
Lies; his girlfriend

Vivian let silence take place for a few seconds before saying; "Don't you want my body?" She asked.

"I want your body because I'm desperate, " he said. "But my desperation is different from yours. I can wait for you."

"Lies, what if I say we shouldn't have sex tomorrow?"

"I'll wait for you, that's a fact."

"What if I come to you and find out you didn't wait for me?" She asked.

This made him quiet. "I don't think it will ever happen," his answer didn't sound legit.

"If you don't wait for me, I'll still want to have you." Her voice flooded out softly.

"Will you wait for me?"

"I waited a month to have you as my first, so I can wait knowing that I'll surely have you even if you had someone before me."

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