator like the one that we had built for Mount Weather. The hope was to not be fully dependent on the mana-powered generators, but until Arkadia's solar panels could be taken, it was not likely to happen soon. The houses, workshops, and storage buildings all had minimal lighting, but it was enough that the young city could chase away the darkness at night.

With the bones of the city built up, the only thing left to do was to move the main population to the city. Mount Weather and the Second Dawn Bunker would stay active with skeletal crew and keep producing food to take the burden off of the city's farms while Arkadia would slowly be dismantled and harvested for whatever parts that could be useful. Thankfully, with the Gagarin, moving everyone was a fairly easy matter and a chance for a long, overdue reunion.

Diyoza had Shaw land on the edge of the ruins of Polis and our little group exited the ship. Katye and Echo had remained behind in Eden, but Raven and Madi had come with me to help move people out of the bunker. Diyoza's baby bump was showing more and more, but she had stubbornly refused to ease her workload despite her approaching due date. Abby had been threatening to confine her to bedrest, but without any problems appearing, there was little that the doctor could do to convince her to take it easy.

"Are you going to be ready to start school with the other kids? You'll have a week after this," I asked Madi as we made our way to the bunker entrance.

"Yeah," she said with a happy smile.

"Good, but I expect that you keep your grades up or I promise that I'll come up there and embarrass you to death," I threatened with a light chuckle.

"You wouldn't!"

"You know she would," Raven chuckled.

Kane, Diyoza, and Shaw also chuckled since they had gotten used to me teasing Madi. Everyone had formed good bonds and gotten to know each other over the past few months while building up the city. It was a relief to see that things were finally going our way and we could have the peace that we all had hoped for with this rebirth.

Since we had already radioed ahead that we were landing, there was a crowd building, carrying bags and boxes, but it was the small group of people outside of the main group that I was excited to see. Luna, Derrick, and Adria, Clarke and Niylah, Monty and Harper, Jasper and Shay, Murphy and Emori... Love had clearly blossomed within the bunker over the six years as original and new couples alike had been formed. I had to say, it made me happy to see that Abby and Kane were not the only relationship from the show to be recreated.

"Although you have met before through video conferences, allow me to introduce the last members of the Wonkru Council; Clarke Griffin, Council Member, and Luna, Heda of Wonkru," I said.

Diyoza gave a slight bow towards Luna and shook her offered hand as she said, "It's good to meet you both in person."

"It is," Luna replied with a gentle smile. "Thank you for joining us and helping with the relocation."

"I should be thanking you all. Rebecca and Katye have done a lot to win the goodwill of my people, far more than I even knew that they had in them. I hope that we can live up to your standards and be a good addition to Wonkru," Diyoza said respectively.

"I'm sure you will be. Now, how about we allow the old friends to catch up while we start bringing our people onboard?"

Diyoza nodded and motioned towards the ship. Luna, Derrick, Adria, Kane, Diyoza, and Shaw all walked away which left Raven, Madi, and I with the small group of reformed delinquents and their loved ones. No one spoke right away as we exchanged hugs, knowing that we were all finally back together.

"So, who does the kid belong to?" Murphy asked with his usual lack of tact.

"God, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've missed you, Murphy," I said which caused the others to laugh. "We found Madi when we found Eden. Her entire village had been killed by the radiation, yet the tough little kid had been surviving on her own for a month before we got there. It took a bit before she was willing to trust us, but eventually, she did, and we've been raising her with Katye and Echo since."

"Katye?" Monty asked with confusion.

"You'll meet her soon enough," I sighed without explaining further.

Katye's other identity would come out soon enough, so if they could not put the pieces together, knowing that 'Octavia' had died, I was not going to explain anything else. There was a chance that if anyone opposed Luna's position as Heda that they would try to pull Katye into the plot to overthrow her, but if anyone was truly that dumb, Katye would play along for long enough to ensure that she could pull out the roots of that group. Neither of us wanted anything to do with ruling over what was left of the human race, which was why we had put people that we trusted into power. They would handle the people while we trained ourselves and prepared for the Final War, so that none of them would have to fight in it.

All of us chatted for a while and introduced the few who were not a part of the original hundred, but eventually, everything and everyone was loaded, leaving us to board the ship last. The ride back to Eden was nice as everyone retold fun stories of the six years that Raven and I had missed out on. We helped them get settled into their new homes and made plans for a small party with all of our friends after Luna's speech in a few days to memorialize Wonkru's move to Eden. Afterwards, Raven, Madi, and I met up with Katye and Echo at sunset by the rover and drove back to our own home; Madi was far more likely to move into the city on her own before the rest of us left our mountainside home.

Brana Sova, the Day of New Beginnings, would be the first holiday of Wonkru where everyone would celebrate the unity of the Human Race. Of course, those of us in the know, knew that there were those that could still oppose us, but it was a chance for the majority to celebrate while the rest of us had a good excuse to enjoy ourselves. After Lexa's big speech and the giveaway of rare fruits which came from our orchard, my little group met up with the rest of the old delinquent group for a quiet party on the far edge of town.

Of course, it did not stay quiet, but that was why we had made a temporary building away from the residents' side of the city. Raven had set up a sound system through the main room and I supplied both the music and alcohol, dipping into my stash of moonshine. I could also dispel the effects of the alcohol if anyone started overdoing it which kept things from getting too crazy. It was not really Echo's type of event, but Katye was able to pull her in and help her enjoy it. Raven and I also had our fun, drinking and dancing, but as the night went on, more and more people started leaving the party. Eventually, we were saying goodbye to the last of our friends when an old, familiar face made an appearance.

"Go... you know that you want to," Raven said softly, nudging me towards Bellamy.

"Thanks," I replied then kissed her forehead and walked over to Bellamy who was standing away from the rest with a young woman that I recognized as Gina from Mecha Station.

Gina also moved away so that the two of us could talk privately. Over the six years when we communicated with the bunkers and Arkadia, Bellamy had made a point of only talking to me when it was needed. I had hoped that time would help heal the damage between us since I did feel like I owed him something because I had taken Octavia's place in this world. Even if he was not my real brother, I was still his little sister to his knowledge.

"Hey, Bell... Long time no see," I said with a light smile, taking off my mask.

He gave a slow nod and agreed, "It has been."

"Still no good, huh?" I sighed since it did not seem like Bellamy had forgiven me yet.

"I'm trying, O; I have been for years, but it's not easy. I know that you were doing what you thought was best, and you never meant for Finn to be killed, but it's just not good enough for me. You kept secrets from us, you stopped treating me like your brother... It was actions like that which cost mom her life back on the Ark," he replied.

"I get what you are saying," I said with a nod. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry, even if I wouldn't change anything except for saving Finn. I've given everything that I have inside me to reach this point, to build a safe place for everyone, not just those close to me, but it has required me to do things that I'm not proud of. I may not regret my choices, but I will never forget the prices that I have had to pay."

"Well, it's good that you understand the weight of what you have done. I'm sorry I can't be the big brother that you knew."

"I'm not really the little sister you remember anyways... So, why don't we just start over as people who simply know each other then maybe we can become friends down the road?" I suggested.

"I can do that at least," he agreed.

I gave him a smile as I put my mask back on then held out a hand, saying, "The name is Rebecca; it's good to meet you."

He smirked and shook my hand. "Take care of yourself, Rebecca."

Bellamy waved Gina over and the two of them walked away while Raven, Katye, and Echo made their way over to me.

"How did it go?" Katye asked.

"I still don't have a brother, but I might have a friend after some time," I replied.

"He's a fool," Echo remarked.

I chuckled, "It runs in the Blake family... He has his reasons, and they're valid, even without knowing the truth about me, but I'll be happy with another friend."

Katye and I took Raven and Echo back to our home through the Shadow Realm then enjoyed the evening. Madi started school the next day and the four of us took her like proud parents before we started our own duties. Raven worked on the Engineering team, Echo led the Hunting team, and Katye and I would spend our time in the fields, boosting the harvest as best we could.

That became our daily routine as we settled into a peaceful rhythm within the budding city. The only thing that we had to look forward to was getting the city stable enough, so that we could start work on getting the space station up and running once again... well, that, and one other special event. In the middle of November, seven months after returning to Earth, Diyoza went into labor.

Unfortunately for me, I got pulled into the delivery room with Abby and Clarke since my healing could save a life if anything went wrong. Yes, it may have been the miracle of Life, but that did not make it a pleasant thing to watch. Thankfully, I got to be at Diyoza's side and help coach her since my powers were not needed as she attempted to crush my hand with every contraction. After Hope was born, Clarke cleaned her up and wrapped her in a small blanket before passing her off to the exhausted mother.

"Hey, baby girl," Diyoza said with tears in her eyes as she looked down at her newborn daughter. "You may have come from troubled people, but you're my Hope that things can be better, that people can be better, that I can be better. I promise that I will always love you and take care of you."

I placed a hand on Diyoza's shoulder, giving her smile, as Abby and Clarke also gave her happy looks. I gently poked the little baby's nose as I said, "It's about time that you joined us, Little One."

"Do you want to hold her?" Diyoza asked.

"You sure?"

"I think it's only right that her Godmother be one of the first to hold her," she replied.

I chuckled and nodded my head. Diyoza eased Hope into my arms, and I cradled her carefully as a few tears built up in my eyes. She was just so tiny that I was scared that I would accidentally hurt her, but those fears melted as she looked up at me with her dark green eyes and giggled.

"I'll make the same promise that my brother made to me on the day that I was born. I won't let anything bad happen to you, Hope," I promised.

A/N: I would like to ask for those of you who are enjoying the story to leave a review on the story if you haven't already since we are getting near the end goal of 100 chapters!

A/N: If you would like to support me and get early access to the story, join my Pat reon - Azazii6181?fan_landing=true.

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