
Truth: Half-rewritten

There was a soft groan, and a flutter of eyelids fluttered open, Sul was back in her own quarters. everything was quiet, but then, in a blink of an eye, and as fast as a flash of lightning, everything came back to her, she remembered everything about what happened.

The meeting with the Archangel Kakorot.

The shocking revelations.

The intense training.

She remembered it all.

Of course it was extremely easy to just label this off as dream, but Sul remembered something else as well.


Well, it is time to send you off." Kakorot said with a smile, "You will wake up, and it will be the morning, you will feel like it is a dream," there was a small pause before he continued, "Do not hide this from your husband, I do not want him to hate you for lying to him, just tell them the truth and nothing but the truth, unless others or himself finds out first, and cause bigger problems than need to be."

(Flashback End}

"It was all true." she whispered to herself, "This is exactly as he said it would feel like, nothing but a dream, but yet, I could feel it, the power...the strength, it hadn't diminished."

"She got out of her bed and stretched with a yawn, before she got herself together and headed out.

The day went by, it was nothing abnormal, except maybe a few curious glances being sent her way, she paid no interest to them, she knew her personality had shifted to that of confidence, though it wasn't arrogance, she was just...more sure of herself now.

"ou have changed." Sul's secret husband said his tone was neutral, but if you look at his look, you can easily tell that he was interested.

"Can we speak in private." Sul whispered, "It is of grave importance, and must be discussed privately."

This caused Darkseid to become even more curious, he nodded and followed her...

Once she sure she was alone, she spilled everything to him, just as he was told to do, about her summoning with Kakorot, the blessings, given to her by the creator, the brutal training she went through and the depart. She didn't spare not a single detail.

Darkseids expression was blank, as he processed all of this information for a long moment, before he slowly nodded his head.

"I see," he muttered, "So, that is how you changed."

I see... that explains why you are so much stronger than before." Darkseid eventually responded, he nodded at her in approval. With Kakorot officially on their side, he could finally face his father without fear... Sul felt like a great burden was lifted from her shoulders.

She sighed, "Yes. It does, dear, he told me to tell you the full truth, so that it will cause less problems in the future between us and those around us, in the near future."

"Darkseid nodded slowly, "Problems," he muttered softly, "By problems you wouldn't happen to mean my mother and my brother now would you?"

"It is a possibility." Sul did her best to hide her anger at the intensity that was coming of of her husband in waves.

"Do you take me as a fool?" Darkseid asked stoicly, causing her to flinch.

"I um...dear...I can..."

"I have known my mother, and my father my whole life, but I am not much of an idiot to ignore the way they act around my beloved. Even after I have threatened them myself. It has became worse for you, am I right, be truthful with me." Darkseids tone, left no room for argument, she was stunned for a second, before a small smile slowly began to form on her lips.

Darkseid was silent for a long time, as if thinking about something, his fingers slowly balled into a fist, "If mother tries anything, she will be dead before my feet, if my brother tries anything he to, shall reach the same fate. As for father, he plans to rage war on the celestials, I shall defend the celestials in your masters honor, for stooping so low to protect you, by making you stronger."

Sul's eyes widened. Darkseid felt a small smirk come to his face,.

Why was darkseid doing this, well, his mother was never truly a mother to begin with, neither was his brother, they treated him, like one would a trophy, a prized weapon, so it was pretty obvious that although he didn't love them, he didn't hate them, he felt no love for them, but he loves his wife dearly, if they do try to kill or harm his wife at anytime, they shall be dead by his feat.

"As heir, I am expected to fight along side of my father." Darkseid said, "But if what you told me is true, than the Archangel Kakorot is no mere legend, so because of that there is a garenteee that he will show up, to defend the celestials once again, I will side with the celestials, and fight with them. Then I will kill my father."

Darkseid who had once feared his fathers power, now with the revelation of the legend becoming real, he does not fear anymore, his father is a power hungry, and a stubborn fool he will most likely try to clash against Kakorot in a battle, from the information Sul gave him, Kakorot was indeed as mighty as the legends foretold, so it should be easy to tire his father out, then, he would kill him.

"Sul slowly nodded her head.

Sul leaned in, and kissed him on the lips,


Looking out into the distance, I listened on to their conversation and smiled.

I then saw something behind me, and my smile grew.

It looks looks like they aren't the only ones who has changed apparently

I turned my head to the left, to see Gohan behind me, I smiled at him, ", what is it you want son?" I asked.

Gohan looked at me with a small smirk on his face, I know what he was thinking, I know what he had achieved, honestly, I was very impressed.

""tt's nothing much dad..." Gohan said his smirk growing wider, "Though talking is pointless, I think it's better if I showed you."

I know I know, I'm sorry, it's just I knew the chapter could be better so I just extended it and rewrote a large portion of it, I hope you like it, I appreciate power stones, have a good day

Elliot_Jacksoncreators' thoughts
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