
A deal is a deal

That was why he killed that unfortunate man, he was telling and saying things he shouldn't say to his landlady, and now she suspected him. If she also doesn't forget about what she assumed about him or stop suspecting him.

He might also kill her!

"Yes, I do work as a security guard and I work at night sometimes. You got a problem with that?" He asked with a dead stare.

Liliana wiped her tears and turned about to walk away, but he pulled her back and her bag fell. Now, she hit her head against the surface of his door as he took her soft white skin hands into his big, unclean hands. Liliana groaned in pain and started to cry again. He glared at her, feeling no remorse at all.

She wasn't scared this time because she was already in pain of losing her friend. And she couldn't control the feelings that surged inside her. It was too much to handle.

Now she understood why she had that feeling last night, why she couldn't sleep.

"What do you want to do to me now?" She had her gaze lowered as she released tears from her brown hazel eyes. Tristan didn't care. It wasn't the first time he watch someone cry in pain which was caused by him.

Liliana now raised her gaze to meet his dark eyes, she faked a smile. "Rip off my clothes and turn me naked?" She asked, her head hurting again, but she endured it. Not only that, his grip against her hands, pained her a lot, but she endured it too. She loves enduring, which wasn't good for her.

"I'll do that if I want to," he said, almost whispering. She looked down in tears.

"Tristan, if you don't have anything to say, please let me go."

"You don't tell me what to do!" He tightened the grips against her soft delicate skin.

"Please," she pleaded. "Just let me go," she whispered, but he didn't listen to her. Instead, he tightened the grips again and now his nails pierced their way into her skin. She grimaced her face in pain. "It pains so much Tristan," she cried, but it seems like he was deaf.

"What did you think? That I'm a criminal?" He asked.

"No, I don't think you are a criminal. Yes, I suspected you are, but I don't believe so… I just came to ask why you aren't working. It's possible you aren't feeling well or there's another reason," she answered. "If you are upset with me… I'm sorry, please forgive me," she said, feeling her blood streaming down her hands and her tears streaming down her face and her heart hurting and her head throbbing.

He tried to stare into her eyes, but she wasn't looking up, and then he realized that his nails were inside her skin. He released her, "Ahh_ah" she gasped and cried. He had finally caused a black spot on her pure white skin.

Tristan sat back on his chair with his nails covered in her blood.

Liliana bent over and pick her bag before going to her house in tears.

When she got to her room, she fell to her knees and let it all out… She missed her parents, she wanted to see them again, she wanted them back. Her hands hurt and sting so much. She wiped her tears and went to treat the wound before going to bed.

Tristan hurt her again, she buried her face in her pillow, crying and wetting it. Why was he so mean to her? What did she do wrong? Thought he agreed to be her friend, he was more like the cause of her pain.

Wetting her pillow was caused by many reasons that could make her lose her mind soon. Losing her parents, missing them, losing her friend… Being hurt by her neighbor and being all alone… No one to share her pains with. She felt really depressed and soon she fell asleep.

Three days passed, but Tristan never came to apologize… Why would he do that anyway? She also ignored him, passed by without greeting and last night when he brought more ladies, she acted like she was blind.

Well, that was what Tristan wanted, but it wasn't fun at all… Teasing her and hurting her, he wasn't able to do that…

On a Friday afternoon, she was all alone, she was to work that night because it was her role. Tristan could see how bored she was, she even called Raquel to come over, but the girl was out on a date. Sitting alone with the cards she wanted to play with Raquel, she sighed. She wished Tristan was a fun neighbor and not always want to hurt or tease her.

Suddenly, she heard her doorbell ring. Liliana went to open the door thinking Raquel changed her mind, but she saw Tristan. She blinked her eyes so many times, not ready to let him in or say a word. She only stared at him in awe.

"Will you let me in?" He asked with that unpleasant voice of his.

She shook her head. "No, you are not invited," she said.

"Okay," he left the door and went in, which was beyond her expectations. "You want to play cards?" He turned around, but she wasn't there anymore.

"It's not your business," she said, already in front of him. He faked a smile.

"Let's play together," he uttered… His motive wasn't always a good one. "Whoever wins gets something from the other," he said and sat on a settee. She sat on the other one.

"I don't want to play with you," she concluded but had something different in mind. Maybe Tristan was here because he regrets maltreating her.

"You will get something if you do. Whatever you want I'll do so if you win," he convinced her.

'Really?' she asked inwardly which he could hear.

He nodded.

"If I win you'll apologize to me for hurting my feelings," she said.

"Sure and if I win, you'll kiss me passionately," he wet his tongue.

"Huh?" She was confused. "I don't…"

He ignored her and picked up the cards, he assembled them and handed her some. They played for a long time until… He won.

He laughed. "I won sexy Landlady," he teased her. The only thing that was on her mind when he said 'won' was herself kissing him. She grimaced her face… 'I don't want to kiss you… I really don't know how to kiss' she said inwardly, and he heard that.

"A deal is a deal Landlady," he leaned forward. She glanced at him with a pleading look.



"You wouldn't like my kissing even if I kiss you," she said.


"'cause… I… I don't know how to kiss," she blurted out with her eyes closed in shame.

"Then I'd guide you while you kiss me… Now come over here," he told her… She regretted she ever agreed to play with him. He was always up to no good.

Liliana swallowed and went to him. She sat next to him but he shook his head. "Huh?" She was confused.

"You sit on my lap… kneel on the chair with your legs astride and my legs will be between your parted legs," he explained.

"I don't want to…" She looked at his eyes and then did as he said.

"Wrap your hands around my neck," he instructed her. She did it unwillingly. It was a lesson not to let him in or make a deal with him again.

He grabbed her waist into his massive hands. "Don't remove your hands," he told her before she did.

"But, I don't want this," she complained.

"We made a deal Landlady… Now lean in," he told her, and she did until their noses were about to touch.

"Closer and press your lips on mine," he told her again. Liliana sighed in frustration… She looked at his lips before leaning closer… This was going to be her first kiss ever, and she never once thought it would be this displeasing and forced. Liliana slowly pressed her lips on his and he grasped her waist, she was about to lean back, but he claimed her lips. "Suck on my upper lip Landlady," he said against her lips and she did as she was told, he didn't teach her how to kiss but guiding her, she learned it slowly. This time he wasn't sucking anything from her, so she can't be weak… With their tongues colliding and him taking her breath away, he took her waist and pulled her closer, but he had to stop, something was off. This was strange and wasn't how he reacts when kissing. Somehow, he felt awoken and if he doesn't stop and pull out, he might open up to her, and she might see his memories. Memories are powers to everyone. Without memories, everyone would be powerless, and his memories were filled with terrifying things… Things she wouldn't want to see, things that can make her react in a way that would get him upset.

He pulled out and she gasped. Liliana panted and when he loosened the grasp around her waist, she stood up and went to sit back on her sofa.

"I've kissed you already Tristan, let's play again," she said.

"You know you'd kiss me again if you lose… Wanna take the risk?" He was quick to recover and was thankful that he was able to resist the erotic feeling that suffused him the moment the kiss graduated to the next level.

"Yes, if it means you'd apologise to me, I would, and I believe I'll win," she was so confident and was being audacious, looks like she has sucked out some power from him.

"Okay if you say…believe so landlady," he said and leaned forward.

They played again and then, she looked at him with a smirk. She placed the last card she had and "whoa!" She screamed… "I won dear neighbor," she told him.

Tristan couldn't help it, he lowered his gaze and laughed. She desperately wanted him to apologize to her.

"You have to…" She couldn't finish yet because he had come closer to her. "Apologize," she looked at him, ecstasy evidently written on her face. For some weird reason, he liked that she was happy. No, Tristan! Get yourself together! But she was just too cute when she was happy… He found his lips curling up into a genuine smile, which was appearing on his face without permission. She wanted an apology, she gets an apology.

"Okay Landlady…. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings and making you cry," he poked her chest and she looked down at his hand before glaring at him. "Please find it in your heart to forgive your neighbor," he apologized.

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