
Empires are built on corpses

"A letter had arrived young master." said Giorno while entering my lab.

"Who is it from this time?" I asked.

"It doesn't say." he replied while handing the letter to me.

"Hmm, that's weird." I thought aloud. "And you don't recognise the crest huh?" I ask. Giorno is the one who deals with the letters while I simply tell him what to reply, honestly he even reads them to me if I am not in the mood to read them myself... damn he spoils me too much.

"I do not young master." he answered while bowing slightly. "The crest is unlike any I have ever seen before."

"I see..." I reply while taking a closer look at the crest stamped on the letter. There is something familiar about it... "Well whatever, let's just see if they say who it is on the actual letter." I say while opening it up and taking a look at the contents.

"Hmmm." I hum softly once I finish reading the letter before a smile forms on my face. "HAHAHAHAHA"

"Everything alright young master?" asked Giorno once I stopped laughing, a curious yet confused expression on his face.

"Yes." I reply, a smile still on my face. "I just read something very fascinating."

"I see, may I ask what it was?" he asked.

"Yes, you see I have apparently received a trade offer." I reply while smiling widely. "They usually only invite people for auctions, but they actually went and invited me for a private offer. Whoever is in charge of the Rail Zeppelin must have a serious interest on acquiring a Ring of Salvation if they went and did this."

I have no clue about who the owner or manager of the train is, but I am not quite surprised they want one of my rings. It is very simple to see why someone in their 'line of work' would want to have an extra life.

"Is that good young master?" asked Giorno. "I thought you already had what you wanted from them, or are you planning on changing your eyes perhaps." he continued asking a bit concerned.

"Changing my eyes? Sorry to disappoint but going through that once is more than enough, besides I doubt they will have the only eye worth changing the pair I have right now." I reply while shaking my head. "However, an extra pair of eyes to spare is not a bad idea..."

"Sigh, you should be more careful young master." said Giorno. "It has only being three months since you started selling the rings so perhaps there are people still underestimating you, people who think that by getting their hands on you they will have a chance at real immortality."

"I don't doubt that." I reply. "But there is no need for me to worry about such things. I can only think of two humans who might actually pose a threat and one of them should be a child right now, if she is even alive in this timeline. The other one will come tomorrow to buy a ring for himself so I doubt he is planning on killing his supplier. I might be under kidnapping threat, but I won't worry about such things, after all I have you to protect me don't I?" I say while looking in his direction. By now Giorno is an absolute combat beast, turning him into a homunculi and giving him extra lives already sets him way above most others, add to that his 'ultimate shield' ability and his combat experience and you get a butler who has evolved into a supreme bodyguard.

"Besides, the man coming tomorrow has a thing for jewels so I don't think he would kill the person who makes the greatest ones, though he is quite whimsical so maybe he would... sigh, what a troublesome mind I have, maybe because of how long I have been a magus but I truly can't let something like this go, meeting a sorcerer might be a once in a life time opportunity."

Giorno let out a small smile while he bowed slightly. "In that case I shall continue doing my best."

I looked at him while nodding as a smile formed on my own face. "Send them a reply, tell them I agree o a meeting. If you can set it for a week from now." I say while handing him back the letter Rail Zeppelin sent.

"Another thing young master." said Giorno, bringing my attention out of my thoughts and back to him. "Your mother called to say that with the help of the Gem of God you gave her she has been able to start experimenting on 'Project Phoenix' once again."

"Huh, well that's interesting." I had forgotten about her attempts at making a phoenix until she told me when I gave her the gem, but I guess the philosopher's stone is a lot like a phoenix's powers, I mean regeneration, rebirth and more mana are basically what you think of when the thought of a phoenix passes your head... well that and fire. "Tell her to let me know if she needs more. I only sent her two gems so it most likely will not be enough for her experiments."

"I shall do so young master." replied Giorno while leaving the room.

Once Giorno left, I simply slouched back on my chair and began playing with the Ring of Salvation on my hand. Yeah the names were a bit over the top, honestly 'Ring of Salvation' and 'Gem of God', like I am dying of the cringe here. Nearly twenty years in this world and I still don't understand why people don't just die from edginess.

In my defence, I used my name for the gem and my last name for the ring, not my fault my name literally means god and my last name means salvation.

I sighed while bringing my attention back to the table were many red glowing gems were placed. "Sigh, I hate doing this type of work." I complain to myself before continuing the division process. I have made two philosopher's stones in the last three months thanks to my dad's help in securing... materials. Now I am simply dividing the stones into smaller ones, each with a single soul, but the process is not exactly efficient since around half of the souls are lost throughout it.

Inwardly however, I can't even be mad at having to do all this, after all I am about to enter a whole new stage with them. I guess I would make a pretty good ruler, after all if history has taught anything is that kingdoms, empires, nations, they are all built on corpses.

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