
Who is Riya?

Jold district No-4, Arte's star-watching tower.

A huge tower stands majestically here right in the middle of the Jold district No-4 in the city's core area. This place is rather close to the great Freya Academy. This tower has a very magnificent look from outside, several clouds can be seen covering its top, due to which the tower's top is always hidden from the people looking from outside. 

But the difference about this tower is, in this magical world filled with magical phenomenon this tower's insides are completely without any mana and it's not a tower containing monsters or floor bosses etc. like in those tower raiding novels. 

This is also the reason why this tower is actually more of a tourist attraction spot rather than a spot for awakeners to raid. Every day thousands of people visit this place just so they can reach its top to view a beautiful scenery and try their luck. 

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